The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1171: I am no longer hanging ~ silk

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Goddess Shiva was so angry that her body shook, her pretty eyes swayed towards Wang Yan, "Son of Flame, anyway, you are also a legendary strongman. You are just mean and shameless, even letting a little girl carry the pot, really I am ashamed to the extreme. "

Wang Yan touched his nose, expressing an innocent look. But he secretly gave thumbs up to An An and secretly praised a good word. As a childish little girl, she is far more powerful than Di Tian.

However, he sneered: "Your Highness Goddess, although this matter does have our responsibility. But the so-called master who can collapse these two words, what is the use of it? I don't believe it. Willpower can persist until it touches the edge of the Tower of Destruction. "


The eyes of Goddess Shiva are full of anger, but in this case, it is useless to get angry again. If you want to blame, you can only blame Emperor Shitian for not being able to bear even a little bit of verbal harassment.

In desperation, Lord Shiva had to swallow the bitter fruit into her stomach, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone has paid attention, don't be fooled by the bad guys, destroy the mind."

In fact, this time has come to a critical juncture, and every young person on the field has almost reached the extreme. Even the fastest young ninja rushed slowly.

The young people on the scene were eliminated one by one. Even Wang Bing couldn't hold on and was ordered to retreat by Wang Yan.

On the field, only the little head Tuo Kesala, Akbar Akbar, a young ninja, a young holy priest, and Wang Yan's students Si Kongzhi, Zhang Wei, and Zhao Chengtian were left.

I have to admit that Wang Yan's charm technique BUFF has a good effect. Zhang Wei and Zhao Chengtian, who were not strong in will, insisted to the present, and still roared slogans with great spirit.

Although those slogans are very vulgar and speechless, one for the goddess and one for me. But the effect is not bad, at least, keep their blood boiling.

Even Wang Yan felt the scorching radiance from their deep souls.

This is extremely eye-catching. To date, China has left three. In fact, the most interesting thing is that Sikong Zhi. At the beginning of the fight, Si Kongzhi's remarks had attracted widespread attention.

Now he is playing steadily, one step at a time, and in the end, he walks faster and faster, gradually catching up with the first echelon, and most of them have a posture to catch up.


Fifty meters from the Tower of Destruction, Akbar, the ugly-looking double-knife roared, knelt on one knee on the ground, his body of anger could no longer be controlled. Lord Shiva hurried to the scene and rescued him.

The sacred priest of the Light Holy See also hurried forward to help perform purification techniques to relieve his mania.

In fact, so far, although there are losers, none have died because of it. This is not a miracle, but every legendary strongman on the scene is very concerned about his apprentices.

Once there is a deviation, it will quickly rescue. The sacred priests of the Light Holy See will also travel around to help salvation and purification. In this way, the mortality rate will naturally be greatly reduced.


Zhao Chengtian knelt down on one knee again, when Wang Yan just tore open the space, ready to save him. He stood up again, shouting that I was the protagonist and the like, and then resurrected full of blood and continued to run forward.

Wang Yan rolled his eyes straight, this stinky boy, is it really Xiaoqiang who can't die? There is no one in such a second-class temperament.

The crowd continued to move forward at their own speed, and the young holy priest finally couldn't resist and fell to the ground. Naturally, the Bright Lady rescued him back.

With a guilty look on his face, he asked the saint for guilt.

"You've done quite well." The bright Saint Girl's pretty face softened and comforted, "This time, we, the Bright Holy See, just came to participate in baptism without competing for winning or losing." However, she was also secretly disappointed under her heart, and did not expect the Bright Holy See. The whole army was wiped out.

Suddenly ~

The ninja violently exploded in speed and flew towards the Tower of Destruction over ten meters. Just when everyone thought he was about to touch the Tower of Destruction for the first time, he was unexpectedly hit by a half of the bomb, and he fell from the air suddenly, lying on the ground and rolling straight.

Lord Shiva took the initiative to save him, and then said loudly: "You guys, please note that the closer to the Tower of Destruction, the stronger the meaning of destruction, especially the last ten meters, each meter is a slash, blind sprint, only hateful end."

"For the goddess ~" As soon as the voice of Goddess Shiva fell, he heard Zhang Wei growl, and he also started the last sprint.

Idiot ~

This is self-defeating.

When everyone thinks that Zhang Wei's guy is going to die, his sprinting steps have not stopped, even if he is bleeding, even if every step, the powerful pressure seems to crush his mind.

However, the glorious image of the goddess has completely enveloped his soul, and he is not afraid of any fear or destruction. Even if it is up the sword and down the fire, the bones and bones are not afraid.


He slapped on the Tower of Destruction and laughed rampantly: "Won, I Zhang Wei finally won. From now on, I am no longer a hanger ~ a silk man. What a witch, saint, The goddess and angel sister are all mine. "

Wang Yan was cold sweat, to be honest, winning is certainly welcome. However, Zhang Wei's remarks were really shameful.

Just when Wang Yan was about to drag him back, the Bright Lady and Lord Shiva could no longer hold back and acted together. After pulling one foot by one person, he threw him in front of Wang Yan. : "Son of Flames, how do you teach students? The brains are full of dirty and boring thoughts."

Their pretty faces are blushing, their eyes are angry and shy, and they have a posture that students must have their teachers.

Rao is Wang Yan ’s cheeky face, and he ca n’t resist it, and smiles bitterly: “The Bright Lady, the Lord Shiva, and two of them have killed me injustice. These are all harmful to our online novels in China. The protagonists, all of them are going to heaven, killing all corners of the world, and the beauty is soft. Obviously, this stupid boy is reading the Internet novels and is deeply poisoned. "

"Huh. You seldom throw the pot to online novels." Shiva Goddess sneered. "How noble you are, you are a son of flames, and you are attracting butterflies everywhere? What saint, witch, No one can escape your palm. "

In this way, the bright Saint Girl's pretty face blushed, staring at Shiva Goddess: "Don't open the map guns, Her Royal Highness, Wang Yan and I, that is innocent." When she mentioned the word innocent When I remembered the scene when I was chased in Italy that day, I felt a flush of red, and it smudged behind her ears.


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