The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1018: Okay, recognize each other!

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Fortunately, after such a lot of trouble, Huangfu Nanlian also understood why they had hugged them before. That was a confession.

Looking at Wang Yan's expression like taking the wrong medicine, Nan Lian's mouth could not help twitching a few times, it was really too patient, even this kind of thing can cause oolong, but this thing has some benefits .

At least after such a show, her nervousness has disappeared without a trace.

Nan Lian took a deep breath, and the lotus stepped forward, the ice energy in the body exploded inside the cell, and poured into every corner of the body. After the energy was released, her long black hair instantly turned to white, and spread over her shoulders like a waterfall.

Her eyes turned into a pair of ice-blue eyes, and the vortex like ice and snow swirled in her pupils.

In the past, Nan Lian couldn't control the disappearance of ice eyes, and he wore sunglasses no matter where he went. Today, her strength is far from being comparable to that day, and it is enough to control whether her vision of ice is visible.

After her power broke out, the white-haired ice eyes looked almost exactly like the ice crown women, and their temperaments were instantly similar. In this way, even the first-time people can recognize at a glance that there is absolutely a deep relationship between Nan Lian and the ice crown girl.


The ice crown woman's face was pale, her azure eyes surged violently, and she looked at Nanlian in surprise. There is no need to explain at this time, and there is no need to show anything. The gray hair, the ice eyes, the two people have the same temperament, they all show that the blood connection between the two.

At this point in her eyes, there was no longer Wang Yan's "fake daughter", only Nan Lian.

In the surging ice eye of the woman, two drops of crystal tears rolled down and fell to the ground. Ding Ding Dong Dong cracked a piece, she walked forward with a slight trembling movement.

"Sister Nanlian, don't you call Mom?" Wang Yan said urgingly.

Nan Lian's eyes were already slightly moist, and he was so urged to roll his eyes at him again. Immediately, when she looked at the ice crown girl, she choked out slightly: "Mom!"

"Child, you are my child." The ice crown woman flicked to Nanlian's body, her arms stretched out, holding Nanlian in her arms, and she choked with excitement. Wouldn't be wrong again. Child, tell mom, what's your name? "

There was nothing wrong in the mouth, but the ice crown woman who had been bitten by a snake and admitted to the wrong child was still a little bit nervous.

"Nan Lian, my name is Huang Fu Nan Lian." Nan Lian's mood is also very excited and complicated. For a long time, she has been imagining who her mother is and what she looks like.

Until now, I didn't have the palpitations that I had imagined.

Speaking of which, this guy had to blame the guy Wang Yan for completely ruining the atmosphere and making it strange.

The ice crown woman was very emotional and muttered to herself: "Huangfu Nanlian, good name, good name. This is like my daughter's name."

Wang Yan was on the side, his face twitching. What do you mean, my mother-in-law, seem to be scorning my name?

The two maids, Dongsun and Hanju, were all happy, and filled with tears in their eyes: "It's great, God made the adult finally recognize the lady. This is simply the most beautiful picture in the world."

However, Han Ju whispered again with laughter: "It was the young lady who suddenly became the son, and the young son suddenly became the young lady. This style always makes me feel weird."

At this time they no longer have scruples and no longer whisper in native language.

Wang Yan glared at her, what a lady became a son, and a son became a lady. These are all conceived by you yourself, making things so complicated. Fortunately, brother was clever and finally solved the problem smoothly.

Nanlian and her mother recognized each other, naturally, it was affectionate and touching.

After more than ten minutes, her mother took her to the side to talk. The main reason is to express some apologies to Nan Lian. At that time, she was a strong enemy. She did not know whether she could resist it, and she could not send Nan Lian to her father to raise her.

The strong enemy really hurt the man who landed in the Arctic ice sea. It was exactly that time,

In recent years, Dongdao has not been peaceful, and a strong enemy has been watching in secret, so she has never been to Nanlian, and she does not want to involve her.

After learning that her mother did not deliberately abandon herself, sister Nan Lian couldn't help but relieve her long-standing mustache.

At the same time, everyone also knows the name of the ice crown woman, a name with a beautiful and long pronunciation, but translated into Huaxia is a beautiful and flawless lotus growing in pure ice and snow.

Of course, it can be simply referred to as ice lotus.

It's no wonder that Wang Yan touched his nose. She hadn't introduced herself to the name just now. It turned out that her name was so long ...

It is even more clear why sister Nanlian's father, Huangfu Mingjie, named her Nanlian. It was to commemorate the mysterious wife in the extreme north. Compare your daughter to the lotus in the south.

