The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1047: To marry the dogs and men

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That's right, it was Wang Yan who really spoke.

After summoning the ancient Yanmo and its younger brothers, he knew that the overall situation on the battlefield had laid the foundation, so he focused his attention on the Black Death Demon Venerable. Old monsters like this, who have been famous for a long time and resurrected, are naturally cherishing their lives.

When he has the upper hand, he is naturally more spicy than anyone else. But once the situation is bad, running away is almost inevitable.

Just after the thought of the Black Death Demon King moved, Wang Yan appeared like a blaze at dozens of meters behind him, staring at him with his arms around him with great interest. Standing side by side with Wang Yan, there is another person who is holding a staff of Dian Yi and lingering in the ice like a goddess.

That's not the ice queen, who else can it be?

Although she had just been promoted to the S rank, she was no less inferior to the Son of Flame than threatening. With the help of the bloodlines and exercises of the winter goddess, her understanding of the ice law has reached an incredible level. Compared to many characters who have been promoted to the S rank for a long time, they are much deeper and deeper.

It's no wonder that her law-enlightenment comes from the winter goddess, a true **** in the righteous ways. And she is the one who has received the most inheritance of the blood of the winter goddess in history, far more than all the gods in history combined.

She is equal to the blood of the winter goddess.

Not only is the current cultivation practice unpredictable, the future potential is even more limitless.

As the saying goes, there will be gains. If the plots and tricks of the Black Death Demon Venerable will bring her into desperation, the winter goddess will not be willing to pass on all her blood to her, and Wang Yan will not reconcile her with Yin and Yang and Tai in order to save her. The yin qi that is about to blow her up.

Driven by Wang Yan's secrets, and the yin and yang, the harvest of the ice queen Nan Lian can be called against the sky. If Wang Yan is also lucky to be harvested, this is the pair of men and women this winter island. The biggest winner of the trip.

She and Wang Yan stood side by side in the air, and they were very close together.


The Black Death Demon stared at Wang Yan with death, and almost died without a spit of old blood. His eyes roared angrily, "Son of Flame, what do you think of yourself as a person? District Dongdao, the deity is naturally Come whenever you want, just leave if you want, and it ’s not your turn to object. "

He was really mad at vomiting blood.

This time planning the Winter Island shrine, paved for decades before and after, exhausted all the wisdom and power of his Black Demon Venerable. In the end, apart from catching a broken body, all the benefits were given to the Son of Flame and the Queen of Ice.

After hard work and hard work, he ended up marrying clothes for the couple.

What made him even more depressed was that the Son of Fire wanted to stay with him.

Damn it, that stinky kid is really hateful.

The Black Death Demon King thinks that Wang Yan is abominable, but for himself, the Son of Flame is so handsome. Up until now, the ice king Oro, who had won precious time for Wang Yan and Nan Lian, both cried with excitement. Pharaoh Pharaoh, you finally came to support our brother.

If you come one step late, our brothers will really dedicate themselves to the winter goddess.

However, can you not be so handsome in this game? Our brother is so embarrassed, but you are shining like a savior.

"Principal Wang is so handsome." An An, who had already climbed on the head of the ancient Yan Mo, indirectly directed the ancient Yan Mo to kill Wang Yan, and she saw Wang Yan majestic. It ’s really worthy of being President Wang, it ’s like turning over the audience. Is that black-haired Sensen, what is the name of the Black Death Demon Venerable? The villain big boss? ? "

As a student of President Wang, iron powder. An An naturally stood in the position of Headmaster Wang with all his heart, and expressed deep contempt for the Black Death Demon Venerable of that Rushzi.

Poor Black Demon Venerable, who thrived in Europe at that time, formed a great wave of disaster. Even the Light Holy See and the Dark Parliament were crushed into a domain, which was difficult to resist. Such a coquettish character is deeply despised by a little girl, which has to be said to be sad.

"Son of Flame, good job. It is to kill him, bully him, ravage him." After the waves of soldiers were killed, Dongsun and Hanju helped the exhausted Ice and Snow God to the side. Waving his fists and shouting to Wang Yan, "Son of Flame, we must teach the Black Demon Venerable."

And Wang Yan's future mother-in-law, Ice and Snow God, looked at Wang Yan and Nan Lian's expression, which was also excited and a little embarrassing. In the scene in the ice and snow cocoon just now, she, a mother, did not see it with her own eyes. But by imagination alone, you can clearly understand what happened in the middle.

Obviously, the baby girl I just recognized was arched by the pig who was the son of flame.

But I have to admit that he was arched just right, arched in harmony. To be honest, the ice and snow messenger had to thank the son of flames for arching his daughter. Otherwise, not only will her daughter lose her life, but few will survive.

This really made the ice and snow **** cry and laugh and had to admit his fate. The matter has come to an end, the ice and snow **** nature has to accept it and she has to accept it. She said aloud: "Xiao Yan, if you kill the Black Demon Venerable, I will definitely not interfere with you and Nanlian. However, if you give When the old black dog ran away, she would blame her old lady and you for being ruthless. "Compared to the dog blood story between her daughter and Wang Yan, she cares more about the life and death of the black animal.

The Winter Island Temple has always been an undisputed place to avoid the world.

It is precisely because of the calculation of the invasion of the Black Demon Lord Zun that led to this situation today. I don't know how many guards of the Winter Island Temple died in this war. What's even more abominable is that the Black Death Demon King is still thinking about the combination of wealth and wealth, which is simply shameless.

"Since everyone says so." Wang Yan shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "My son of flames can only conform to the hearts of the people. Black Death Demon Venerable, die."

Wang Yan roared through the sky.

He and Nan Lian both rose up together.

Although the Black Death Demon King was furious, he was also extremely guarded against the strict array.


The plague messenger who has been acting as a passerby, was suddenly slammed by a high-energy fireball, screamed and screamed at the same time: "Son of flame, you are too mean and shameless. Say well, fight the Black Demon Venerable, you fight What do we do?"

The blackened plague messengers were about to cry, saying that the Son of Flame was extremely cunning, but never thought he could be so cunning to such a degree.


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