The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1155: Shiva eyes

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"Boom ~" Lord Shiva's eyes flustered, "Don't be angry, I'm all for your own good."

"Humph!" Lei Hong did not type again this time. After humming, he turned to Wang Yan, gave Wang Yan a deep hug, and patted him on the shoulder, apologizing.

Wang Yan can understand that he came here yesterday, but he was not notified, but he was unable to take care of his brother.

In the thick brotherhood, the two parties were nothing. But Shiva's eyes were a little bad, and she glared at Wang Yan. Wang Yan has been very helpless, what is your eyes, Your Royal Highness? It makes me seem to be robbing a man with you.

It ’s just that the destruction of Tianhuo is in her hands now, and Wang Yan ca n’t take hold of her. Instead, he smiled and said, "Brother, you ca n’t blame your goddess. This is also her kind intention to help you. Affection. "

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Yan's eyes were slightly proud. Let ’s see, Lord Shiva, I ’m just talking about you, but do n’t hurry to increase your favor?

Unexpectedly, Lei Bangwen said his face was even colder, staring coldly at Shiva, and said coldly: "A lot of things."


Shiva Goddess shook her body, but she didn't expect her to be so pained, she even got Lei Bang to treat her like this, and her tears were about to fall. "You, you, how can you say that to me."

Da Da Da, Lei Bang quickly typed a line: "I will practice to the S level without much trouble. I said, Wang Yan is my brother!"

In fact, Lei Hong is not really cold, but he has some problems with language expression without drinking. With the help of typing, it is still easy to express the meaning.

For a time, Goddess Shiva was heartbroken and looked at Wang Yan desolately. It seems that it was because of his appearance that Lei Hong had such a big opinion on himself, and he resented your appearance.

Poor Wang Yan touched his nose helplessly. This is the rhythm of lying down. Obviously it is you two, you can't even talk about normal love. Both are first brothers and first sisters. What spoiled me?

"Cough!" Wang Yan raised his hand weakly. "Can I say a few words?"

"Humph!" Shiva Goddess had no way to deal with Lei Bo, but she was still very confident with Wang Yan, and he said fiercely, "Son of Flame, what ivory can you spit out of your dog's mouth?"

"Hey, what's your tone?" Wang Yan also glared, "I'm trying to help you. You grew up so old, haven't you been in love?"

"Of course not. I'm a Shiva goddess, and I must be pure." Shiva goddess is very angry and straight, "Of course I have never been in love."

Ha ha, your words are simply contradictory.

At this point, Wang Yan also knew it was not her chance, but just sneered twice and said: "Looking at you who have never been in love, I will teach you two tricks. As a woman, the most important thing is to give yourself a face. You It does n’t matter how you bully him in private, but in front of outsiders, especially in front of his brothers and friends, if you do n’t give him a face, you ’re doing things. ”

"I don't understand ~" the goddess Shiva sighed, "I like Lei Bang, what does it have to do with others?"

Wang Yan fainted, your IQ, no, emotional intelligence. When he shot the show, he reluctantly said: "Of course, you like Lei Bo to be your own business, but if you want him to like you, of course, you have to care about his feelings. He is not happy about you, you have to do this Is n’t it to create a conflict? Director Linghu, please teach me how to do it? You ’re such a big person, you ca n’t even fall in love. "

Linghu Yaojue blushed, and gave him an angry look. Wang Yan said what you said, as if I had been in love. However, as a vixen, there are still talents in this regard.

What's more, there are ready-made examples of her sister and husband. In desperation, she pulled the Shiva goddess aside and whispered. After a while, the two joined hands and returned. At this time, Shiva's eyes were clear.

Obviously, after Linghu Yaojue opened her mind, she probably understood a lot. He gave Wang Yan a slanted look, his eyes scorned and said: "Son of Flame, you really are capable. Huh, you really should be renamed as the Son of Merry, how great is dating? In short, I will only be with Fall in love alone. "

After she finished, she looked at Lei Hong affectionately and tenderly said softly: "Hang ~ I was wrong before, I should n’t be hiding from your brother, nor should I force you to accept Lord Shiva The law of the eye is baptized. Forgive me if this time is good or not, and I will obediently obey later. "

"Yingying, me, I'm not right." Lei Hong softened at once, and stared at her deeply, as if a thousand words were in it.

"His ~"

These words, her goddess Shiva really said no one else, Wang Yan's goose bumps are coming out, these dogs and men, really want to kill people to death.

Except in the dog blood romance drama, this is undoubtedly the most nasty thing Wang Yan has heard. However, what she said about the eyes of Lord Shiva, what is that? Wang Yan does not seem to have heard of this.

Immediately, he said to Linghu Yaojue: "Director, you are old and well-informed, what is the eyes of Shiva?"

Linghu Yaojue didn't give up and passed out. You just said that Shiva and the goddess had no EQ, just as if you were very emotional. What makes me older and more knowledgeable?

According to the average life expectancy of humans and the Tianhu family, he is nothing but a young woman.

Just when Linghu Yaojue squeezed his nose, preparing to give Wang Yan some basic knowledge. A yin and yang strange voice sounded not far away: "The dazzling son of the flames has such a shallow knowledge that even the famous Shiva eyes don't know. The so-called Shiva eyes are the devastation left by the **** Shiva. Eye, enshrined in the shrine shrine for generations. It is also true that only the shiva gods, and now the rule of flame of destruction under the shrine of shiva goddess. "

Eye of destruction? The eyes of Lord Shiva?

Wang Yan was stunned and at the same time secretly rejoiced in his heart. Even the yin and yang strangeness of the man didn't care anymore. He asked, "Can the Destructive Eye release the Destructive Skyfire?"

"Huh, of course, and more pure." The voice said in disgust.

"Okay, really ... hehe, it's amazing." Wang Yan said a few words, and he received it back. Since that thing can put out the fire of destruction, then there is not only one way for myself.

His insincere expression immediately made Linghu Yaojue nervous, didn't he? Wang Yan, you are brave again, will you pay attention to Shiva?


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