The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1115: Son of Flame, you are too much!

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With the realm of C + level, it actually defeated the B-level Emperor Shi Tian who is still in a violent state. Moreover, Emperor Shitian's fellow can't be judged by ordinary B-level strongmen.

Ordinary B-level strongmen play against him, can it be a matter of staying a few minutes?

But Sikong Zhi, in just a few minutes, methodically drove Emperor Shitian crazy and defeated. Moreover, it makes the other party so miserable, I am afraid it is already five mature?

The most frightening thing is that Si Kongzhi used the opponent's own ability to defeat him. Emperor Shitian's guy was baked like this, relying on his own energy.

It was also because Emperor Shitian was a powerful superpower, and his vitality was extremely tenacious. Otherwise, it will be replaced by the one with weaker strength and life physique.

Therefore, even before that, everyone had expected it. But after this scene really happened, everyone was still stunned, as if they were still in a dream.


There is no doubt that this is a huge miracle.

Many mentors also looked at Si Kongzhi, who performed amazingly, with serious eyes, no longer looking at students. In fact, many mentors are only B-level strength.

Even if they go to the ring, it is estimated that they can't do anything.

However, as a student, Si Kongzhi defeated Emperor Shitian unscathed, and he was almost the strongest Emperor Shitian. This makes Si Kongzhi in the eyes of all the mentors, has reached, even exceeded the level of ordinary mentors.

The world of superpowers has always been detached and realistic. Identity and status are not important in the world of superpowers. Only when you speak out your strength will you be respected.

As for An An, although she performed very well, she hasn't divorced from the scope of a student after all, and the tutors have not taken her status to the same status.

As for the ordinary super classmates, they were staring at Si Kongzhi with their eyes shining in awe. Although he has not yet reached the B level, but the real combat power has reached the B level.

And because he can command five flying swords by himself, if he really cultivates to level B, is it invincible in level B?

Of course, this is also the students in their own YY. Based on Si Kongzhi's potential, it will indeed be very powerful after being promoted to the B level. But the B-level invincible is not to mention, and it is not that the attribute exercises are all related to each other, let alone the world is so big, the amazing people are always endless.

Today's earth is constantly overlapping with the abyss, and the collision in the four-dimensional space has begun. Heaven and earth are constantly undergoing subtle changes in a way that is invisible to the naked eye.

For example, the active free energy between heaven and earth continuously occurs in a tidal state, which has increased many times over the previous few days. Invisible or tangible, known or unknown fluctuations are also more frequent than ever.

All kinds of changes will cause the number of awakenings of the superpowers to increase sharply, and the possibility of a talented genius who is amazing and amazing is greatly increased.

As the saying goes, there will be gains and losses, and there will be gains and losses. The collision and overlap between the earth and the abyss of the higher plane at the four-dimensional level is a crisis of extinction and an opportunity for rise.

According to internal top-secret records, this is not the first time that the earth has come into contact with and collided with the abyssal world. In fact, every collision that passes by will cause an enormous disaster to the earth, but at the same time, a lot of powerful and great heroes will emerge in that era. Earth superpowers will show explosive growth in a short time.

Nowadays, the number of talents on the planet has multiplied, and more and more young people have emerged to emerge, which must be related to the impact of the two dimensions of the four dimensions.

at the same time.

Si Kongzhi, who defeated Emperor Shitian, did not embarrass Emperor Shitian, who was almost unconscious, but just put away the Flying Sword. First, he looked at Wang Yan, bowed to him, and then saluted Gao Mingyue.

In fact, in the mind of Si Kongzhi, it is still the highest position of President Wang Yan. That was the first superpower he had ever contacted in his life. No, to be precise, it was the first superpower that caused his inner turmoil and shock.

From the day when he saw President Wang, he realized that the pride of himself was purely a matter of looking at the sky. The ability of superpowers to be so ruinous is really telling him his vision.

After that, he kept learning about President Wang from various channels. As the understanding became deeper, his admiration for Wang Yan became stronger and deeper. Secretly determined that in the future, we must aim at President Wang Yan.

If President Wang refused to accept his apprentices, he must find a way to visit President Wang's door. Of course, he is also very satisfied with his master Gao Mingyue.

Not only has he reached the legendary level at a young age, he is also a master of the Shushan Sword School he has loved since childhood. The Shushan Jiandian may not be the most high-end treasure in the world, but it is the best practice for him.

After finishing the ceremony, Si Kongzhi lightly dropped off the ring. The appearance of the wind and clouds was light, as if nothing had happened.

Wang Yan smiled and returned to the rostrum. He smiled at the Lord Shiva and said, "His Royal Highness, the result of this game is already obvious?"

Lord Shiva's eyes are embarrassed, but in her status, she cannot be denied. After glaring coldly at Wang Yan, he said: "Don't talk nonsense, my goddess Shiva, of course, is willing to gamble to lose."

Although her words were very firm and her eyes were very firm, her heart was extremely disturbed. Just kidding, is the kid's treacherous son of Flame a joke?

Even more fatal is that she had determined that the Indian national team had won, so the condition negotiated with Wang Yan was that whoever lost, they had to answer an arbitrary condition for the party. Of course, it can't be something that violates the law and hurts others.

Even, in the careful thought of Lord Shiva, she had already figured out how to play tricks on the Son of Flame. For example, open a global live channel, let him put on a voluptuous hula dance and dance, and then say the three most classic words reverently and loudly to her Shiva goddess.


"Do not!"

"Get up!"

In that scene, even if she just thought about it, Shiva Goddess felt very high, from the sharp hair to the depths of her soul.

But now this scene is embarrassing.

In the end, she lost the goddess Shiva. What if Wang Yan had insight into her heart and asked her to do such a thing? In other words, what should he do with his evil thoughts and do something more exaggerated and more embarrassing?

For a time, Shiva's mind was full of evil exaggerated thoughts. The more she wanted and the more desperate, her eyes widened with exotic charms, she suddenly stood up and shouted at Wang Yan: "Son of Flame, you are too much Fen, too disgusting, too abnormal, this goddess fights with you. "

For a time, Wang Yan was stunned. Your goddess, I do n’t seem to have treated you yet.


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