The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1187: Come, smoke me

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Those words were deeply sentimental and irritating. It was just that she was secretly speaking to Wang Yan in a private way: "The awful Wang Yan bastard, you are hurting me and making me embarrassing."

"Holy lady, you are in my heart, light, electricity, the most dazzling sun on that day." Wang Yan said with excitement and compliment, but secretly said, "Hey, Lulu, your words are too sad. Do you think I am willing to do this, but I have a girlfriend. Under the eyes of everyone, you and I, and I may not know how to die. Even if it is shameful, it should be Am I the biggest loser? "

The bright maiden fainted, and was so stunned that she passed out, and the logic of Lao Wang was no more. However, there is really no way to kick him to death with one foot, and he has to rely on him to remove the toxin.

That toxin is so effective that even her Holy Flame can't take it. Although Wang Yan's "Pure Yang True Fire" works, it will take some time to get rid of it slowly.

By the way, Pharaoh's "Pure Yang True Fire" is theoretically similar to the level of Holy Flame, but now he is showing it, and the real fire that has penetrated into his body seems to be more powerful?

Is it possible that he has left the pure Yang level and reached the "Sun" level?

Despite the extraordinary knowledge of the Bright Lady, I know that there is a sun level above the pure sun level. But after all, she did not expect that, like An Pei Qingming, she still underestimated Wang Yan. The level of his real blood has reached the point above the sun and below the extreme sun.

If you have a chance again, it may not be impossible to go further.

But whether it is the sun or the extreme sun, it seems to have broken away from the category of human limits. Thinking of Yan Zun, the first master of mankind, is only a "pure yang" physique category.

In the same way, the pure yang line, which is inherited by the pure yang blood line, has fallen into the state of being difficult to find since ancient times.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is the Bright Lady or An Pei Qingming, it is reasonable to fail to anticipate the level of Wang Yan's physique.

"Hey, are you almost there?" Gao Mingyue on the side, was really thundered by the words of the two people, and Qiao Yuanyuan said openly, "Even if I beg you, let me be quiet before the death. How quiet? "

Gao Mingyue was also drunk, and she had also tried to disperse since the poison. But the toxin, like the maggot of the tarsal bone, was entangled in the depth of her body, making her helpless and desperate.

Originally, her mood was extremely bad, and she saw that Wang Yan had finished the Linghu Yaojue and the bright saint. Not only was it endless, she couldn't even talk so unbearably, it was so thunderous that she couldn't bear it.

"Yes, it's disgusting." The goddess Shiva was also awkward. She blushed and said, "Sure enough, she is a son of love. There are obviously two girlfriends, and they have to poke others."

At the same time, she looked at Lei Hong distressedly. At this time, Lei Bong, after losing the protection of Shiva, was completely exposed to the meaning of destruction, and he was also in a toxin, and had to separate some of his consciousness to fight the toxin.

Fortunately, Lei Biao persevered with his strong willpower, and he gradually adapted to the meaning of destruction, without being killed on the spot. It's just that his condition is still not good. He sits cross-legged, sweating all over his body.

Half-step S-level, after all, can not be compared with S-level.


The monk in red dress Zheng Yuanzhi sneered and warned, "Son of Flame, it's okay to run rampant before dying. However, I warn you not to play tricks, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

His face was uncertain, and his eyes were very bitter toward Wang Yan. If he were not in awe of An Pei Qingming as a god, he would now like to shoot Wang Yan to death.

"Oh ~" Wang Yan glanced at him angrily, "You're welcome to try it. Old monk,"

At this time, Wang Yan had dispelled the toxins in his body cleanly. The toxins in Linghu Yaojue and the Bright Saint Maiden were also dispelled, and they recovered part of their strength.

If this Yuanzhi dare to get up and start, Wang Yan does not mind joining forces with Linghu Yaojue and the Bright Saint Maiden, shooting Yuanzhi first and cutting off the opponent's general.

The little girl looks like Taiyin, and is assisting "Ampezongxiu" to suppress the eye of destruction. At the most critical moment, the two of them will definitely not be able to make it.

If there is no Yuanzhi, the other party can now shoot, that is, the super ninja costume stops water, and the two major S-level demon Gou Chen and the snake.

At that time, the Bright Saint Maiden and Linghu Yaojue can desperately drag down the enemy's three S-class strongmen, and he can freely rescue his friends. If he tries his best to rescue him, it is not the same as stealthy rescue now, and the speed of dispelling toxins will be faster.

Every time you disperse one more, you get a better chance.

"You!" In the face of Wang Yan's provocation, the red monk Zheng Yuanzhi, his face flushed, his chest tight, and he smiled angrily, "Well, your kid is rampant, even if you don't want your life, I will let you taste Taste the bitterness of the skin! "

Having said that, he was about to step forward and shoot a palm to give Wang Yan some hard lessons.

At this moment, the clothing department that had been hiding in the dark, without any action, appeared in front of Yuan Zhi with a cold voice, "The great monk is right, please control yourself, at a critical moment, don't have a branch outside the festival, which has broken Qingming's major events."

Although Yuanzhi was so angry that he could stop facing the water at the service department, but his eyelids jumped. This master Ninja Sect has extraordinary strength. Even if he was not in his prime during Yuanzhi's heyday, let alone one arm , The strength is greatly reduced.

Yuanzhi had to suppress his anger, snorted and took two steps back, staring at Wang Yan resentfully, and waiting for Qingming Gong to receive the ruined eye, to see how this seat packed you up.

"Ah ~"

Slightly sighed in Wang Yan's heart, but asked the service department to stop the water from breaking. However, this is also good. Slow detoxification has the advantages of slow detoxification. If you do it directly now, the risk is still not small.

Unfortunately, under the surveillance of the enemy, Wang Yan couldn't open up to help the females expel poison with real fire, and could only grind slowly. But if it is worn over one by one, it is too slow. If it can be operated in multiple lines, the effect will be much better. Anyway, helping one person slowly detoxifies is also driving away, and helping many people slowly detoxifies is also driving away.

As a result, Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Gao Mingyue.

Gao Mingyue was stunned by his eyes, didn't he? This guy won't ...

Impossible, he now holds one in his right hand and one in his left arms. It is impossible to confess to himself shamelessly. Gao Mingyue shook his head quickly, excluding this possibility.

But just as she changed her mind, Wang Yan's slightly magnetic and affectionate voice rang: "Ming Yue, actually, I first fell in love with you when I first met you."



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