The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1076: Which routine is deep?

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Despite Linghu Yaojue's disguise is very good, but Wang Yan just came out of Wen Ruhan like a wolf, naturally, he was very keen on this kind of look. After she and Wen Ruhan sent their daughters to make soy sauce, they looked exactly the same.

That was a clear thought, ate yourself?

At the same time, Wang Yan had to admit. Wen Ruhan, as a mature woman, is still very sensitive in her senses. She captured Linghu Yaojue clearly, as if she was thinking of her own idea.

"Director Linghu, I haven't seen you for a long time." Wang Yan suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and put on a public official appearance, saying, "According to your summoning, I am here to report to you."

Linghu Yaojue originally wanted to pretend, but the voice of Qianding Dingwan, sister Linghu Yaofei, sounded in her ear. Immediately charming, the eyes are like spring water, and the voice is like crunchy candy: "Xiao Yan, you have worked hard all the way to report work. You are not in a hurry. I have a friend who just brought some good tea. You try it. . "

That sound made Wang Yan tremble in the bottom of his heart. It was really crunchy and ecstasy. It seems that my "aunt" Linghu really has plans for her. Is this because of the convenience of the post, is the letter harassed?

Wang Yan felt like he had entered the tiger's den, sweating on his forehead, which was almost at risk of life.

Linghu Yaojue flourished his jade hand, made a cup of tea very dexterously, and slowly brought it to Wang Yan personally. At the same time, the sound of the elder sister gave her the fox and the man's routine.

When tea was presented, he stumbled under his careless feet, and even brought the tea to the other person's arms. In this way, you can panic and feel like a deer, and you can secretly contact him and rub against each other to start a fire.

You can even take the opportunity to apologize and help him change his clothes and wash them. If you look back, you have the opportunity to return your clothes. Please have dinner or something. Wait, wait, there will be a success in the chapter.

Although Linghu Yaojue is a little bit shy, but I have to admit that my sister's little trick is really remarkable, seemingly inconspicuous, but it is really a chain link, which is difficult to break free.

Thinking of this, Linghu Yaojue's heart was faintly excited. Seeing the man under her own control, she felt a sense of excitement. Perhaps this is one of the natural instincts of coquette.

"Oops ~"

Linghu Yaojue's feet were soft, and even the body with tea was thrown into Wang Yan's arms.

Such a change is really unexpected.

According to the man's instinct, she will hug her as soon as possible, and then she can shake the tea into his arms.

In general, it is difficult for a man to think of a trick in this situation.

But when Wang Yan entered the room, he felt something was wrong. I have already made psychological preparations, and I am always on guard against anything happening.

"Director Linghu, be careful!"

Wang Yan also reacted for the first time, and a condensed spiritual force spurt out, holding Linghu Yaojue firmly like a physical shelf.

Linghu Yaojue was shocked, right? Did n’t the elder sister say that the normal man ’s reaction was directly supported by his hand? Too late to think about it, she poured tea on Wang Yan.

Wang Yan, who has been preparing for it, will hit this trick.

Gently explored it, and took over the tea cup. The tea that was scattered and scattered was also hit by his mental strength and flew back into the tea cup. He opened the cup lid and tasted tea, said, "Good tea, really good tea, thank you Secretary Linghu for your hospitality."

Linghu Yaojue was a little dumbfounded. This, this, the development of this incident is completely different from what my sister said? What should I do next? For a time, her heart was a little uneasy.

After drinking a sip of tea from Wang Yan's side, he began to report actively. Reported the incident of Dongdao with Linghu Yaojue in one hundred and fifty.

At this time, Linghu Yaojue also had to enter the working state and seriously discussed the work with Wang Yan. This moment, more than an hour passed, the work report was finished, and Linghu Yaojue also finished finishing the materials.

She remembered a little trick that was taught by her sister. Immediately, her charming eyes moved slightly, her delicate body stretched out and said: "Xiao Yan, you are so hard. As a leader, I really feel a little bit offended. It's not too early, I invite you to dinner. "

According to the routine taught by your sister, that is to eat some romantic dinner first, and then drink some wine. Under the influence of alcohol and atmosphere, people will be fluttering, and then the next step will depend on the situation.

Suddenly Wang Yan felt that Linghu Yaojue was a little weird today. Is it true that she really wants to use the authority of the leader to set herself up and covet her own beauty?

At the same time, Wang Yan was frowning, and pretended to frown and said, "Director Linghu, I've already had dinner before. Or, change the day?"

"Change, change the day?" Linghu Yaojue was stunned, his face flushed with shame, and his eyes widened. Well, you, Wang Yan, are really too direct.

Wang Yan was dumbfounded. This and this seemed to have caused some misunderstanding. Mr. Secretary, can we not be so dirty, we can associate that kind of place with one word.

He hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, Secretary, I mean, eat dinner and eat dinner another day."

Wrong, misunderstand you. Linghu Yaojue is even more embarrassing. Recently, some apps have really watched too much. Is it dirty? Quickly laughed and rounded it off, and then said with a straight face: "Wang Yan, do you look down on this director? Is it not a man, is it a good meal to eat a meal? Say, go or not?" go with."

Wang Yan touched his nose and hurriedly smiled, said: "I am not so polite with the Secretary, the Secretary said go, of course, go. Let's go, let's go."

With that said, Wang Yan made a gesture of asking for words, "But well, I will invite you for this dinner. It was just giving me a chance to pat the leader's ass."

Linghu Yaojue heard this very usefully, and had to admit that her sister's routines were really great. After a few words, the man couldn't help. She lifted her beautiful head slightly proudly and hummed, "Alright, then give you a chance to show, I want to eat a French dinner." But she was secretly complacent, Wang Yan, Wang Yan, you finally Hooked.

"No problem." Wang Yan flicked his finger briskly, but he thought about it, frowned, and said, "I met a few colleagues on the road just now, and they haven't had dinner in overtime. Well, they are all colleagues anyway , Then eat together. Between each other, it also adds a lot of feelings and friendship between colleagues. "

One, eat together?

Linghu Yaojue's smug smile didn't take away from his face, he heard the five thunderous suggestions. She just opened her mouth and said, "No ..." At the same time, Wang Yan had roared, "Brothers, haven't you hid far away? Come here quickly, our Secretary Linghu is compassionate and ready to invite everyone to dinner together . "

Within a few seconds.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of Linghu Yaojue, Wang Yan's group of fox friends rushed into the office like crazy dogs, so wow, wow, Director Linghu, you are too compassionate.

At this time, Linghu Yaojue's heart collapsed, and his stunned eyes didn't know what to say.

"The Secretary, rest assured, this is still my request." Wang Yan said happily, "But this is the merit, you will receive the Secretary."

Linghu Yaojue couldn't be more angry, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, it's a question of who pays? I'm so mad at Miss Ben.


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