The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1034: Started to be serious

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"What are you?" Wang Yan said with a high-spirited look. "You thought you were the Black Death Legion? But it's just the remnants of the area, the mouse crossing the street. You have to be able to bear, what kind of Star Academy, Dongdao Temple What are these second- and third-rate forces doing? If you have the ability, go to the Midi Super Shield to see if Secretary James will not blast you into scum. "

"Otherwise, it's okay to go to the China National African Affairs Bureau. I'm on behalf of the China National African Affairs Bureau. You are welcome to come to me at any time." Wang Yan sneered. "Look at your bullishness, people who don't know really think you are It has captured the Sanctuary of Light. I do n’t know where you come from for superiority and confidence. "


The plague messenger was so sullen that he was almost spitting out old blood.

It's no wonder that the plague messenger was flatulent in the chest, and wanted to slap half of the Earth's Black Dead Legion, but it could make everyone scared. Now that they have returned from the rivers and lakes and come back, it is naturally a state of mind that the devil came out of the mountain and came to the world.

Unexpectedly, he was taken back by the junior son of Flame.

"Well, the old man doesn't fight with your juniors." The plague messenger said angrily, "The old man will only hold you and won't let you save the winter goddess. Look at the defensive shield of the ice and snow god, can Hold it for a while. Once our army of ghouls and gargoyles blasted the defensive shield, the old man must refine you into a puppet zombie! 桀桀 桀 ~ "

At this time, the two armies had rushed to the defensive cover like a tide, especially the flying air army-the gargoyles. They are like dense ants, lying on the defensive shield, constantly attacking the defensive shield with their claws and fangs.

Because there are so many of them, they almost cut off the light of the sky, making people fall into the dark sky and their scalp numb.

"Just your soul ~" Wang Yan exploded angrily, pulling at the energy mask again.

"Ji Jie, there is an old man, you can never succeed." The plague messenger protruded out the thin claws, entangled with Wang Yan like maggots, a strange and brutal black magic, like a bang like no money Xiang Wang Yan.

This old devil is really hard to get around.

It's really an old monster that is even afraid of the ice and snow god. Various means emerge one after another, which is even better than the previous mourning banshee. Even Wang Yan's strength had to be handled with care, fearing that the boat would overturn in the gutter, and could not free up to save the winter goddess.


The winter goddess was screaming with anger and was pulled out of the **** by the energy net, like a phantom mermaid trapped in it. Without the strength of the idol, the winter goddess no longer has the power to resist, turning into a streamer and being pulled into the Dianyi staff.

Wang Yan groaned in his heart and tried to rescue several times, but was repeatedly blocked by the plague messenger. See also the plague messenger laughed again and again: "Son of flame, aren't you arrogant? But can't even protect the winter goddess?"


Wang Yan snorted coldly, and there was something on his face that he couldn't hold. The buddies were desperately fighting there to block the enemy, but he had a problem here. It ’s just blame, the old monster of the plague messenger is really not simple, it is extremely difficult to win him one-on-one with Wang Yan ’s strength.

"Pharaoh, can you do it?"

The ice king Oro, who is responsible for attracting the firepower of the Black Death Demon King, and the goddess running dog Ace, have been lying on the ground in embarrassment. Each armor is cracked and miserable. It's as if the girl in the flower season was desperately ravaged.

They yelled at Wang Yan resentfully, "You let us attract the firepower of the Black Death Demon Venerable, and as a result Her Majesty the Goddess was captured."

Seeing that the goddess was captured, the morale of many believers who were participating in the resistance could not help but be weak. In a short time, at least a few people were killed or injured.


The Black Demon Venerable, with the body of the Tiger of the North as a temporary place of residence, held his hand in that divine scepter. Originally in its dim crystal, it exuded a smart and bright light. Black Devil Venerable, like a plan, succeeded, laughing wildly, "You goddess of winter, you finally fell into the hands of the deity. For this, the deity has been planning for decades. Hahaha ~ With you, the deity truly restores its strength, Unifying the planet will be just around the corner. "

His voice was extremely rampant, as if the earth had really been unified by him.

"Old man, can you not be so arrogant?" Wang Yan stepped on the empty space and sarcastically said, "Laughing so arrogantly, you can't laugh until you really unite the earth? What's more, do you think the earth is still a few hundred? Was it the earth of the previous year? Even if you really have semi-god-level strength, a few nuclear bombs come down to keep you away. "

Wang Yan's remarks were not a joke. He wanted to blame Huaxia's World Extermination Demon Venerable, or he was seriously injured by an atomic bomb. Finally, he was sealed by the uncle Gun and others on the eighteenth floor of the demon prison.

The atomic bomb used to bomb the world's demons was still very crude and backward.

But now, the situation is completely different, and various types of missiles capable of loading nuclear warheads are emerging. Even in some countries with strong military strength, an intercontinental missile can cover every corner of the globe.

Now even if it is a demigod, I dare not say that Lao Tzu wants to unify the earth and the like.

"Hee hee, kid." The Black Death Demon stared at Wang Yan with anger and sneered. "You are the son of the flames of the three bad deeds? I heard that your master is the famous Yanzun. The deity is looking forward to it. After catching you, what will happen to Yan Zun ’s junior. In addition, the deity still advises you to take care of yourself first. Look at your girlfriend ... "

"Well?" Wang Yan's eyes were stagnant, but he saw the brilliance of the winter goddess rushing into the ice cocoon where Nanlian was located, like an out-of-control tide.

This makes Wang Yan's secret passage worse. Those glorious things are the essence of the blood goddess and the inheritance of exercises.

Those things are naturally the best supplements in the world.

But to make up for things, it can only be done within a rhythmic and reasonable range. The statue that lost the control of the winter goddess, like a wild horse at this time, completely lost control.

Next, the only ending is.

The ice queen Nan Lian was boosted by those bloodline forces, and the fragrance disappeared.

At this point, Wang Yan took a deep breath and calmed down. With a solemn look at the Black Death Demon Venerate, he said coldly: "Oh, Black Death Demon Venerable. For the sake of you being an old senior, obediently give me the Dian Yi Staff, I will never blame. Otherwise, you do n’t Blame my heart for being cruel. "

Hiss ~

The audience took a breath. By this time, did the Son of Flame just start to be serious?


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