The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1090: Wang Yan! You old fox

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Next, after a lot of disturbances, he quickly moved to the performance martial arts venue in the Super Academy.

According to the rules of the Super Academy, ordinary students can challenge key students as if they are ranked enough. The college also strongly encourages students to learn from each other, increase their actual combat experience, and upgrade their level.

As a result, the performance martial arts stadium in the college was built very luxuriously, and they were all equipped with defensive formations and auditoriums.

This is one of the largest performance martial arts platforms with high-strength large square stones on the ground and thousands of audience seats. Of course, because the number of students in the college is limited, there are only hundreds of students and teachers.

On the podium.

A total of four people were sitting, namely Wang Yan, the son of flames, Linghu Yaojue, the seven-tailed fox king, Indira, the goddess of Shiva, and the Lotus Saint. They represent the descendants of the China National African Affairs Bureau and the Indian gods, and preside over and maintain the fairness of this exchange meeting.

Among the four, Indira, the goddess of Shiva, was the most unstable. She glared at Wang Yan from time to time. Looking secretly again, as if waiting for someone.

And from the naked winks on her veil, she was able to catch a trace of disappointment.

From yesterday morning, Lei Hong disappeared to the present after leaving, and I do n’t know what happened to him. In fact, At this time, Indira did not know how to face Lei Hong.

Should I blame him, or should I forgive him?

Perhaps it is a good thing not to meet for the time being.

"Yingying." Wang Yan saw that she seemed to be somewhat disoriented, and he couldn't help but smiled, "Should your killer tools come out?"

The English and English words reminded Indira of that night. It turned out that she also thought that the English and English words were pretty nice and quite ashamed. But now the thought of those two words comes from Wang Yan's mouth, and she couldn't help it, she gritted her teeth and said: "Son of Flame, I can allow you to be arrogant for a while, and don't cry for a while. Also , Not allowed to call me Yingying. "

"Xiao Yanna, Indira anyway, the identity is the guest, don't stimulate her anymore." Linghu Yaojue persuaded to persuade, "And she is a goddess of Shiva, and her relationship is stalemate. It ’s no good. "

"Oh, both of me and her are inherently incapable of dealing with it. You can't always let me keep my hot **** against someone's cold ass?" Wang Yan smiled and said, "Don't care about her, anyway, I have nothing to ask Let her get upset if she gets on her head, and treat my brother with her arrogant disease. "

Linghu Yaojue can't help but quietly give Wang Yan a glance, you say that others are arrogant, they are as if they are very simple. But this is indeed Wang Yan's character. Others respect him by an inch, and he is still a foot away. If someone else bullied him for a foot, he would have to pay him back.

In short, if you eat everything, you won't suffer.

After he got it, he couldn't persuade him, so let him go.

Are talking.

The Indian youth team, which has been hidden in the entourage, appeared one by one under the order of Lord Shiva Indira. The first player to play was Akbar, the apprentice of the four-armed Rakshadijan.

I saw Chi ~ naked, wearing a loose lantern trousers Akbar, playing with two scimitars in the hands of the ring. His skin was brown, and his naked upper body was covered with scars. At first glance, he was the kind of guy who had gone through so many battles and was breathless.

His eyes were rebellious and he even dared to stare at Wang Yan from afar, his eyes revealing desire and ambition. Before, his master's four-armed Raksha, had confronted Wang Yan several times, and the result was self-evident.

Today, Wang Yan is already a legendary powerhouse. And his master four-armed Raksha can only be regarded as A + level, and he has not even reached the S-level half step.

Son of Flame!

Sooner or later, my double-edged Akbar will pull you off the altar.

"Oh, Brother Dijang." Wang Yan also said to the four-armed Raksha from a distance, "Why are you apprentices, where did you pick them up?"

The four-armed Raksha was so hung out that he glared at Wang Yan far away: "Son of Flame, my apprentice, like me, was born in a slum since childhood. But his qualifications are better than me, although he is only now Eighteen years old, but already at the peak of the C + level, it is possible to break to the B level at any time. "

For the son of flame, of course, he will not have a good face, before there was too much grudge between each other. And now the gap between the two sides is huge ~

Generally speaking, before the age of 30, you can be a B-level, already an excellent young man. Achieving B grade before the age of twenty is even more genius. If you can achieve B grade at the age of eighteen, it is indeed very proud.

Listening to the four-armed Rakshadi's expression full of pride, Wang Yan laughed and said: "Eighteen, buddy, are you making a move? Look at his face and say he is thirty Everyone believes. "

"Son of flames, what nonsense you are !?" The four-armed Raksha is furious. "Are you questioning my character? My apprentices have grown old because they lived hard since childhood, is this also a kind of Are you guilty? "

"I'm joking with you." Wang Yan smiled calmly and casually, "You said that eighteen would be eighteen, and the result is the same anyway. By the way, our brother hasn't seen each other for a long time. Put? "

Play a handful?

As soon as he heard the word, the four-armed Rakshab suddenly felt excited, remembering all kinds of terrible things. At the Youth Conference, he used this light-hearted attitude to make everyone want it.

And his four-armed Raksha, in the last few games, almost lost even his panties. Some debts owed have not yet been paid off. Looking at Wang Yan's complacent expression, if the four-armed Raksha can beat him, he would have already started.

"I don't want to bet!" The four-armed Raksha exhausted all the restraint, and finally these three words popped out.

"Oh, it's really boring." Wang Yan yawned and said to himself with a bored expression, "Yingying, just now the four-armed Raksha said not to play. Anyway, idle is also idle. Two? "

Shiva Goddess Indira froze for a moment, and immediately looked at Wang Yan like an enemy. What the **** is this guy doing? Indira, who has learned from the past, would he bet against Wang Yan?

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "I don't gamble, it's meaningless to gamble. In addition, you are not allowed to call me Yingying."

"Ah, Yingying. It seems that you have no confidence in your players." Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and said aloud, "Otherwise, why wouldn't he even win the game and refuse to play?"

Wang Yan seemed to be laughing, just like an old fox. With such an expression, the experienced Indira and the four-armed Raksha, etc., were covered with hair and goose bumps.


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