The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1140: The son of flames is awful

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"You, your sister Nini. Fortunately, it's simple and kind." Indira, the goddess of Shiva, was aggrieved, and her voice whined, "But the son of flames is so abominable, me and He really has nothing to say. "

Recalling the tit-for-tat two, Rao was a thunderbolt after drinking, and he couldn't help having a headache. One is the only girlfriend and the other is the only brother. As a result, they are like ice and fire, with tit-for-tat conflicts.

In desperation, Lei Hong had to beat his forehead, and he was powerless and said: "I can't control the two of you either. What you love is just like that. I can only help each other."

"Alright, in short, I don't force you to sever ties with him." The goddess Shiva had no choice but to hum and say, "Big deal, I'll hide him a little bit later. But this time, hum, since he dares Come to my site, I will not easily spare him. "Between the words, a burst of sharpness burst into his eyes.

"You, you, what do you want to do?" Lei Hong was smoky with alcohol, and suddenly felt big, to say that his own brother Wang Yan was indeed not a nuisance, but his girlfriend was definitely not. Fuel efficient lamp.

The two of them collided together, and it was really Mars hitting the earth, with the tip of the needle facing Maimang. Anyway, if you do n’t have one, you will get up against each other. What makes him helpless is that every time his girlfriend loses.

"Oh, I didn't want to do anything." Shiva goddess Indira shrugged and sneered. "How did he do me in China, I have to find a way to go back. Whether it's for personal grievance or for the descendants of my gods I am incumbent on the fame of the world. "

"Uh ..." Lei Hong was speechless for a while.

No, the two were up again.

Although it seems that his girlfriend is full of confidence, Lei Hong always feels a little unhappy. Let's not mention why Wang Yan is going to visit and study in India this time. If you really want to fight him, how can Wang Yan's personality be put to rest?

If one fails, it will be a joke.

However, Lei Hong also had no good solution and had to go with them.


As for Wang Yan, after communicating with the goddess Shiva, he finally managed the first step. This made Shen Mengting and others stunned. This guy Wang Yan really dared to go to India.

According to the rumor, the Indian super energy circles are boiling up and down, down to the E-level D-level low-level superpowers, up to the A-level, and even the S-level super-superpowers, all angry at the Son of Flame, He wished he could humiliate him.

Just like him, how dare he go to India?

At the same time, Linghu Yaojue poked a phone call and burst into the mouth: "Wang Yan, are you full and have nothing to do with it? You want to organize a group to go to India? You are really a descendant of the gods of the people. Pinch it, let me ruin it ~ "

"Aunt Linghu, do you really think I am willing? I am not helpless?" Wang Yan's voice was a little helpless and aggrieved. "In this matter, you have to ask my grandmother, but this is her old family. An idea. "

Linghu Yaojue at that end was suddenly speechless, was it her sister's idea? What are these broken things, sister, what are she going to do? Could it be that she has hatred with the descendants of the gods?

No, with the current strength and status of the elder sister, and without the support of the goddess descendants of the gods, even playing harassment tactics can make the other party collapse, let alone join the two husbands, what hatred, Any injustices are estimated to be reported on the spot.

Of course, you can't say that one or two semi-god-level strong men can explode the entire descendants of the gods and the like. In India, the ancient civilization has a long history, and there are many mysterious and ancient backgrounds.

Especially Shiva and the like, there must be some big tricks at the bottom of the box. These big moves are usually strictly confidential and will never be used easily. If an irresistible disaster occurs, a big move will be made.

This kind of big trick is usually a life-saving trick left to future generations by some ancient existence. This kind of life-saving trick is not easy to exert, and it is often consumed at one time. Even the semi-god-level strong may not be able to carry it positively.

As a result, even if some organizations are lucky enough to be a semi-god-level peerless powerhouse, they dare not say that they will be able to knock out the influence of other countries. At most, they will be able to suppress the other party for some years.

The demigod is not invincible. Just like the World Demon Lord, it was suppressed by similar methods. And now in this world, there are

Nowadays, China's national luck is prosperous, and there is a half-god-level couple in high-end combat strength. There are also a lot of rookies, including young talents such as Wang Yan, Gao Mingyue, Linghu Yaojue, Huangfu Nanlian and others.

The future of this country is really bright. But now that the worldwide disaster is coming, all major organizations in the world have to abandon their suspicions and cooperate with each other.

Of course, these are temporarily off-topic words.

I only said that Linghu Yaojue was speechless at the moment. After holding it for half a minute, he was helpless and said: "You have to organize a group to visit and study in India. I have a few conditions that you must obey. Otherwise, hold a group in the world The general situation of disaster resistance. I can't put you out to harm the world. "

Harm the world?

Wang Yan drops a cold sweat, Director Linghu, you really despise me. What is harmful to the world is really too exaggerated. But this time, Wang Yan was not prepared to cause trouble in the past, so he said, "Yes, you can talk about it, Secretary."

"First, this time I will go to the group, and all matters will be subject to my command. You can't decide any action." Linghu Yaojue said seriously.

"This, no problem." Wang Yan agreed with a sigh of relief. Originally this time when he went to India, he wanted to brush up on the favorability of the Shiva goddess.

With Linghu Yaojue standing in front, things were better handled.

"Second, you are not allowed to engage in any form of betting." When thinking of Wang Yan's betting behavior, Linghu Yaojue felt a twitching corner of his mouth. This guy really gambles where, and also wins every time he gambles.

However, it is precisely because of this guy's unique betting skills, leading to enemies everywhere. No, I just wanted to offend the goddess Shiva.

"This ..." Wang Yan hesitated and said sincerely, "Director Linghu, maybe you don't know me well. Actually, personally, I don't like to bet on anything."

Linghu Yaojue's head was dizzy, what a joke, your son of flames bet all the reputation of the super power world. Now you dare to tell me, do n’t you like to bet?

This is like a cat. You told me that people do n’t like fish.


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