The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1053: Uncle Gun! Come here to be an alien

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Black Demon Venerable held two claws, a black light column shot out, and the target pointed directly at the nearby ice king Oro.

Ice King Oro hurriedly put his hands together, condensing a smooth mirror-like ice shield.

Under the impact of the two, the ice shield of Oro, the ice king, was smashed, and his body flew out. While blood was spraying in his mouth, he could not help but scold. Ma'am, the Black Death Demon respects you, and he is always complaining about the son of flame.

But what did your **** **** suddenly hit me?

This is simply picking the soft persimmons, without taking such bullies. Heaving spitting blood in his mouth, tears were already swirling in the ice king Oro's eyes. Everyone is a human being. Why is there such a huge gap?

As the Black Death Demon Venerate, the black vortex in the sky spins more violently, continuously stripping energy from the body of the dead or undead soldiers, and instilling it into the Black Death Demon Venerable Body. The situation seemed tense again.

far away.

The high priest Salar, who was almost at the end of the crossbow, had unpredictable pupils. Suddenly, he slammed a shot, looted a residual image and rushed away into the distance. The speed is so fast that it has reached an unbelievable level.

Even the Patriarch of Winter God who had been fighting him for a long time was startled. Well, why did the high priest suddenly run away? And the speed is so fast, it is obviously premeditated, and it also uses some kind of secret technique of depleting itself to save life.

Watching the high priest leave, Patriarch Cole was helpless. Speaking of strength, he and the high priest are almost the same. The two men fought for so long, the combat power was already exhausted.

Moreover, the two have intersected for so many years. Patriarch Cole also couldn't bear it, and watched Salar fall.

Never mind, just let him go.

In a moment of thought, the high priest had swept far away. From afar, his body had shrunk to the size of a sparrow.

And in Salar's heart, he also chuckled coldly. He is also an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years and is well-established. It has long been seen that the situation seems very wrong.

Now that the Black Death Demon Venerable has failed, it is naturally impossible for him to spend on this matter with his degree of sorrow. You can only execute your own backup plan, and leave the road you left early.

While everyone's attention is now on Black Death Demon Venerable, it is naturally the best time to retreat.

Don't look at the Black Death Demon Zun still has the aftermath to break out, but things have been dragged on for so long, so much trouble. What happened on this winter island should have been known to the intelligence organizations of all major forces.

Perhaps the support of major organizations is already on the way.

Not to mention the powerful combat power of the Super League of the United States.

Guangguang is the State Administration of African Affairs of China, and it is enough to wipe out the Black Demon Venerable. The other country, Huaxia, has a place where the semi-god-level strong men sit in town. If Yan Zun comes out, where is the Black Arrogant Zun arrogant opportunity?

The high priest Salar thought about it and speeded up the sweeping speed. This muddy water can no longer go. If you do not withdraw at this time, you will have no chance.

Suddenly, at this moment.

A figure exudes a strong breath, and it stood in front of the high priest Salar in a flash. It was covered with scale armor and bone spurs, and it was fierce and extremely dangerous. "Ji jun jie, Salar." You have taken advantage of the many benefits of the deity, how can you go away in a crisis? "There was a strong taunt in the voice.

The pupil of the high priest shrank, and the flurry of the figure stopped, staring at the voice with extreme anxiety: "Sovereign, we have completely failed this matter. It is better to leave the dormant early and have the opportunity to rise again."

"Dormant? The vengeance has been dormant for so many years. I have been fed up with the days like a mouse in the gutter, and I don't see the sun and the sun." The Black Demon Venerate laughed wildly. The world, unite the earth. Salar, then you are the right arm of the deity, under one person, above 10,000 people. "

Stupid lunatic!

The high priest Salar burst out of his heart, secretly cursing in private, just like you are now, still thinking about unifying the earth? This ritual is now tossing with you again, it certainly does not end well.

However, his eyes were shining, and his mouth said, "That would be great. If I didn't ask me next to Salal, I asked to be able to rejuvenate and extend my life."

"Ji Jie, your requirements are very simple, and the deity will definitely satisfy you." The Black Demon Vener laughed proudly, and the scales and bone spurs on his body were growing and perfecting.

at the same time.

Three powerful players such as Wang Yan, Nan Lian and the Red Tank have already skimmed in front of the ice king Oro. It's just that they are aggressive, but it's nothing.

Black Demon Venerable, after injuring Oro, the ice king, quickly escaped and merged with High Priest Salar. This made Wang Yan and some others somehow inexplicable. Inevitably, that Black Demon Venerable has put on a bullish momentum for a long time, and the result is that the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, ready to escape quickly?

"Lao Wang, Lao Wang, you can count." Ice King Oro wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, full of sadness and grievances. "The Black Death Demon Venerable is too cruel. We can't stop him desperately, you must Revenge and hatred for us. I, we have tried our best. Cough cough ~ "After several coughs, the ice king Auruo pretended to be a glorious wounded, with the appearance of exhausted lights.

Ais, the goddess running dog, also hurriedly put out a pair of me who was very injured. I have tried the miserable look of the last drop of essence blood for the goddess.

Wang Yan gave him a white glance, and it was clear that these two goods were ready to take advantage of the people, but was killed by the Black Demon King. But having said that, no matter how different these two guys are.

They did their best, and made a lot of credit, and Wang Yan was too lazy to fight them again.

"You have a good rest next to it." Wang Yan comforted and said, "We will take care of the rest. Let him become a monster, even aliens, and now it's his turn. It is king on the earth. I ’ll call the headquarters and find someone to cut it. ”Wang Yan is an organized person. If he ca n’t stand it, it ’s reasonable to call foreign aid.

Saying that, Wang Yan quickly picked up the satellite phone, and a phone call poked to Uncle Gun: "Uncle Gun, you probably already got the news that the Black Demon respects the new comeback? The aliens are so rampant that they dare to humiliate My respected Master. Please trouble your old man to lead a team and quickly come to destroy the rampant alien. "

Uncle Gun at the other end fainted.

This tone sounds as if my Cao Jinglue is your Wang Yan's summoning beast-like god. Also, I have been watching the live broadcast, and the aliens have not insulted me.


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