The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1169: The Lun family listened to President Wang the most

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Obviously, Linghu Yaojue's charm technique exposed Zhao Chengtian's secondary nature in the same way, which is also the same, and maximized his potential.

In fact, this is Wang Yan's tactic.

In his view, the biggest weakness of his five students is that the time to enter the superpower world is too short, and the time to sharpen and grow is too short. But their advantage is that their potential is outstanding.

Nowadays, China has full control of potential superpowers, from hospitals to schools, to stations with concentrated pedestrian flow, airports, and even shopping malls. There are strict superpower fluctuation detection.

It can be said that as long as you are awakened, it is difficult to escape the perception tentacles of the National African Bureau. The ensuing investigation and mapping will also quickly cut in.

The number of people in China and the improvement of the overall national quality, together with various other factors have increased the awakening rate. At present, the number of awakenings among the younger generation of China is the highest.

A large number of awakenings will inevitably lead to some superpowers with extraordinary potential.

The five students of Wang Yan, in addition to Wang Bing, are the candidates that Wang Yan has chosen among thousands of young awakeners. It can also be judged from this that they are top-notch in terms of ability and potential. Once they develop well, they will all be the pillar talents of China in the future.


Don't wait for me now, the abyssal world and the earth world overlap. The younger generation of China has lacked time and space for growth. Soon, they will have to face the brutal and long war, or grow up in the war, or be eliminated in the war.

As a principal, Wang Yan is also a person who protects shortcomings extremely, and also cherishes his students very much. Nowadays, Wang Yan can certainly provide them with the opportunity to sharpen and grow.

It was only considering that their grinding time was too short, and Wang Yan came up with a way to stimulate their nerves with charms and induce their potential. Perhaps this is not a BUFF, and it cannot be compared with the Holy Blessings of the Bright Holy See.

However, it is the most suitable for their immediate use, the effect is stronger than any BUFF.

as predicted.

Zhao Chengtian was the first to benefit. Under the dual effect of the intention of destruction and the effect of enchantment, he aroused the super strong second-second breath. At this moment, I am afraid he really thinks that he is the fate of the protagonist.

Read more novels and more anime. Naturally understand the protagonist's undead law, even if it is difficult, even if it is hard, even if it is on the verge of extinction, this is just the test of God's own test and the nutrients of his own growth.

Since he won't die, Zhao Chengtian naturally has no fear, that is, no fear, the terror and meaning brought by the intention of destruction will naturally be greatly weakened. This is equivalent to a large increase in willpower resistance in disguise.

In addition to Zhao Chengtian, Zhang Wei, another filthy man, also had some effect. He flushed and blushed, and howling for the goddess, unceasingly torn open the space and swept forward.

Purely in terms of progress, he abruptly ranked behind the young ninja.

Although the content he roared was very disgraceful. However, the effect is not weak when it is stimulated by willpower.

In comparison, the effect of Wang Bing and the little girl An An under the charm spell BUFF is much weaker. The speed of the two of them has been significantly slower, and each step is very difficult.

Fortunately, Wang Bing's own willpower is very outstanding, and the little girl An An, don't look at her young age, but the mentality is very deep, not as powerful as Wang Bing Si Kongzhi, but much stronger than Zhao Chengtian and Zhang Wei.

While talking, the little girl, An An, suddenly shattered, but she still clenched her teeth and ran forward with her legs, and she yelled, "For the sake of President Wang ~~~"

But her short legs ran out of more than ten steps and stumbled to the ground.

It was also at this time that the space around her was undulating and fluctuating, and a handsome young man's figure came out of the air, protruding the ape arm and enveloping An An in his arms, whispering and blaming: "Your child, has clearly reached its limit. Why sprint again? "

To tell the truth, at this moment, the destruction that can be produced can be very destructive for young people with low strength, and it can even cause people to collapse and die.

However, for the existence of Wang Yan at this level, it is undoubtedly tickling, and a little ruin has no effect on him.

Although An An is strong in spirit and outstanding in potential, he is still an underdeveloped child after all. In terms of willpower, it is already very good to be able to do so now.

Half of the young people in all countries have fallen.

"School, principal." An An only felt a strong sense of security haunting the whole body, as if snuggling beside a mountain, her tense and frightened mind slackened all at once, her eyes glowed and she was a little timid Say, "An, An An just don't, don't want the principal to lose."

"Winning or losing is just a trivial matter." Wang Yan frowned slightly, "You are still too young to toss yourself like this."

"Got it, Principal Wang! The Lun family listens to Principal Wang the most." An An uttered his tongue playfully to Wang Yan, and then snuggled comfortably in Wang Yan's arms, his small head still rubbing in his arms. , A small, contented expression, and a hint of slyness in his watery eyes.

Obviously, this little guy was intentional, especially the last sentence, she made sure that President Wang would come to rescue her.

Wang Yan looked around and found that although Wang Bing walked hard, he was steady and tenacious. Obviously, it would not be a big deal in the first half. And Si Kongzhi, although walking slower, belongs to the most backward echelon of all people, but he walks more steadily, expressionless, like walking in the back garden.

For Si Kongzhi, Rao Shilian even Wang Yan couldn't help but nodded secretly. Don't be anxious and restless, step by step. In this game, it is better to go further than anyone else, not faster than anyone else. Even if he uses the speed of the turtle, he will win as long as he goes further than others.

The closer this destruction is to the Tower of Destruction, the higher the intensity. If you rush too fast, it is very likely that you will not be able to adapt to the surge of destruction and not be able to bear the load. Instead, Si Kongzhi's approach is more secure.

However, everything has two sides. If you go too slowly, the total amount of ruin will be greatly increased, which will greatly test the strength of willpower. It is also for this reason, for Zhang Wei and Zhao Chengtian, who have weak willpower, taking advantage of the courage of the energetic spirit inspired by the charm technique, they can rush as far as they can, which is also a strategy.

The Indians are the most experienced. They look at their young people and maintain a posture of moving forward at a constant speed, neither in a hurry nor slow.

"Wang Yan, surrender!" In the distance, the goddess Shiva sneered, "Forgot to tell you, during our mock test, Emperor Shitian could touch the existence of the tower, but I did nothing but That's it. "

"Oh, this is not necessary." Wang Yan's eyes narrowed.


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