The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1025: Love to kill dogs

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The person speaking is a young man of the Winter Gods, whose strength is not high, and he never shows up. There is no possibility that such a person will pass this test. And he also stood not far from Anatoli, the tiger of the north.

Seeing Anatoli's scheming success, apparently, this was Anatoly's trick.

That sentence was like throwing a big killer at the scene and bombarding it.


The snow elves looked at Nanlian's face instantly, something was wrong. Some directly displayed a very strong hostility. Some are restrained, but they look away, and I am very uncomfortable with an old lady.

In fact, before this, Nan Lian was very popular with them. The face value is high, the temperament is not bad, and the affinity of the ice and snow elements is very high. Naturally, it is widely favored by these snow elves.

However, once the Son of Flame is involved, the situation is different.

For the children of flame, the ice elemental spirits will fight for jealousy and attack each other. Don't mention a human woman. No, to be precise, that is the girlfriend of the Flame Child.

Can this be tolerated?

Turning off the lights without flashing on the spot is already an excellent part of Nan Lian's.

Nanlian's mother suddenly turned black. Unexpectedly, her daughter and Wang Yan became so disgusted when they were in a relationship with Wang Yan. What made her speechless the most was that the snow elves disliked Wang Yan, but her daughter ...

As a mother, she naturally cares most about her daughter. Moreover, the reason why she made such a show, 100% is for her baby daughter.

She was a little anxious at the moment, and she shot it from a distance. An amazing cold shot like an arrow shot more than 100 meters away. She shot the bad guy with precision.

Fortunately, she was quite rational, that palm had no important life, just stunned the guy who was used.

After the ice and snow envoy shot and wounded, he said aloud: "Dear honorable ice and snow element elves, don't listen to that man's nonsense. The relationship between the son of flame and Miss Nanlian is just an ordinary colleague relationship.

All along, the ice and snow messenger feels very owed to her daughter. This time for the sake of her daughter, she must help get some inheritance of the winter goddess. So that she did not hesitate to change the rules under pressure to create the best foundation for her daughter.

Under such circumstances, how could she allow such a change.

"What? Not a girlfriend!" The snow elves are still very close and trusting the ice and snow envoy. After hearing the words, they all became energetic and looked at Nan Lian's expression much more friendly.

"Wow, can it still be like this?" Some of the audience below were secretly upset. This ice and snow messenger is too domineering and powerful.

Although some people were dissatisfied, in view of the previous experience of the guy, they had to be honest and silent. Just kidding, the ice **** is the representative of the winter goddess walking in the world, and his strength is unpredictable. The most powerful thing is that she can pray to the winter goddess at a critical moment and borrow power from the winter goddess.

The tiger of the Northland frowned, and it seemed that the strategy had failed. The ice queen Nan Lian itself is very outstanding, plus the face of the ice god, the chance of not passing the review is too low.

Humph! The son of flames is really a good life, and he has accounted for all good things. This ice queen, Nan Lian, is really the best in the world. Compared with the winter hunting **** Bai Lisha, they are better than others.

Ha ha, son of flame, ice queen. You are all waiting for the Tiger of the North. Let's take a look. It turns out who can laugh to the end. In thought, Anatoli, the tiger of the North, raised a wry smile.

Just when everyone thought that Nan Lian was bound to pass, her expression was calm and calm: "It's not the case, the son of flame is my boyfriend." Her eyes didn't have any fear, unfortunately, show off. She was just telling a fact quietly.

"What?" Everyone was in an uproar, and they didn't understand the ice queen Nan Lian. Why should you admit this? At this time, as long as she was silent, she would wait until she passed the screening.

"Nan Lian!"

The ice and snow **** opened her beautiful eyes and could hardly believe this scene. Her daughter admitted to Wang Yan's girlfriend in front of the ice and snow elves. This is really, too irrational, too irrational.

Only Wang Yan smiled slightly.

This is the real Nanlian sister, and the Nanlian sister he likes.

She is known as the Queen of Ice, but for Wang Yan, she is always gentle and mature. But in fact, Wang Yan knows that under her gentle and mature appearance, she has a firm and pure soul.

She is like a real ice lotus, flawless and shining, pure and clean. She has never given up on some of the things she believes, and has always preferred not to bend. Especially in Wang Yan's affairs, she would not compromise casually for some benefit.

At this time, even those snow elves were frightened. I have always trusted Youjia's Ice God, and I lied to them. And this woman named Huangfu Nanlian, even in this case, directly admitted that the son of flame is her boyfriend.

Isn't she afraid of being eliminated because of this?

Under various questioning eyes, Nan Lian's expression did not change, but calmly said: "Yes, if I choose to be silent or lie at this time, I can really get the most benefit. However, my emperor Nan Lian did well. Sitting upright and falling in love with the Son of Flame are also upright and unquestionable. If I choose to lie for a little self-interest, it is tarnishing myself and Xiaoyan. "

"Ah ~"

Wang Yan sighed softly, his figure flickered and flew onto the stage like a big bird. He took Sister Nanlian's hand and said with some regret, "Sister Nanlian, why is this necessary? You know, I won't mind."

"But I will mind." Nan Lian's eyes gazed at Wang Yan and said softly, "I am in love with you, it is from my heart. If you don't get the inheritance of the winter goddess, it is gratifying, but It ’s no fate. "

"Thank you." Wang Yan was passed by softly in her heart, holding her hand, her eyes were particularly comfortable. "It's also my luck in my life to meet you."

The two people's passionate love words, though they are affectionate, immediately killed a large group of single dogs. The men and women onlookers all broke their hearts. Some are jealous of the Queen of Ice, and some are jealous of the Son of Flame.

Nan Lian smiled, as the ice lotus melted away, glanced at the snow elves lightly, took Wang Yan's hand and said, "Our wish to come to Dongdao has been fulfilled, and it is time to go back to work."

"Okay, let's go." Wang Yan was also relieved, pulling Nanlian to step down.

"and many more!"

The Snow Elf No. 2 said suddenly.


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