The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1021: Exotic test conference

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What makes Wang Yan speechless is that the snow and ice element elves also imitate the female guests in the blind date program, either pretending to be pure and cute, pretending to be charming, or pretending to be dignified and intellectual, each with its own positioning attributes.

Not to mention, the ice element elves, imitated quite like that. It seems that they did not watch that TV program less, and did not try to figure out those moods.

Wang Yan was frightened here, and the rest were also stunned and stared at this scene stupidly. Obviously, this method has never appeared before. And they are not like Wang Yan, they have watched similar TV shows.

Everyone is staring at you, and I look at you, looking shocked.

Subsequently, Han Ju, who was a maid, came to the stage and flew to the center of the stage. Her voice was exasperated: "Now I invite the first guest to play. That, who, who, who is you."

What was ordered was a well-guarded and powerful temple guard.

He looked around for a while, and after a long while he realized that he came to order him. Later, he was ecstatic, feeling very lucky. Farting came out and took off his helmet to reveal a boxy face. This guy ... Wang Yan seems to remember him, especially shameless when drinking, all sorts of shameless ass.

He held the helmet in his arms and nodded with a frivolous smile to the snow elves and said: "Everyone ..."

"Duang, Duang, Duang!"

After he finished speaking, a series of lights extinguished and nine of them were extinguished in one breath!

Obviously, the guardian of the Sifang Face Temple was agitated, panicked and wondering.

The maidservant Han Ju explained with a high voice: "Everyone can see that we have twenty-four ice and snow element elves on the scene. They are all pure lives born from the ice and snow elements and have a very high affinity for the snow and ice elements. Any guest , Have to pass the test of the snow elves. If the snow elves are not satisfied with the guests, they will choose to turn off the lights. After three rounds of questions and answers, the more lights the guests take the top five for the winter goddess to choose the heir. "

As soon as this rule came out, the tears of the guards of the Quartet's face were about to fall. He just started talking, and he was extinguished by nine lights. In this heart, really hurt, don't want it. Why is this? He clearly smiles sincerely and is very polite.

Many people off the field are also very baffling. This temple guard still looks very decent, how could it be destroyed a lot? It seems that it is difficult to support three rounds.

"Aren't everyone weird?" Han Ju, who is the presenter now, is also full of doubts, and proposes, "Let us ask the distinguished snow elves, what is the reason, let them destroy this ... You What is your name?"

"Canovariman Hughesvala ..." Fang Zheng replied honestly with a guarded face.

"Duang, Duang!" Two more lights went out.

Straight out the heart guarding Fangzheng's face, he widened his eyes and shut up quickly.

"The name is too long, let's call you Kano." Han Ju also hurriedly changed the subject and asked the snow elves, "Elf Twenty-three, please tell me the reason why you turn off the lights. Is Mr. Kano not suitable for the snow and ice elements? ? "

It was a snow elf with a flowery gesture. Her beautiful eyes lifted proudly and said softly: "His face is too square, like a mahjong card, I hate it when I look at it."


There was a cry of exclamation underneath. It turns out that the affinity of the ice and snow elements also includes the test of face value? Some of them look handsome and beautiful, and begin to secretly rejoice. And some of them are stunned, but they are beginning to worry.

Mahjong face?

Kano's face twitched, and tears were about to fall. He was clearly a handsome Founder's face, but was said to be a Mahjong face.

"Elf eleven, please speak."

"He smiled too tediously, as if he was going to eat others at once, it was so disgusting and disgusting."

Kano fainted and gave him a few guts, so he didn't dare to eat the Ice Elemental Elf.

"People think it's okay. He's very polite. I decided to keep a lamp for him and look again."

"I don't think people can look at the surface. The elves on the 23rd are too sentimental. I will observe and observe first."

"No. 2, what do you say? People are not hypocritical."

The various snow elves started speaking one by one, and even some people started to attack each other, but it was very lively.

"Okay, let's start the first round of personal talent show." Han Ju saw that they had a noisy posture and hurriedly started the next link. "Mr. Carnot, please show your personal talent."

Kano came to the spirit all at once, he is only thirty-seven years old, he is already A-level strength. Looking at the world, it can be regarded as an elite young talent. And others are proficient in a set of snow and ice axe!

Immediately picked up the battle axe behind, began to dance, the battle axe is powerful. After a wave of battle axe, a storm of ice and snow stormed up.