Waiting for their emotions to gradually calm down from excitement.

Binglian, the mother of Nanlian, the **** of ice and snow made the adult suddenly think of something. Her eyes slammed into Wang Yan with a sudden burst of electricity, and the cold anger that her voice couldn't say: "Now, it's time to count the accounts between us. Excuse me, what's the reason? Mommy? "

When thinking of this matter, the ice and snow envoy couldn't help but feel angry. This stinky boy called mom when he came up, which caused her huge psychological damage. After that, she was even hugged with him.

Wang Yan was so excited that he started to suffer. She thought she had forgotten this, but she didn't expect to mention the old thing again. He scratched his head and smiled twice: "My one, it's not a lip service. I'm Sister Nanlian's boyfriend, I have agreed to stay together for a long time. In order to show respect for you, I call you a mom, too It should be. "

The muscles on the cheeks of Bingxue could not help but twitch slightly, respect? Thank you so much for your respect. She all gave birth to a urge to kill the stinky boy.

And the ominous hunch in my heart came true. This just recognized her daughter, she had to face her daughter's boyfriend.

When I remembered the embarrassment of misidentifying him as a daughter before, the ice and snow angel's face rose up, and his voice was cold: "Stinky boy, you and Lian'er, the original angel does not agree."

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, embarrassed this stinky boy, marrying her daughter of the ice and snow god, how could it be so easy? What's more, she also wanted to see the expression of the stinky boy.

Wang Yan touched her nose helplessly and smiled bitterly. Not long ago, he also called him Yaner intimately and asked for a hug pitifully.

But now, it's too ruthless to call myself a stink boy in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately for this result, Wang Yan had long expected. He wiped his face, said calmly and submissively: "God makes the Lord not agree, then he will not agree."

"Well." Where did the ice and snow **** expect Wang Yan to reply, she couldn't help but stop her heart, she glared, "The **** messenger said no, you wouldn't agree? You are a man, there is no Hold on a little bit? "

In fact, she also knows that she has no position on this matter to set up obstacles for Nanlian. She is simple, purely embarrassed for this stupid boy.

"Of course there is." Wang Yan said confidently, "Master God's Lord does not agree for the time being, it is because he does not understand me yet. I firmly believe that as time passes, Lord God's Master will definitely see my good side. . "


The ice and snow angel's face was a little slower, and said coldly, "Very well, the **** angel wants to see, what do you use to prove yourself. Now there is no need to say more, the **** angel is going to reunite with her daughter, saying Some whispers, wherever you call, just go wherever you are. "

During the speech, he sent the guest order without mercy.

This is really a bridge crossing. When Wang Yan was just about to speak, the white-clothed Si Bing stepped forward and said to Wang Yan: "Master God said, please." Her face was cold and cold, and she obviously didn't like Wang Yan.

Just thought he was a son, wasting some emotions.

"Xiao Yan, my mother and I will talk for a while." Nan Lian handed an apologetic look.

"Understand, understand." Wang Yan chuckled, throwing a relieved look, "Your mother and daughter don't meet again for a long time, it should be gathered together, you don't have to take care of me too."

With that said, he left the bedroom of the Ice and Snow Envoy with Si Bing and Bai Lisha.

When he first came to the hall, Wang Yan felt that the atmosphere was very wrong.

The guards of the Winter Island Temple faced off with the young people from the Winter God clan, and they were very angry with each other, and many people had been injured. Of course, most of the injured are guards of the Winter Island Temple.

The red tank was naked ~ naked, the muscles were bulging like iron, and the skin was red like fire, standing like a red giant standing on the spot. Who will come again? "At this time, the red tank had been wounded many times, and the wound was fierce and cracked, but it added his prestige.

As soon as this remark came out, the guards of the temples of the Winter Island shouted at him. However, between the eyebrows, it is full of fear. Obviously, they were all frightened by the red tank.

Seeing Wang Yan fainted, why did he suddenly fight again? And such an arrogant and overbearing style does not match the red tank. Normally he is not like this.

At this moment, the red tank squinted at Wang Yan. His face was suddenly overjoyed, and he smiled wildly: "Pharaoh Pharaoh, you come here quickly. It turns out that it's really cool to pretend to be 13 like you. Come, let's come together."

Everyone's eyes shot at Wang Yan in unison. Especially the guards who guarded the temple were very unhappy with Wang Yan. It turned out that the arrogance of the red tank was learned from this kid.

Wang Yan looked stunned and touched his nose full of helplessness. Lao Tan, what did you say, when did you pretend to be 13?


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