The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1162: Baptism of Destruction

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"Giggle, my goddess, I've heard of the shrine baptism in your country." The queen spider smiled and smiled. "Couldn't we improve our cultivation by eating and drinking here?"

"No, the baptism of the meaning of destruction is divided into two parts." Shiva Goddess said, "The first part is the preliminary baptism. It is mainly for the B-level or below the superpowers. To resist the destruction. It means that it is not just cultivation that is powerful, it is more necessary to sharpen the fearless state of mind. Of course, for the legendary powerhouses, even if the mood is worse, it will be much stronger than the low-level superpowers. As a result, the baptism part of the trial is divided into two levels: elementary and advanced. "

After a pause, Lord Shiva said: "According to the rules, let's start with the young people first. As long as they walk towards the Shiva Tower, how far they can go depends on their fortune."

"Is this too simple?" Auguste was slightly disappointed. "It feels too much."

"Children's play?" Shiva's eyes were filled with sneer. "Our historical data is that the mortality rate is more than 20%."

"His ~"

There was an air-sucking sound everywhere, right? Even accepting the baptism of destruction, even with such a high mortality rate? For a time, everyone's face looked very bad.

Especially the young people looked at each other, they thought they came here to participate in an event to receive rewards, and they had to change their lives.

The bright saints, Linghu Yaojue, women's superheroes and others also have very bad complexions. This time, they brought the best young people selected from many young people across the country, and their future prospects are limitless.

If you die, it is a great loss.

"If you are afraid, you can not play." Lord Shiva said lightly, "The young people of our gods' descendants need to be selected carefully to be qualified. Some young people with unsettled minds have already been excluded. . "

The implication is that their 20% mortality rate has been rigorously screened. If not eliminated in advance, the mortality rate may be even higher.

As soon as this statement came out, the representatives of all countries were under great pressure.

With such a high mortality rate, no one can bear it.

Only An Pei Zongxiu, shaking his folding fan, said lightly: "The strong man is fighting for his own life with the sky. If he can't bear even this little danger, what can he talk about? Each of the young members of Dongying Chaozi will participate. "

With that, his cold eyes swept back.

Among the seven young men of Dongying, there are Ninja Sect, there are also Yin Yang Sect, and two are Dongying Tantra. At this moment, it is all expressionless, as if life and death have already been put aside.

Seeing that Ampei Zongxiu was so forced, the Super Shield could not sit still, and the golden lion sword sneered and said: "If you talk about death, you Dongying people are indeed called metamorphosis. If you don't agree, you commit suicide. We are comparable. "

"Our country is a human rights society, and I will listen to their own opinions." Female Super Villa also nodded and agreed, "Take the voluntary principle, who of you want to go?"

I have to admit that the Midi people are much worse than Dongying people in facing the choice of life and death. Upon hearing that there was more than 20% or even more death rates, many people hesitated.

In the end, only three young men with the most determined mind came forward.

The whole process seems a bit embarrassing. You know, this time Mi Di brought the most young people, there are eleven of them, and as a result, eight people dare not go. This kind of result also made people like Golden Lion Sword look very uncomfortable.

Human rights belong to human rights, but greed and fear of death to such an extent also make them "predecessors" worry about the future of the Super Shield. Blushing and embarrassed, Auguste, the golden lion sword, decided to bring Wang Yan to shame. He laughed and said: "Lao Wang, are your China countries preparing to adopt the system of conscription or forced? I have heard that your China country The progress of human rights is still considerable. "

What the hell!

Wang Yan glared at him angrily. Old Olympics Old Olympics, really good brothers. At a critical moment, I even thought of it as a shame.

However, Wang Yan didn't care about his face or not, shrugging his shoulders and saying, "I don't choose any of them, and I adopt a system of persuasion."

Persuasion system?

What kind of system is this?

Amidst the doubts of everyone, Wang Yan smiled back and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, we come to India to relax, but it's nothing to bet on our lives. This game, we don't play, no one can force you to play."

Joke, these students were hand-selected by Wang Yan, all of them have good qualifications, and the future is unlimited. Why is there no needless sacrifice under this baptism of destruction?

Don't play?

The eyes of everyone are a bit strange, aren't you the son of flames? Now that Shiva Temple is open to outsiders, why don't you play?

Linghu Yaojue on the side, quite agree with Wang Yan's words, his face looks a lot better. Speaking of trials, we also have our own country, why should we take risks here?


At this moment, Si Kongzhi coughed twice, begging to speak. After Wang Yan agreed, he calmly said: "Principal Wang, the students feel that this matter is for the time being. You can ask the specific details of Her Royal Highness, such as how far to go, how to pass the baptism, even if we can succeed once we succeed Rewards etc. "

This is reliable!

Therefore, Wang Yan was not asked instead.

The Lord Shiva said lightly: "Nature has tremendous benefits. The destruction of Lord Shiva's eyes is the will of God. The more baptisms received, the better for the future growth. Give you another data The young people who have been baptized by the meaning of destruction have a very good understanding of the law, and the lowest achievements in the future are A-levels. A considerable part of them have finally achieved legends. The goddess also participated in the C-level. Baptism, and touched the tower. "

Speaking of which, she couldn't suppress the proud expression in her eyes. Obviously, touching the pagoda is a kind of supreme glory, and certainly few people have ever done it.

It is for this reason that the current Shiva goddess, Indira, has a high status in the Shiva shrine. In particular, she has made amazing progress in understanding the laws of the fire of destruction. When the state is still at the A level, she can drive the fire of destruction.

Such a stunning character is extremely rare in the history of Shiva. If they did not fall, they would all eventually become famous giants.

This statement is enough to make many young people feel the heart.


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