"It's not bad." Wang Yan couldn't help but praise, "Although Kano has grown into a mahjong face and drinking too cumbersome. But this set of tomahawk dance, the basic skills are still very solid. Qi is also pure and strong. "

"That's nature." The red tank also praised heartily. "If you can be a temple guard, most of them have two brushes and put them in our Polar Bear Secret Service. It's also a good hand." His eyes moved slightly. Apparently it was preparing to dig a corner for the Polar Bear Secret Service.

Just when the two were amazed, there was another burst of duang, duang, duang, ringing continuously ...

"Excuse No.9 Elf, why do you turn off the lights?"

"I like the elegant dance sword, not the axe."

"Excuse me, why are you turning off the lights."

No. 2 said coldly: "I just quarreled with No. 23, and I was in a bad mood."


Kano's figure flickered, almost unable to hold the axe and flew out. He wants to cry without tears, where does this follow? You quarreled with No. 23, what's your concern please?

The next group of people couldn't help but laughed, saying that the reason for extinguishing the lights was too strong.

"Now there are three lights left for the guest to show himself, Mr. Kano." Han Ju hurriedly pushed the link forward. "You can show your own style at will, for example, have been in love several times, what have you done? Achievements, what are the expectations for the future. "

Kano looked at the only three lamps, wiped a cold sweat, and said tremblingly: "I grew up in the temple and have never been in love. As for the achievements, I drink very well and the flames the day before yesterday The son was poured out. "


Another two lights went out.

"I have never been in love at the age of thirty-seven, and his life must be very boring."

"I don't like men who drink alcohol, by the way, who is the son of flame?"

Well, only the last one is left. Kano's tears were all swirling in his eyes, he was obviously okay, but he was wiped out by various strange reasons.

"Okay, let's move to the next link quickly." Han Ju was also afraid of having to play after his last lamp was extinguished. Hurry to say, "I would like to invite your friend to come to Uncle for an impression of you. Which Kano's friend is willing to volunteer? Tell me at will, don't worry about it."

Uh, uh ~

Seven or eight Taoist figures rushed onto the stage and were all members of the guards of the temple. They didn't take off their masks, so they talked eloquently: "Kano, don't look at him squarely, but his mind is very small."

"He is not only small-minded, but also timid. I remember once ..."

"Advantages, well, does Carnot have advantages?"


The last lamp was extinguished as expected ...

A sad and cool music echoed through the audience. Several spotlights were shot in the sky, hitting Kano, and the snow and snow were flying. He seemed extremely sad.

"Mr. Carnot, don't be discouraged." Han Ju said with relief. "At least, you let everyone successfully know the most real you. Maybe the **** the scene, who is willing to date you. Now, you can go on. "

Carnot looked blank and tragic, stepping down on the rhythm of sad music. To be honest, he didn't know what happened, and he ended his journey to become the heir to the winter goddess.

So many strict requirements, so many wonderful reasons, so many remaining people are worried.

as predicted.

In the following process, most of everyone who came to power was eliminated. There are thousands of reasons, such as being too old, such as being too thin, too fat, too tall, and too short. Some do n’t like swords, some do n’t like bows ...

The rhythm is very fast, a few days of kung fu eliminated dozens, only a few, and finally left a few lights.

Wang Yan also saw a little bit of interest, and with the red tank and Berissa, if they were fine, they predicted the number of lights out per round of the other party, and it was still a pleasure.

Suddenly, Han Ju's impassioned voice sounded: "Now, we have invited the young and talented leaders of China, our honorable son of the flame island, Mr. Dong."

"Lao Wang Lao, it's your turn." The red tank said with great interest. "You must refuel and perform well to give our foreign guests a tone."

Wang Yan originally didn't want to go, but since the future mother-in-law said everyone could get it, Wang Yan could only go up with a scalp.

He showed a smile, calmly walked towards the stage, and then waved with everyone.

"Son of flames, come on."

"Son of flame, don't be ashamed."

All kinds of talking are guarded by the temple of Dongdao. They have never met each other in just a few days with Wang Yan, and then became fox friends. The speed is quite fast.

"Twenty-four beautiful women, everyone noticed, the son of flame is our seed player." Han Ju presided over more and more smoothly, and began to agitate the atmosphere.

"Wow, it really looks handsome."

"People just like this one, and he is fascinated by him."


(Uh ... Lao Ao has n’t liked Taizheng's eight classics since he started writing 13 years ago ... He likes to be a little more happy, he does n’t like bitterness and bitterness ...)

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