The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1045: I can finally see President Wang again

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I saw a calm and clear lake, a wave of heat rolled up, as if a certain force boiled the entire lake. This is just the beginning, and then a huge flame giant hand poke out from it.

A scorching breath like a scorching sun swept the entire academy, shining as if the scorching sun came to earth.

The students and many mentors were shocked.

Some mentors with A strength reached the sky by various means, and looked at this scene with horror.

Over the lake, I don't know when there was a huge vortex like the end of the world. In the lake, a huge flame giant stepped on the lake with his feet, and his eyes swept the audience.

Its momentum is extremely powerful, and the power exudes from his body. It suppresses everyone to lift his head, and his heart is panic like a disaster.

"This and this ..."

Zhang Wei, who has made great progress recently and has already recruited the weakest mentor, has naturally produced the extravagant heart of some strong men. But at this moment, his heart was full of fear and powerlessness. That huge flame monster is really too great and terrible.

Compared with Zhang Wei, he was like a little rabbit in front of a giant crocodile, who could stab him with one finger. And he tried his best to make sure that the other person's fur could not be hurt. He stepped back step by step, and his pride was crushed in an instant.

"Ao ~"

An An's bronze armored war corpse protects the Lord's heart, and a horizontal body blocks in front of An An. Even if the power is very different, he roared at the flame monster and warned him not to hurt the owner. That looks like a puppy loyal to the Lord.


The giant flame giant is showing a sense of superiority, but unexpectedly a small bronze armor dared to give a roar of warning to himself? It inevitably turned his head slightly and looked down, the flame on his body instantly thickened, as if to burn everything.

"Dahei! Don't ~" An An naturally distressed her corpse the most and exclaimed quickly, "Run!"

However, all this is too late.

The flame giant snorted and a flame spewed from his nostrils. The flame rolled up like a fire dragon and blasted out the brave copper corpse. Faced with such a terrifying force, the copper armor corpses simply could not resist, fell tens of meters, and was completely black.

Fortunately, it is a power-type corpse puppet, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. Although it was hit hard, it did not die for a while.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but take a breath. The bronze armored corpse also existed at the C + level, and it was only one step away to break through to the silver corpse level, but it couldn't resist even the humming breath of that huge flame monster.

Terrible, really terrible. Before the loss, there are still some people who are secretly wondering whether the flame monster will grow up to be a big man, but it is just a manifestation, but I don't want it, it is more terrible than expected.

An An was so distressed that he hurriedly walked in a small skirt and spread his arms in front of the Flame Giant. He said anxiously, "Flame, don't do it anymore."

"Wow ~"

The flame giant was slowly leaning over in the flames, and a huge head had poked more than ten meters in front of An An. An An is just a sixth grader, a petite and cute little loli, not as big as the flame giant's mouth.

That look, like a giant of flames, just about to swallow the little loli.

Some students and mentors were very anxious. Although An An is young, she knows how to take care of people very much, she looks very lovely and beautiful, and she is also a key student of the college, which naturally caused a shock. Some of the mentors who have reached the A level are ready to save people at any time.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered that I heard that President Wang had once subdued an ancient flame demon. Is this the one?"

Principal Wang?

At the mention of President Wang, everyone was shocked.

His old man is the spiritual pillar of the college, his strength is unfathomable, and his reputation is outstanding. It never occurred to him that he even subdued such a powerful ancient flame demon.

"It's a huge space vortex ~ Is it possible that President Wang has met a strong enemy outside, should he summon this ancient flame demon to help out?"

"Impossible, what kind of character is President Wang, to fight and shake the flame demon?"

"What do you know, although President Wang is one of the world's most powerful young people, there are still many masters in the world who are not born."

There is a lot of talk.

An An faced the ancient Yanmo up close, but she was less scared, but full of curiosity and excitement. Her voice asked sweetly, "Uncle Yanmo, are you a friend of President Wang Yan? My name is An An, a student of President Wang Yan, is pleased to meet you. "An An has no idols to worship, but he does worship the President Wang extremely.

Unfortunately, after she knew that Wang Yan was the principal, he was already away from school on a business trip.

As soon as he heard the name Wang Yan, the ancient Yanmo nodded slowly, and his IQ was not low. Naturally, he also knew that this college was the super energy college founded by Wang Yan. Wang Yan only set up the entrance of the two-way teleportation array to the secret realm of flames in the academy, also considering that in case of a crisis, he can still rely on the ancient Yanmo to support it.

Unless he was merciful, the little zombie who dared to provoke its majesty would have slapped him dead.

It is the ancient flame demon Bella Roca, one of the warlords of Vulcan Zhurong, and the peak strength is half **** level. Even if the current strength is far from comparable, it is not that little zombie can humiliate.

The little girl took a mouthful of Uncle Yan Demon, and still called her quite happy. And she is also an apprentice of Wang Yan ...

The ancient Yanmo can not distinguish the difference between students and apprentices.

"Uncle Yan Mo, does Principal Wang want you to help fight?" An An asked nervously and excitedly.

The ancient Yanmo looked at the vortex and nodded.

"Uncle Yan Mo, An An wants to go with you." An An said quickly.

"An An, don't!" "No, it's too dangerous."

The mentors hurriedly persuaded.

However, the ancient Yanmo stretched out a huge palm and made An An stand up. For it, An An, as Wang Yan's apprentice, should also go to help the war.

An An leaped and jumped onto the palm of the ancient Flame Demon. Amazingly, despite the blazing fire in his palm, Ke An'an didn't feel half burned. My heart was shaking with excitement, An An, and finally I could see President Wang again.


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