The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1063: The lowest end of the food chain

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As Nan Lian's mother, the ice and snow **** is under great pressure. As soon as I recognized a daughter, I sent a son-in-law. But she had to admit that the son-in-law was excellent except for being pitted. If it were not Wang Yan this time, I am afraid that the entire Winter Island would have to suffer. Even, it is very likely to involve people all over the world and bring disaster to the entire planet.

"Mother, are you okay?" Nan Lian took Wang Yan's hand before the Ice and Snow Envoy.

"It's okay, I'm much better." Bingxue Envoy took a deep breath, "Lian'er, this time I lost all of you and Xiao Yan, it's really hard for you." At this time, she was still a little uneasy, still It seems that a nightmare is not over.

"Mom, this is what we should do." Wang Yan also said sincerely.

mom? In an instant, the ice **** made his face stiff, and his emotions were awkward. This stupid boy will also climb up the pole. However, this is also something that promised him in advance. Before, in order to motivate him to solve problems, she once boasted that Haikou said that she could marry his daughter, even if she married him.

Thinking of this stubble, the jade cheeks of the ice and snow **** turned slightly red, and quickly changed the subject and said: "Yes, how is the majesty the goddess?" In her life, she was dedicated to the gods and naturally cared for the winter goddess. .

Dian shuddered slightly according to the staff, and the phantom of the winter goddess appeared slowly. It's just that she is very weak now, her body is somewhat translucent, and her voice is quietly said: "My angel, I didn't expect that you unwittingly agreed with a mortal and gave birth to a daughter?"

Bingxue made her face pale and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, saying, "His Royal Highness, I was confused and made a mistake when I was the next one. This matter has nothing to do with Lian'er, I hope you will only punish me by myself."

"Hello, your majesty, now you are all like that. Don't put your majesty on the goddess." For this matter, Wang Yan naturally wants to stand in the position of mother-in-law and wife. And after some things before, Wang Yan's awe of the winter goddess has completely disappeared.

The winter goddess is so hung up that she passed out. Wang Yan, the smelly boy, was called by the sister-in-law before. Now that it was over, it began to show a disgusted face. Also, what makes me look like this now? Is this referring to the fact that the goddess is a phoenix that is not as good as a chicken?

But then again, she did rely on Wang Yan to survive this crisis. Otherwise, if she fell into the hands of the Black Death Demon Venerable, the end would be miserable beyond imagination.

What made her even more helpless was that her remnant soul was now imprisoned in Dianyi Staff, and she couldn't get out of it at all. What if he angers this brave and wicked boy?

Thinking of this, the winter goddess shivered tremblingly, fearing Wang Yan a little more.

Fortunately, Wang Yan did not understand mind reading, otherwise he would really vomit blood, just like you are a remnant soul, what evil and shame I can do to you. Do you think I am the old pervert of the Black Death Demon King?

"Humph!" The winter goddess snorted arrogantly, looking at Wang Yan with a mixed emotion, "Since you opened your mouth, this goddess will naturally give you a face. I will not pursue this matter anymore."

"Thank you, Your Goddess, there are a lot of adults." Wang Yan said politely, but he was secretly funny in his heart. This goddess's shelf is indeed big enough. It has already fallen to this level, but it is still very hypocritical.

At the same time, Cole, the patriarch of the Winter God clan, dragged his remaining body and knelt down to the shadow of the winter goddess: "His Highness, Cole is guilty and ashamed of you."

And the ice king Oro, the goddess running dog Ace also led a group of temple guards who were not hurt, came to meet the goddess, begging for sin.

This time, the winter goddess did not have hypocrisy, but appeased everyone: "This time, the old black demon is laid out in secret, and it is no wonder that you are. Moreover, you have tried your best."

This remark made everyone grateful.

However, Wang Yan said: "Now the Black Devil Venerable is dead and the matter is gone. However, you are now trapped in the Dianyi Staff, I am afraid that it will be difficult to come out at once, but it is a troublesome thing."

The winter goddess fainted, which pot of you stinky boy can't open which pot?

The rest of them heard a lot of worry. Before this, Dongdao had always been isolated from the world. However, this time, it has completely caught the eyes of the world of superpower.

If there is no winter goddess to preside over the overall situation, I am afraid it will be very troublesome from now on.

"Then what can you do?" The winter goddess glared at Wang Yan helplessly. "You have always been resourceful and have not given me an idea."

"Dongdao and Dongshen both suffered heavy casualties, but I felt that there should be a strong character who would unify the resources of Dongdao and Dongshen together to form a force to cope with future chaos. Of course, that strongest person is the best There is a deep background and a solid backing. "Wang Yan said rhetorically.

Powerful characters? Deep background?

The winter goddess looked at Wang Yan suspiciously, you stinky boy, wouldn't it be the idea of ​​playing the goddess of the winter goddess and winter island that the goddess has worked hard for many years?

"Your Majesty the Goddess misunderstood." Wang Yan chuckled. "The right person I am referring to is, of course, my sister Nan Lian. Think about it, Sister Nan Lian was originally the heir you do not have to question. And she is young, It ’s already a legendary figure. I ’m afraid it ’s okay to reach the demigod level in the future. Moreover, she is not only smart, but also has a strong background of mountains, enough to face the dangerous world of wolves looking around. ”


The winter goddess looked at Nan Lian, and she was moved. Nan Lian is the one who has inherited the most blood in her history and is also the person who paid the most for her winter goddess. It can indeed be counted as an heir to the heir blood.

Inheriting such a pure bloodline, I dare not say that I can reach the **** level, but the semi-god level is definitely a matter of course. Yes, this is indeed the most suitable candidate.

"Nan Lian is really good, but what do you call the backer?" The winter goddess slightly puzzled.

"Of course it is me." Wang Yan pointed to his face and said, "In my relationship with Sister Nan Lian, her business is my business. But my relationship with Master and Mother, my business is also their business. It is said that Sister Nanlian ’s backing is very domineering. Uncle Cannon and my maid will definitely protect Nanlian. "

It was also precisely that Uncle Pao arrived at this time, and when he descended from the sky, he heard Wang Yan saying "big words." Almost fell off the sky, you guys really take care of Uncle Jia Pao?

The deity hasn't spoken yet, so you sold me.

It happened that his expression was captured by An An, and it was also transmitted to the live broadcast room in real time. Many people don't know this sudden uncle who has fallen from the sky. They are brushing the barrage to express their doubts.

And this scene also happened to see Linghu Yaofei, who was far away in Huahai City. She suddenly poked a phone call, and said, "Hey, what's your expression? Isn't Xiaoyan right? We as masters and mothers-in-law are naturally going to protect them. Listen, little Yan has been very hard this time, and he is not allowed to show his face. "

Uncle Cannon hangs a mouthful of blood and spurs to death. His majestic Yan Zun turned into the lowest end of the food chain at home.


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