The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1099: Why not play

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"Why, just let you stare at the tender young sisters." Linghu Yaofei glanced at Uncle Pai angrily, "Don't you let me appreciate the little fresh meat? Besides, our family How great Yan is. To look and look, to be wise and to be responsible. It's a pity ... "It was a pity in her eyes during the speech.

In that way, he saw Uncle Cannon as terrified and trembling. He was secret in his heart. Fortunately, he had been born for seven or eight decades. Otherwise, in case you and Xiao Yan lived in the same era, let alone the Linghu Yaofei, it would be a blessing to marry a wife in this life.

Even so, Uncle Cannon is still a bit chilly. He secretly performed better, and said haha: "Yes, yes, my wife is right. Our family Xiao Yan is indeed very good and is the object of learning for the husband."

It was sad in my heart. It was also a sin to take an apprentice so good this year.

Without mentioning the uncle, the days are getting more and more painful, but the super energy college is full of blood. Wang Bing defeated Shiva Rui and finally pulled the score back to two to two. And in this scene, the two sides played against you, and they were very upright and wonderful.

Prior to this, although Wang Bing was a key student. But in school, she has never shown mountains and dew, and she is almost not social, but she is silently practicing, and her sense of existence is not strong. Occasionally, some students tried to challenge the qualifications of her key students, and they quietly and easily resolved the battle.

As a result, most students regard her as the worst among key students. She relied on the appreciation of Nan Lian, the queen of ice, to promote her as a key student.

Unexpectedly, the fighting power she broke out this time was so amazing. And she has a solid foundation, calm and wise, not arrogant and impatient. For a time, almost all her classmates looked at her with admiration.

"Sister Wang Bing is so powerful, Sister Wang Bing cheers." The little girl An An cheered and encouraged off the court. On the side of Super Energy Academy, the students are also boiling, and Wang Bing's popularity is also rapidly rising.

On the other hand, the Indian national team has a slightly dignified atmosphere. They originally thought that these Chinese Super League students, but only a few months of formal system training. To win them is of course an easy task.

Unexpectedly, the score was tied evenly.

And that Wang Bing doesn't seem to deal well.

Emperor Shitian closed his eyes halfway, and seemed not interested in everything. And the small-headed Duke Sara is still an old monk who is immobile and immovable. Only the four-armed Raksha's apprentice, Akbar, with twinkling eyes, seems to be interested in Wang Bing.

He licked his lips, jumped into the ring, and the double knives danced a gorgeous knife flower in his hands. Hehe said: "Beauty, good strength, let my brother come to teach you a lesson." , Xun rushed towards Wang Bing like a cheetah.

A thin layer of ice under his feet seemed to have no effect on him. Every time he stepped on the foot, the layer of ice under his feet cracked into pieces, and splashed around. His speed is extremely fast, almost in front of Wang Bing in a blink of an eye, the two swords screamed and cut towards Wang Bing.

If you say that you hit it, it is already called a sneak attack, which has caused the superb students to exclaim and scold. This forced and dragging Indian Asan is so shameless and shameless. Where is it like Wang Bing before, on the stage to give the opponent a rest time, but also let the opponent attack first.

Everyone is human. Why is the gap so huge?

However, Wang Bing had been prepared for a long time, with a gentle step under her feet, her delicate body flew back like a fairy. Two blades of light cut across her door, and the sharp blade cut off her fluttering ray. Hair.

This hide was only a fraction of the time, and it was extremely dangerous, causing many people to sweat from behind. But Wang Bing, still calm as usual, did not change his expression. She was flying like a cloud and drifting backwards. At the same time, her hands rubbed together, and a sharp ice crystal condensed in the cold fog, just like a cannonball, howling back at Abuck. go with.

Although Wang Bing is a disciple of Nan Lian, in terms of fighting style, there is still a big gap between the two.

"Come well!"

Abak couldn't hit it, but was even more excited. The knife was like a rainbow, and the ice cone was split with a knife. Under the ice debris, he chased Wang Bing away like a maggot.

A person is as fast as a wolf, as fierce as a tiger. A fluttering butterfly like a bee. In just half a minute, you have fought more than a dozen rounds between you and me. It was dazzling, and at the same time, it was addictive.

The two seemed to be on par with each other, but they were equally matched, but Wang Yan looked slightly frowned. Wang Bing had a fierce battle before, which was very expensive. Now when I meet an opponent who is not close to her, it will inevitably be in a weak position.

Competing masters, this is the first half of the battle. The previous consumption was so great that this battle was probably dangerous. Not to mention Wang Yan, even Shiva, the goddess, could see it.

She chuckled with a smile: "Son of Flame, it seems that your key student Wang Bing is going to lose." Although she also admired Wang Bing's girl quite a bit, after all, she was the goddess of Shiva in India, and she loved reason It should stand on the stand of the Indian nation.

"Oh, this is not necessarily true." Wang Yan Junlang raised his brow and hugged his hands, "I think it is the so-called double-blade abak."

"How is it possible?" Indira, the goddess of Shiva, is also the world's top master, and she has rich combat experience. Look at the battle between the two C + students, can't this point of sight be?

Immediately, Qiao stared at Wang Yan openly and said angrily, "Son of Flame, are you looking down on my eyesight? That Wang Bing has already started to be qi-deficit, and Akbar is still very energetic. . Wang Bing's losing face has reached 80%. "

To be honest, Indira's own temper is not bad. But every time I saw Wang Yan, and heard Wang Yan talking, an inexplicable anger would rush up. Could it be because they are both fire attributes, are they inherently conflicting?

One is pure yang true fire, and the other is flame of destruction. They are one of the strongest flames in the world. Perhaps, they are not naturally integrated with each other.

Facing Indira's anger, Wang Yan was still there, so he said: "You also said, the loser is only 80%, is there still a 20% chance of winning?" He smiled innocently, "Since We are not in agreement, why should we gamble? "

It looked like a big bad wolf that lured the little white rabbit.


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