The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1184: Secretary, I have a crush on you for a long time

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All the women in Wang Yan's camp were very silent for a while. Obviously, they were shocked by the news and it was difficult to digest for a while.

Ampei Qingming, who is that?

It was an old monster with a long history, which created an era and spread his reputation and influence to the terrible existence after thousands of years. Such characters naturally have deep ambitions and endless means.

If it is said that An Pei Zongxiu has succeeded for a while, and everyone still has a first line of hope to defeat, then it will be desperate to switch to Ampei Qingming.

"No wonder, he has a magical pill." Linghu Yaojue was in a trance and his eyes were filled with despair. "It is said that the mother of An Peiqingming is a nine-tailed fox. An Pei Qingming. "At this time, her heart was ashamed, thinking of the terrible ending, I really wish I could die.

"Secretary, what's the situation with the confusing Shendan?" Wang Yan's rumbling voice sounded in Linghu Yaojue's ear.

Linghu Yaojue's body shook slightly, his face paler. Obviously, Confusing Pill is an extremely horrible and unsolvable thing for her. After two seconds of stunned, she bite the silver teeth and said: "Wang Yan, the confusing **** is in our Jiuwei Tianhu family, also belongs to the taboo. Our Jiuwei Tianhu family, because of the idea Different, they can be divided into two groups. One group believes that Jiuwei Tianhu should be born to replenish qi and enchant all beings in the world as its own responsibility. The other group, like my sister and me. It's really heaven. "

After a pause, Linghu Yaojue sighed and said: "It's just that there are not many people like me and my sister who have such ideas. Even if there are, they are also difficult, and it is difficult to stick to the end. Therefore, we The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox family has always been considered by the world to be the incarnation of ***, a model of refining and replenishing yin. "

Wang Yan touched his nose and nodded secretly. In his impression, the reputation of the fox is indeed very bad. Especially when his power just awakened, the two-tailed fox spirit peaked Linghu Red, which made him extremely impressed.

"The first person who succeeded in refining Shen Dan was the famous Su Daji during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties." Linghu Yaojue continued, "Su Daji has relied on his own charm technique, and in addition to confusing Shen Dan, he will completely defeat King Wang Confusion caused the world to turn upside down. That confusing **** pill ... "As soon as the confusing **** pill was mentioned, Linghu Yaojue's complexion grew paler and he felt terrified when he hit the soul.

"It can completely confuse people's minds and trust each other wholeheartedly, and it will sink deeper and deeper, and even in the end, it will be completely lost in the vortex of reason without reservation." Linghu Yaojue was terrified, " If I was forced to confuse the Divine Pill, I would rather die. Wang Yan, if I ca n’t resist by then, I beg you to kill me. ”

Wang Yan felt the tremor in Linghu Yaojue's voice, and it can be inferred from this that the confusing **** pill is really not a simple thing. Otherwise, Linghu Yaojue who knows it will not feel so scared.

Seeing that Wang Yan and Linghu Yaojue had heard about the conversation between them, the Bright Saint Girl squeezed towards Wang Yan slightly, and said in a low voice: "Lao Wang, do n’t you always have an idea? Come to think of it The way. My purification of Holy Light and Holy Flame have very little effect on the ancient toxins, even three days and three nights will not disperse. "

The Bright Lady is quite good. She can at least control the ancient toxin, so that it will not intensify in the body. The rest of the women, including the alien supergirl, are getting worse.

"What can I do?" Wang Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head sullenly. "I was just thinking, how can the district Ape Zongxiu prepare such a terrible toxin, even my pure yang is true Fire can't defuse this poison. Now I finally understand that it was from the old monster of Ampei Qingming. It's difficult, this time we are all difficult. "

Wang Yan's words were not transmitted, but whispered in a low voice, full of despair and helplessness.


The goddess Shiva and the sacred maiden, etc., couldn't help but change their eyes. At this moment, can't even Wang Yan think of a way to break the game? And his despair, like a source of infection, made all the women shrouded in sorrow.

"桀桀 ~" The monk in red was upright and could not help complacent. "Son of flames, I advise you to worry about it. If you are cunning and ghostly, this time there will be no chance of a comeback. Xiu, no, after Master Qingming takes down the Eye of Destruction, I will apply to torture you personally, let you taste the pain, and then use the flame of destruction to burn you clean. "

Wang Yan also has nothing to say about these villains.

At the same time, An Pei Zongxiu held the Baji Mirror and had reached directly under the Eye of Destruction. The rich and sublime meaning of destruction seemed to have no effect on him.

He pinched the trick, the waves of waves passed around, and a translucent energy bloomed in the eight-point mirror, enveloping the huge flame of destruction. Like a cage, trap it in it.


The Destroying Eye seems to have some instincts of wisdom, struggling to escape from the cage, and striking the condensed protective wall of Bajianjing.

Between the energy shocks, it seemed that even the entire tower of destruction shivered faintly.

"Hum ~ but a hint of instinct and wisdom, and dare to be unrestrained in front of the deity." An Pei Zongxiu didn't care about this, and gestured a few finger prints of the tactics, and the Dao Dao was like a real light, from the eighth mirror Stirred out, pierced into the cage, entangled the eyes of destruction like a chain.

In this way, the struggle of the Eye of Destruction is limited to the scope, gradually shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"It's worthy of Master Qingming." The little girl's lunar appearance reveals the color of worship. "These eight mirrors are in the hands of adults, and their power has turned more than several times. This is the real power of the second artifact."

The snake also blamed and said: "What is the identity of Master Qingming, this time he will rebirth, must be the king of the world. When his old man refines this eye of destruction, there will be no rivals under the world. Even if the gods will be sealed in the future , Not to mention. "

The gang of monsters are happy, but the goddess Shiva is in a hurry, but this is the gods she inherited for thousands of years. If it were so refined by An Pei Zongxiu, she would blame her death.

"Wang Yan, do you really have no choice?" The desperate eyes of Shiva Goddess looked at Wang Yan like a beggar. Although she has too much dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with Wang Yan, in her view, the only thing still hopeful to come up with is Wang Yan.


Wang Yan grabbed Linghu Yaojue's little hand, and looked affectionately. "Director Linghu, I actually have a crush on you for a long time."


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