The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1079: Self-inflicted

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"Which of you go?" Linghu Yaojue saw Wang Yan agree and couldn't help but immediately feel good, with a smile on his lips, and looked at them with a smile.

Don't look at her charming smile, but she made up her mind. If these guys dared to follow the past shamelessly, she would n’t mind using the seven-tailed fox king to let them know what charm is.

At that time, it would be humiliating to make her fox Yao Yaojue in front of a large crowd.

Explosive bears and others, shuddered violently for no apparent reason, as if there was a great sense of difficulty in the face. In fact, give them a few guts, and dare not go to Yan Zun and Linghu Yaofei's house to be a guest.

According to the rumored news, Princess Linghu Yao was quite cruel. Even Director Han Hongbo saw her, she was afraid to take a breath. That's a big devil-level character.

"No, no, our brother still has an appointment. The director and Xiao Yan are free." Scud said haha ​​and said, "Brother, go around. Let's go, my brother.

With that said, the three of them ran awkwardly and could not wait.

In such a scene, Linghu Yao's mouth was muttered, but this was really in response to the words, human beings were bullied and Ma Shan was riding. These guys, when they heard Linghu Yaofei, were so scared that they were gone.

It seems that from now on, I have to take some dignity out. As for the target, um, Miss Ben seemed quite appropriate to see the three guys. She smiled a little inscrutable, even Wang Yan had a little heart.

The three fast-moving guys felt numbness in their backs, as if a catastrophe had hit their heads. There is no panic, what is happening?

"Xiaoyan, let's go." Linghu Yaojue put away a smirk and smiled at Wang Yan, "It's not good for us to keep our sister waiting for a long time."


After more than half an hour.

Uncle Pao and Master Niang's villa in Huahai City.

Wang Yan and Linghu Yaojue came together. In order to meet Master and his wife, Wang Yan also carried some gifts, fruit baskets and other health products. Although the lady does not care, courtesy can't be less.

"Xiao Yan, you're here, what gift do you bring." Princess Linghu Yao simply wore a pajama, but even in her pajamas, she was dressed in the feeling of enchanting sentient beings. In a smile, people couldn't help but feel excited.

Good fellow, Wang Yan secretly panicked, the master's skills are getting stronger and stronger. With the strength of his level of Wang Yan, the teacher and the wife could not help but casually say a sentence or two.

He hurriedly clenched his tongue, converging his mind, so as not to lose ugliness.

"Yao Fei Na, what are you doing with the law of enchantment?" Uncle Cannon asked, feeling the atmosphere was a bit off.

"Yo, isn't this the realm strength has been improved too fast recently, can't you control it for a while?" Linghu Yaofei glanced at the enclave and glanced at Uncle Cannon. Chuanyin said, "What's the matter, brother Lue, won't you Are you jealous? But you are so majestic, do n’t you have even this little confidence? "

"How come!" Uncle Gun's face was correct, and he said, "I Cao Jingli don't know how many storms and waves I have experienced, and my mind is as firm as a rock. Where would I fear Xiaoyan's hairy kid? Besides, I believe in Yao Fei. "

"Hum, you can talk." Linghu Yaofei and Humei endlessly coquettishly said, "Uncle Cannon, people love you. But now they are thirsty and want to drink ice crystal water that hasn't changed for millions of years under the Arctic ice. . "

"Million-year ice crystal water?" Uncle Pao groaned in his heart and replied with a wry smile. "Yaofei, now at night, where do you ask me to get a million-year-old ice crystal water? These two days brought you back, you It ’s all done. "

"Why don't you depend on each other?" Linghu Yaofei began to act coquettishly, "They just want to drink, that is, the sooner they drink, the better. You're a majestic Yan Zun, can't even this little thing satisfy your wife?"

"Good." Uncle Cannon can't stand his wife's coquetry, and his bones are soft. What's more, the wife's words can't be satisfied, but it is definitely a big killer level. Not to mention that Uncle Gun is still a bit tolerant. Even if he is not tolerant, he must be able to stand up, patting his chest and saying, "Wrap it on your husband, you can rest assured that you will definitely drink it tonight."

With that, Uncle Cannon swung his **** and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Princess Linghu Yaodi said again and again, "They are afraid that after drinking millions of years of ice crystal water, your stomach will be cold and uncomfortable. You drop by below the volcano in the Hawaiian Islands and pick a bowl of ten thousand fire Lotus Warm your stomach. "

"Hiss! By the way?"

Uncle Cannon is excited, where are the Hawaiian Islands and the Arctic?

But men, as long as his wife wants, he has to think of everything he can to satisfy. Although I felt a little embarrassed, Uncle Pao still patted his chest and said, "Relax, baby wife, you must complete the task for your husband."

"Kiss my husband, people love you, why not." Linghu Yaofei happily spoiled her, "You are just right for others, and you will be your wife in your next life."

Uncle Pao was excited, as if he was beaten with chicken blood. When he was about to fly out of the window, he was stopped by Linghu Yaofei: "Wait, I heard that Brazil is on the Antarctic Drake Strait , Rich in a kind of meat crab, tender and delicious, you grab a few to come back and chop into dumpling filling, we will make dumplings tonight to eat. "

"Poof!" Uncle Cannon nearly spurted to death with a bite of old blood. Is this by the Drake Strait in Antarctica? That, that, is that by the way?

Even Wang Yan and Linghu Yaojue looked at each other, dumbfounded. Master, which one is tossing out? Is this going to kill Uncle Cannon? However, she's such a coquettish man. It's not bad. The man listened and his bones were soft. Can't hold it.

"Wife, is this a bit far away?" Uncle Cannon said cautiously. "It doesn't matter if I run so many paths, I'm afraid you can't wait."

"Woo, Cao Jinglue, are you empathizing and don't love me anymore?" Linghu Yaofei began to make troubles, heartbroken, and weeping silently, "When we first fell in love, what happened to you? They all follow the people, even if they want the stars in the sky, you have to find a way for me to pick them out. Now the people of the family are old and yellow, but you, you, but start to dislike others. "

Uncle Cannon couldn't bear her trick, and quickly waved her hands and said, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go. Xiao Yan, Yao Jue, sit down for a while." With a flicker, he flew out of the window directly.

He was also afraid, afraid that Princess Linghu Yao was really going to pick the stars, what should I do? It's better to go early and return early, lest she leave the moth again.

After Uncle Gun flew away.

Linghu Yaojue only took away the expressions of the children, and sat down on the sofa with Erlang's legs, and said lightly: "Xiaoyan, Yaojue, you sit down."

The speed of this face-changing face, Wang Yan's heart is straight, and the teacher is really worthy of the Jiuwei Tianhu. This style change is really comparable to the Sichuan Opera face-changing.


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