The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1128: Who are you talking about?

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"The son of flame is so handsome. And his words moved me so much, woo, I will catch you, and then stay with you for a lifetime in the demon prison, and accompany you to bear the sins committed, woo ~ my heart will be melted."

A flight attendant beauty who has been transformed into a blood angel is full of little stars in her eyes. The other flight attendants looked at Wang Yan with an admiring look. Now in this world, men who can do this step are really rare.

Shen Mengting was also short of breath, and a blush flashed across Qiao's face. Although she is a zombie, she is close to the level of a corpse, with blood and flesh in her body, which is almost the same as a normal person.

"Huh, it's nice to say, it seems like you're the only one who is my girlfriend." Shen Mengting drank the red wine from the glass and smiled slightly, "but you can rest assured that under your active education, I I do n’t do anti-human and anti-social things. I recruit blood descent. I volunteer to do all kinds of notification duties, and not everyone can get into my eyes, and not everyone is eligible to be transformed into blood. Angel's. "

The blood angel also inherited the inheritance method of the blood clan, that is to transform the blood descent through the first embrace. Moreover, the conditions are harsher and stricter than those of purebred blood. Moreover, the blood-controlling disease of the blood race has also been inherited by the blood angel. It will be clear by looking at these beautiful flight attendants and chefs.

"Then it's best." Wang Yan raised a glass of congratulations and said, "Save me and you go to prison in demon prison with you."

To be honest, traveling by private luxury plane is much slower than taking a satellite flight, but the comfort level is heaven and earth, and it is not the same. To be honest, if you are not in a hurry, a private luxury aircraft is the best choice.

However, Wang Yan did not intend to buy a private jet. His expensive spaceship is under construction, which is almost coming to an end. Therefore, you can directly skip the step of private jet.

at the same time.

Speaking of other girlfriends, Wang Yan was also worried. There was no news of Wuya Ange for a long time, and she did not reply even a few WeChat messages. However, Wang Yan also checked An Ge's mission record, and she applied to say that she was going to retreat.

However, Wang Yan is not too worried. For superpowers, it is normal to retreat for a few months at a time, or even half a year. It is estimated that Sister An Ge saw that everyone was gradually breaking through to the legendary level, and she was a little anxious under her heart, so she hurried to retreat.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

In less than two hours, the plane passed over the stratosphere above Gongga Mountain. After arriving at this place, Wang Yan and Shen Mengting wouldn't honestly land at the airport and would spend a lot of time coming by car.

They jumped out of the cabin directly and descended from the sky to the top of Gongga Mountain. This mountain range is covered with snow all year round, and it is called Daxue Mountain. Ordinary people are extremely difficult to climb and can easily die.

at the same time.

An old and strong voice sounded on the top of the mountain: "Which friend came to my Daxue Mountain? The old man drove too late, please forgive sins." In the words, there was a strong and dissatisfied.

Since generations, Daxue Mountain has been the site of its sable king. How can superpowers with a little status not know? Now these two breaths have invaded Daxueshan's sphere of influence, so how could it be cool without saying hello?

If it weren't for one of the breaths to be thick and scorching, like the sun in the sky, so hot that he shouldn't be underestimated, he would have passed away without a word.

"Oh, Senior Diao Wang. The juniors are not invited. They also hope to forgive sins." Wang Yan's hearty laughter also sounded at the top of the mountain. He hovered with Shen Mengting on the top of Daxue Mountain, carrying it His hands are extraordinary.

The superpower world always respects strength. If there is no special intersection, the same realm is treated as the same. But Wang Yan and Diao Wang have a deep relationship, and it also helped Wang Yan.

Therefore, Wang Yan called it a senior, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Wang Yan? It turns out that you stupid boy is here."

A thick voice sounded, and a small figure swooped at a rapid speed, hovering in front of Wang Yan. He was dressed as an old gentleman, holding a scepter in his hand, his clothes straight, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose.

If it weren't for his appearance, he was like a large mouse who could stand, and I wouldn't really think that this is the old gentleman who came across from the Republic of China.

"The kid has seen seniors." Wang Yan arched his hand solemnly. This sable king Shouyuan is extremely long, and I heard that it will live much longer than the master lady Linghu Yaofei. It should be more polite.

"Huh. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, your kid is progressing too fast." Wang Diao said with surprise, "This kid is more powerful than Cao Jingluo, this time ... Huh?"

The original Diao Wang was in a good mood when he saw Wang Yan, but when he saw Shen Mengting beside him, his face suddenly became dark. Wherever this stinky boy went, there were beautiful women following, no, the woman's breath is so strange, that is, some are like zombies, but full of vitality, and a **** smell.

But anyway, this woman does not seem to be a kind of kindness, but has a taste of exotic demon. Fortunately, Diaowang lived for a long time, and was born of a demon clan, and had no natural hostility to any demon.

It's just that Wang Yanming is obviously his grandson-in-law, and as a result came home with other women, this will inevitably make Diao Wang feel very unhappy.

Although the big husband, three wives, and four concubines are common things, the Diaowang is still very uncomfortable, the mouse-like beard is raised, and he starts to frown at Wang Yan: "Stinky boy, you come to my Daxueshan Institute Why? "

A guy with a big mouse's expression is so drunk that his expression is so vivid and vivid.

"Uh ... hehe, that's it. I haven't seen Xiaoxue for a long time, and I want to visit her." Wang Yan was more polite when he saw that Diao's face was not good.

"Well, your kid still has some conscience." Wang Diao's face softened a little. "Although his nature is more romantic, it is also human nature."

Instinct? Human nature.

Wang Yan dripped cold sweat, this marten king is really a man of temperament, no, it is a marten of temperament. But it is normal to think about it. He has lived at least a thousand years. It is normal to have this kind of thinking.

However, when it comes to romantic stories, Wang Yan feels that he is still being wronged. Because of all the coincidences, I did have multiple girlfriends. However, these girlfriends have had feelings and entanglements with each other only by chance.

"But according to the rules, Xiaoxue is your main house." Diao Wang squinted at Shen Mengting and hummed, "Even if you want to marry a concubine, you must get Xiaoxue's consent,"

"Little concubine?" Shen Mengting's face changed, and he said angrily, "Who are you talking about, concubine?"


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