The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1103: Towards the pinnacle of life

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As he was talking, the two-blade Arbuck, who was suppressed by Wang Bing, roared, and the two sharp scimitars danced quickly. On the ring, like a rotating hurricane, he twisted the endless ice cone.

The angry and injured Abark, like a wounded beast, exploded into fierceness. With a whirlwind strangling and breaking the ice blockade of Wang Bing, the fierce light in his eyes rushed to Wang Bing.

"it is good!"

The morale of the Indian team, which had a low morale, suddenly rose. This time, the outbreak of the double-blade arbucks turned around and pulled them back to the same starting line.

Today, Wang Bing's physical strength has dropped to the warning line. And Abuck is still injured. The result of the battle between the two, once again confused and confused. The goddess Shiva's eyes also looked better, at least the double-blade abbak recovered his face.

But before the Shiva goddess was happy, Zhao Chengtian, the second youth, began to growl again: "What? You said I don't have a girlfriend? Is it a single dog? Hahaha, you are all wrong. Now, I have this ... … ”He said, he took out a cell phone and turned the volume to the maximum.

It was a live broadcast channel. The enchanting female anchor saw Zhao Chengtian landing, and began to whisper in his eyes: "Heaven is coming, people want to die you, why not."

"Oh, uh!"

Zhao Chengtian began to reward him as a superpower. Recently, he made a lot of money in the college missions. Although it is far less than the income like An An, it is also countless times stronger than ordinary people.

Moreover, he came quickly and didn't feel distressed. His shot was extremely bold, and soon became a crazy chase of a group of female anchors. Entering a live broadcast room casually, he was treated like an emperor. No matter what he asked, the other party whispered that Brother Tian is good or bad, others do n’t follow, but they are more frantically pleased to follow.

"Hello everyone, my name is Wei Wei, I'm the elder brother's maid, I will do whatever the elder brother asks me to do."

"It's called Nana. Brother Tian is my favorite idol. Brother Tian, ​​people want to die you. Every minute, every second, every day, they miss you."

"Upstairs are all bitches, all die for this palace."

A series of performances shocked everyone around.

Isn't it?

Can I still play like this?

Especially some single men, can't help itching. Even one of his masters, Scud, came in a sprint, and slapped it on the apprentice's head: "You traitor, how can you do such a thing."

To be honest, the double-blade Abuck who is fighting against Wang Bing on the stage, although he is constantly admonishing himself, do n’t be affected, do n’t be affected, but his heart is still tickling, and it ’s hard to avoid its influence .

He hated Zhao Chengtian for fucking. If it was normal, he must have immediately thrown into Zhao Chengtian's five bodies. But right now, he is fighting. Confused, how can I fight?

Seeing that Zhao Chengtian was beaten up by his master's lesson, Abak's mood suddenly eased. Stinky boy, ask you to harass me, tell you to do this kind of stinky thing. This kid was caught by your master, is it bad? Hahaha ~

But before Abac ’s mood flew up, Scud snatched the apprentice ’s cell phone and shouted with his eyes bright: “A lot of beautiful girls, scumbags, you do n’t know about such good things. Tell the teacher earlier that it ’s really unfilial. "


Some superpowered students around were suddenly dumbfounded. What kind of master is this? Moreover, SCUD is still our school's mentor, so shameless?

"Who are you? How dare you stupid old man grab the phone of Brother Tian."

"This smelly old man is so ugly."

"Hurry up and apologize to Brother Tian, ​​otherwise people will fight with you."

The beauties of all the anchors gathered together scolded Scud.

"All shut up, that's my master." Zhao Chengtian hurriedly stopped, and by the way, "My master is more rich than me, and is currently single."


Those live-streaming beauties who have grown into red faces on the Internet suddenly were overwhelmed with fright. But they showed the super quality of the live beauties in an instant, changed their faces in an instant, began to flatter all kinds of hairy legs, the coquettish coquettish, the charming coquettish, the enchanting enchanting to the extreme.

"Well, Xiao Li, you are right. I am the uncle who looks ordinary, and actually has a broad and deep connotation like the sea. What you said is really in my heart, reward, reward." His eyes shined, his face glowed with red light, and his bones were lighter by three pounds. The intoxicated look was like being an emperor.

"Thank you Uncle Legs." Xiao Li was even smiling, and she was so excited, she didn't expect that this seemingly frivolous uncle was so rich and rewarded more than Tian Ge.

In this way, the beautiful women of all walks of life are even more hilarious, and they all tried their best to please Scud. And the Scud was not stingy, the rain and dew were all stained, and a large sum of money was scattered without heartache.

This money is just a drizzle for superpowers of this level. And his life seems to have opened the door to a new world, a brand new and enchanting world appeared before him.

In this life, I have never been as wonderful and refreshing as this moment.

"Huh ~ this is the style of your member of the China National Bureau of Non-State Affairs?" Shiva's eyes are full of contempt and disdain, "Son of Flame, this goddess is really disappointed with you."

"Uh ..." Looking at the appearance of Scud, Wang Yan actually felt quite shameful. What's so coquettish about the beauty of this live webcast? It's really full and nothing to do.

But if Wang Yan knew this idea to Scud, he would definitely slap him. Wang Yan, you're the one who is full of men but hungry. You have a lot of beautiful women, but do you know the suffering of your brother?

"It's so cool?"

On the side of the ring, the double-blade Abuck was also harassed. His heart was like ten thousand ants crawling and crawling, scratching his heart. This fight is no longer interesting.

With his current mentality, it must be a loser. Might as well ...

"I admit defeat ~" Abuck's eyes rolled back and jumped back. After saying these three words, he jumped off the ring without looking back, leaned over to the Scud, and probed the brain, "Scary Senior, let me also Look. Wow, there are so many beautiful women. "

"Hee hee, there is another handsome guy."

"Wow, handsome guy, you are so handsome, so strong muscles."

At this moment, Abuck had an urge to cry. In this life, no one has ever said that he is handsome, and excited, said: "Appreciation ~"

Then, Wang Yan looked at the Shiva goddess, so she said: "His goddess, don't people in your unit seem to be the same? Haha ..."

The face of Lord Shiva was black under the veil.


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