The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1130: Which one is the aunt?

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Looking at the eighty-nine-year-old Loli, Shen Mengting's beautiful face, the corners of her mouth kept twitching. This little girl is her own nemesis. At the beginning, it was she who cooperated with Wang Yan and took her own blood.

It was also a blessing in misfortune. She survived in another way, and her memory was not damaged much.

Wang Yan, who hugged Xiaoxue, was also dumbfounded. This feeling is really weird. Once she shook her body, she grew up several years. If she shakes again, wouldn't she want to become a big girl?

Wang Yan was excited and put her down quickly. It's no longer appropriate for such a big girl to be held in her arms.

"Big Brother, I'm sorry ~" Xiaoxue's beautiful eyes apologized. "Although people have worked hard, they can only reach this point for now."

"Hoo ~"

Both Wang Yan and Shen Mengting secretly breathed a sigh of relief and secretly wiped a cold sweat. Fortunately, fortunately, your little girl will not grow bigger, otherwise you do n’t know what to do.

"It's okay, let's take it slowly." Wang Yan reached out and stroked her head. "Cultivation of this kind of thing is not in a hurry. The more anxious, the easier the foundation will be."

"Well, Xiaoxue knows this." Xiaoxue nodded cleverly, "This time Big Brother can come to see Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue is already very happy and will work harder to practice."

That look is as good as you want to be.

It's been a long time since the big snow mountain sable king there looked like a beard and glared, Xiaoxue, you have been growing up with a big brother and a big brother. In this eye, where can you afford the existence of grandpa?

This is really sad.

Talking, Xiao Ferret glanced at Shen Mengting aside, covering her mouth and yelled: "This, isn't this? Isn't that the one? Why are you alive again." The small face was full of surprise.

Shen Mengting also glanced at her angrily. Your girl is really full of brother Wang Yan. She said coldly, "Living again."

"Oh." Xiaoxue was just surprised, and continued to hold Wang Yan's arm in a big way, and spoke softly to him. What are you talking about? I think big brother, every day is so boring.

This made Diao Wang and Shen Mengting both feel a sense of being left out. After glancing at each other, they snorted again.

After a long while.

Xiaoxue remembered that Grandpa was there, and moved from Wang Yan to Grandpa reluctantly, pretending to be two spoilers, saying that Grandpa I miss you so much.

But his eyes still hung on his brother Wang Yan.

It didn't look very sincere at first glance, but Diao Wang seemed to eat this set. In Xiao Xue's coquettish voice, her face was full of enjoyment expressions, and she said repeatedly, good granddaughter and granddaughter good.

But Xiaoxue's style changed and giggled and said, "Grandpa, when I was chatting with my elder brother just now. The elder brother said that he commissioned Grandpa Niu to forge a set of equipment and wanted to see Grandpa Niu."

Diao Wang's beard blows and hums, "This seat was strange before. The stink boy named Wang would come to see you so kindly? Now I understand that this stink boy came for the equipment."

"Grandpa, how can you say that?" Little Ferret grunted his mouth and hummed, "Even if Big Brother is here to do things, look at Xiao Xue by the way, that's a happy thing."

"Okay, no matter what, Xiao Xue is happy." Wang Diao had no way to deal with this granddaughter. After coaxing a few words, he said to Wang Yan, staring at his eyes, "The old man doesn't know what he did. My baby granddaughter met you like a stinky kid. Alright, if you want to find an old cow, just go and find it. I will let you take you. I only have one condition. I will come and see Xiao Xue afterwards. "

"Oh, thank you Wang Di." Wang Yan arched his hand, and said, "Please rest assured, Wang Xiao and I have a deep friendship. I will stand on her side anyway in the future."

"It's almost the same." Diao Wang nodded slightly, "Go, let Xiaoxue take you to the old cow."

"Thank you grandpa." Xiaoxue happily put a kiss on Diao Wang's face. Then it turned into a ball of snow, fell into Wang Yan's arms, and squeaked.

Obviously, due to insufficient self-cultivation, it is time for her to become an avatar. This is also something that cannot be done. Xiaoxue did not rely on normal methods to reach the state of transformation, but took a forbidden fruit.

And under normal circumstances, Daxueshan sable king is very difficult to transform because of the lineage genes. There is no way to become a real humanoid like the strength of Diaowang, but a humanoid mouse.

That forbidden fruit was originally a treasure that Diao Wang had prepared for her. I hope that she will achieve the S-level one day and then take the forbidden fruit to become a real beauty. It is a pity that Little Ferret himself was too anxious and took the forbidden fruit early, causing her to be transformed into a little girl.

According to her current progress, it is still too early to practice to become a real beautiful girl.

Under the leadership of Xiaoxue, Wang Yan traveled across the Daxue Mountain, and after a few hours, he entered a hidden canyon. The canyon seems to be a hideaway of the Daxueshan Mountains, full of lush, birdy and floral fragrance.

Wang Yan even felt a scorching fire breath under the ground, which made him feel very comfortable. Obviously, under this large mantle, there should be very active magma.

Any mountain range on Earth is formed by the eruption of volcanoes formed by the movement and collision of the earth's plates. In theory, the more mountains there are, the more active its geological activities will be.

The mountains near Daxueshan are in a row and endless stream, and they must be very active in the long geological age.

Wang Yan has long heard that some ancient masters of refining were borrowing the fire of the earth to refining. For a time, he was also extremely curious.

"Who broke into my old cattle site?" At this moment, an urn was sighing, and a deafening voice rang in Wang Yan's ear. Waiting for him to ask questions, he saw a tall, burly man rushing over.

The "strong man" was human-shaped, and he was thick and honest, but his head was covered with a pair of large horns, and his chest was bare, and the dense chest was full of rock-like muscles. Sledgehammer, a powerful look.

"Squeaky ~"

The little ferret sprang out of Wang Yan's arms and landed on the shoulder of the strong horned man, a squeak.

"It turns out to be Xiaoxue?" The horned man with a fierce expression closed his face, and then he looked at Wang Yan and Shen Mengting. A pair of bulls' eyes were full of doubts. Which of the two is the aunt? "

Wang Yan and Shen Mengting are both a drop of cold sweat. What's going on with this bull demon king? Can't you even tell the woman?


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