The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1059: Global shock

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Wang Yan, embracing Nanlian's waist, was extremely embarrassed. Is this the winter goddess or the pit goddess? According to the current speed of information dissemination, Wang Yan can fully expect that An An's live broadcast of the mobile phone has been passed to the National African Bureau.

According to international practice, it is very likely to spread to the Light Holy See, the Dark Parliament, and even the Super Shield. When thinking of the friends and brothers of various organizations in various countries, Wang Yan felt his face hurt fiercely.

That is to say, because of the sinkhole in the winter goddess, he almost took off his pants in front of the world in order to save the world. It wasn't embarrassing at first, it was because of helplessness, I couldn't watch the rampage of the Black Death Demon King, and kill the people at the scene and then harm the world?

Now that I do n’t have to take off my pants at all, I feel that shame burst into the air. I wish I could pull the winter goddess out of Dian Yi staff and pump her fiercely.

What makes Wang Yan speechless is what do you call the winter goddess? Wouldn't it be possible for you to use God's thoughts to pass messages privately? I also have a way to solve it, and get things done? Now, this situation is just killing me to death.

Sure enough, as Wang Yan expected.

In the Super Shield, a group of friends who were friends with Wang Yan and opponents also started a mocking mode.

I have n’t seen it for a long time. The extremely handsome gold lion sword is carrying an alloy sword, embracing his hands, and he laughs unscrupulously: "The old king ’s tiankeng goods, where to go, now it is finally countered. The one talking about the legendary winter goddess? Hey, no matter who she is, I admire her and have a tone. "

Amy, the little chick, laughed loudly with her chin: "I have to admit that the Pharaoh's guy looked really frustrated when he took off his pants. No, no, I had to take a screenshot and take it out when I'm in a bad mood."

The Queen of Spiders smiled coquettishly: "Little chick, what's so nice about a man? Come here, my sister teaches you the fun of being a man."

Upon hearing this, Emmy the young chick immediately counseled and shrank his head, revealing fear. The Queen of Spiders in the Super Shield is definitely not the strongest one, but it is definitely the one that scares him the most. Every time I think of her forcible ..., help her to give birth to a bunch of small spiders, it will make him creepy, feeling the chill from the depths of his soul.

"No breath." The Queen of Spiders gave him a charming look, and then said to Wang Yan in the video, "I haven't seen it for a while, the son of flames looks more handsome. If you can have a child with him, then perfect. Not enough. "

"Huh, you earth people are too indecent, and your brains are full of **." The heroic female superhero, embracing her hands, her eyes glowing hot, "The child of flames, the red tank, and the ice queen. No Thinking of them all progressing so fast, I really want to fight them again! "

The female superhero is the royal family of the alien higher race. Compared with ordinary people, the genetic inheritance of the royal family is more powerful. Once in adulthood, reaching the S level is a matter of course.

The probability of the royal family becoming a demigod is also very high.

Just like the male superhero of the female superhero, he is now the S-level peak powerhouse and the first master of the Midi Super Shield. It may break through to the demigod at any time. Even before Yan Zun did not break through the demigod level, the male superhero was hailed as the most likely and the first strong man to break through to the demigod level.

There is no way, where the excellent genes of aliens are put.

However, don't look like Superman and Earthman look alike. But in fact, the difference between the two is very huge, and the breeding methods are completely different. It is no wonder that she would say that the earth is indecent.

"嘁 ~"

But the Queen of Spiders scorned and said, "Just because you are a superman, noble, we are all popular on earth? But we now have more than seven billion people, and there are only two of you, the superman. There are only two left. , The remaining two are still the cousin and the cousin ... Hehehe ~ God knows that you will do something to continue Superman's blood. "


The female super girl was furious, "Damn Arenia, are you going to fight?"

"Yo, half-step S-class, it looks like a great look." The Queen Spider said with a charming face, and she pretended to be sincere and fearful. "Others are so afraid." The mouth said fear, but his eyes were full. Provoked.

Just when the two overbearing women of the Super Shield Bureau faced each other and were about to fight, Director James shouted helplessly: "Enough is enough, the Canada-Africa Bureau has started to save the world. And our people will only keep Infighting, can you give me arrogance. "

As a director, James is under great pressure.

Since the establishment of the Midi Chaodun Bureau, in addition to the bright Holy See, it has been the benchmark of the world's superpower community. It has always lived as a justice incarnation, and has always saved the world and promoted its universal values.

However, since the rise of China, Midi has experienced challenges from all sides. Not to mention the economic, military, Internet and other aspects. Right now, even the superpowers are threatened by the National African Affairs Bureau.

The National African Affairs Bureau not only produced the first semi-god-level strongman, but also emerged a large number of outstanding young talents and rising stars. The status of Midi Super Shield is experiencing unprecedented challenges.

The pressure given by senior management also made Director James feel headache.

Especially the flame son Wang Yan, not only has a strong background, but also has a terrible quality. How big is that, it is already S-class, and it has already begun to save the world.

Think of his own talents, James feels like no other. Once the evil disaster comes, the world may become the stage of the China State Administration for National and African Affairs

"Secretary, we will try our best to practice." Auguste, the golden lion sword, said with shame, "Promote as soon as possible."

The rest of the crowd also expressed their views one after another.

at the same time.

The dark saint Nana of the Dark Council and the bright saint Lulu of the Light Holy See were also angry and laughed by Wang Yan. You obviously have a solution, but you want a lot of mess.

Huh ~

However, looking at Wang Yan's embarrassing expression to the extreme, it was also funny and funny to think about it, and I felt a lot more happy. The corners of their mouths are covered with a touch of arc.

This guy, Wang Yan, will always make some big battles inadvertently.

Since he likes to play so much, if he has a chance after that, he should be eaten and deflated.

Where did Wang Yan's expectation, he caused a commotion, and was inexplicably remembered.


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