The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1182: Demon

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"Secretary, how are you doing?" Wang Yan looked at Linghu Yaojue beside him, her body flicked slightly, and she quickly hurriedly supported her, asking with concern.

"very bad."

Linghu Yaojue's body was trembling, his body was soft, and his face was white: "What a powerful toxin, I feel that the power in the body is constantly dissipating, and I can't lift my spirits." She is a legendary strongman, and the seven-tailed fox king. Purely in terms of physical quality, it has reached the point where all evils cannot enter and all kinds of poisons cannot invade.

But this antiquated medicine can make her weak to this point, and I'm afraid it's not an idle thing.

"I'm terrible ~" Wang Yan helped her to sit down slowly, her face pale as well, and she added angrily, "An Pei Zongxiu, what poison do you use? How could it be so powerful?"

"Hehe ~" An Pei Zongxiu sneered at him. "Son of flame, your pure yang true fire is said to exterminate all evil in the world. How can I not guard you. However, your acting skills are too bad A little more. With your pure yang real fire, although I ca n’t resist my ancient antidote after all, it can still be done for a few more minutes. You see, the bright saints are not as impetuous as you. "

Sure enough, the Holy Virgin ignited the layers of Holy Flame all over him, and Holy Flame suddenly shone and shone, shining endlessly, apparently fighting against toxins. The Holy Flame and the True Fire of Pure Yang are quite effective in exorcising evil and avoiding poison.

The bright saints have n’t fallen yet, but you, Wang Yan, have taken a step forward to soften them. Is n’t this just pretending?

"Hah ~" Wang Yan smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, sorry. I originally wanted to play a wave, paralyze ... huh?" Wang Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly strengthened the flow of pure yang in his body.

However, the toxin that invades the body is like a silk, which is inexhaustible and endlessly burned. It continuously spreads and swims in the meridians, pulling out the strength of the body bit by bit.

"Hehe, act a wave? Hehe, do you know how powerful this time?" An Pei Zongxiu shouldered with one hand, shaking the folding fan slowly with one hand, and sneered, "This eye of destruction, this seat is bound to be won by no means. Lost. How can there be no precaution against your cunning son of flames? If so, let you despair and despair again. "

With that said, he pinched his fingers and started two summoning seals respectively.

Under the violent energy fluctuations, the bursts of space were distorted, and two huge suppressed figures emerged from the summoning circle. The two huge and palpable atmospheres showed that they were by no means good.

"Ang ~"

The head one made a thick cry like a dragon, not a dragon, and the tower of destruction shook faintly, and the dense meaning of destruction was dispersed. It is meandering and slender around the body, like a snake like a dragon, with red and flame-burning scales all over its body, and the snake has a pair of red flame wings.

The most terrifying thing is that its head is similar to that of human beings. It is fierce and fierce, and its fangs are exposed.

this is……


Linghu Yaojue, who was most knowledgeable, whispered, unable to bear his complexion and slightly changed his color, and explained to the crowd with a low voice, "The snake is one of the ancient beasts and is extremely powerful. Although this monster is not The orthodox **** snake, but in the demon world of Dongying, is also a well-known existence. The status and strength are comparable to the demon kings in my country ~ "

"Om ~" Teng Snake roared again arrogantly, and said with strange words, "It turned out to be the Jiuwei Tianhu family, hissing ~ interesting, really interesting." The pair of huge lantern-like eyes exuded Greedy eyes.

At the same time, another monster also appeared in the original mist. It was a huge centipede that was more than thirty meters long and thick like a bucket. It was covered with black armor, cast like black rock, and covered with fierce barbs.

On the head of the giant centipede, a pair of compound eyes are extremely cold, and the mouthparts are as daunting as two giant sickles.

Before it approaches, you can smell the smell of it. Rao is present at the legendary powerhouse. He didn't feel dizzy for a while and was affected by the toxins emitted by the giant centipede.

"Great demon Gou Chen!"

Linghu Yaojue whispered again, and his face was a little bit ugly. "This demon is also a famous monster. He has a part of the bloodline of the ancient **** beast. He has lived in Dongying for thousands of years. An extremely difficult monster ~ "

These monsters are placed in the country of Huaxia, and they will all be monster kings. In the east, they are in a high position, dividing their respective territories. In their respective territories and territories, they all exist like gods and are worshipped and sacrificed by countless human beings.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom a little bit.

An Pei Zongxiu alone is very difficult to deal with. Not to mention, Zhengmi Zhi, the red monk of Dongmi, and the super ninja costume of the Iga school stopped watching.

Especially since the service department stopped water, since he started his career, he has seemed to disappear in front of everyone, relying on super stealth stealth to hide in the dark, like a fierce beast that treats people at any time.

It is conceivable that if the service department stops the shot, it will inevitably take advantage of it and launch a thunder blow. His threat level is not even worse than that of Ampezong Xiu on the bright side.

More controversially, An Pei Zongxiu also summoned three mighty monsters to stare at him.

Not to mention that everyone is caught in the mysterious and toxic poison of Ampei Zongxiu, even if it is intact, I am afraid this is also an extremely difficult situation. Nowadays, under various disadvantages, people are almost desperate and there is no possibility of overturning.

So far, all the women's eyes were aimed at Wang Yan. It seems that at this moment, Wang Yan is their backbone and the pillar. It's no wonder that compared to everyone, Wang Yan has encountered more complicated situations, and can always fight back with jedi and turn around.

"Don't look at me, I'm afraid there is no solution to this situation." Wang Yan's face was pale, and the flames around him suddenly turned dark and dark, as if he was struggling to resist the double threat of mysterious toxin and the intention of destruction.

"Adult ~" The monk in red is Zheng Yuanzhi, like a small villain, and rampantly said, "The son of flame has always been cunning and treacherous. I suggest killing him first."

Cunning and treacherous?

Wang Yan is speechless. I am obviously resourceful, okay?

"Dare you ~"

Linghu Yaojue was shocked and glared, "Yuanzhi, don't forget, who cut your arm."

The monk in the red suit Zheng Yuanzhi's face was black, and he immediately remembered the painful memory of Yan Zun's arm being cut by the stroke above the East China Sea. That kind of humiliation and fear is still deeply buried in the deepest memory.


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