The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1189: Nini, don't do this!

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With the same thought in mind, the two looked at each other and made eye contact.

"There is a way." Wang Yan's eyes lit up, and he thought of a wonderful idea. Ha ha, he looked at Shiva Goddess's eyes somewhat strangely, seeming to be gloating and fooling.

Shiva's eyes froze, as if she remembered something terrible. She suddenly flushed with blush, her eyes full of anger, and she was rumored out of her mouth, saying: "Son of Flame, you are such a shameless rogue, you can come up with such a dirty idea."

"Uh ..." Wang Yan was frightened by her sudden yelling and scolding. How come my thoughts are nasty? However, his brain speed is also extremely fast, and in a short time he understands that Shiva Goddess wants to be crooked, and ca n’t help but pass the voice back, saying, “Hey, I do n’t think the thoughts are as dirty as you think? It ’s you, dignified. Goddess Shiva, in a blink of an eye, was able to think of things in that place and admire them. I originally wanted you to hold my feet. "

The goddess Shiva was suffocated on her chest, her eyes widened, and she did n’t hit her in one place: “You, you, you ’re obviously full of your head, all of you are sloppy. If you ’re not sloppy, how can I think of it? Dirty? "

"Oh, I can even think of the dirtyness in my mind, but I can imagine how dirty the goddess is." After Wang Yan's sentence, he waved impatiently, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you again, just tell me Crosstalk. My feet are here. If you want to hug, hug, and let you go if you do n’t. "

The whole body of Shiva Goddess's blood came to her face. If it hadn't been consumed by the power of the body, it might have to open her third eye now to let him taste the flame of destruction.

Holding Wang Yan's "smelly feet" to detoxify, this kind of thing is unwilling even if it is dead.

Of course, Wang Yan's feet are absolutely not stinky. At his level of cultivation, every cell is very powerful and the metabolism is extremely slow. Some harmful fungi inside and outside the body have no living environment at all.

Various fungi, even if they happen to be attached to the body by coincidence, can also be shattered by some energetic energy lingering on the surface of the body. At the level of him or Lord Shiva, it is already spotless, clean, and dirt-free, and placed in ancient times, that is, the terrestrial fairies of the gods and the gods.

Don't say anything off topic.

The goddess Shiva was angry and was angry, and was blown back to air. But after all, she had to suppress her anger and solve practical problems. Her eyes, full of exotic flavor, swept back and forth on Wang Yan, and the more she looked, the more she felt startled and trembling, and her heart was dark.

Rogue, it's really too rogue.

One on each side of the left and right arms, one in each hand, and each one is a rare beauty in the world. Even if the ancient embarrassment ~ the emperor, there is no such a blessing for him?

If you have to make physical contact with Wang Yan to detoxify, then there is only ...

Shiva's eyes moved behind Wang Yan and back to back with him, although it was difficult to accept, it was only so. Can't he really hold his feet? As a result, his temper was suppressed, and his voice was irritated: "Son of Flame, do you turn around? Let me lean back."

"No." Wang Yan rejected her immediately and preached, "You are reluctant, and leaning your back against my back, even a fool knows we have a problem. Forget it, you just Let ’s be honest. Let ’s solve the problem and wait for me to do it, and then come to help you detoxify. ”

Wang Yan really didn't want to embarrass her, but Yuan Zhi and the service department stopped watching, and if they were really seen by them, things would be in trouble. Since this Shiva goddess could not control herself, she had to hold her aside for a while.

Even the loss of a powerful fighting force is better than being exposed in advance.

As for Nini, after hearing Wang Yan's explanation, she was also slightly silent. She seemed to have figured out something. She rushed to Wang Yan's back with agile posture. From behind, he hugged him firmly, and at the same time shouted, "Second brother, I actually liked it very early. You are. Since everyone wants to go crazy before he dies, Nini will accompany me to the end. "

She hugged fiercely and fiercely, and almost dragged Wang Yan over her. Although this little nizi's strength in her body was attacked by toxins, her physical strength was very explosive, comparable to monsters.

Wang Yan stayed for a while, so Xuan didn't strangle her.

This nizi didn't expect to have some talent for acting, although the sentence is very simple. But it's just like shouting out of the depths of the soul. It's talented. I'll cultivate it well, maybe I can get an Oscar back.

"Huh? Not right ..." Wang Yan burst into shock, didn't he? Nini, I am your second brother.

He was about to faint, just because of Nini's girl ... Well, how can I go on like this?

"We are worshiping siblings, we can't be like this." Wang Yan resigned.

"Second brother, what time is it now? Do you care about whether or not to worship?" Nini also responded quickly. "Hurry, help me cure toxins quickly. I will teach those bastards."

Treatment, how to cure this posture?

Wang Yan was about to cry. This scene was too embarrassing.

"Second brother, what are you hesitating when you are alive or dead?" Nini Chuanyin said, "I can't control the power of the wilderness. I want to kill them with a stick."

Yeah, what time is it?

Wang Yan felt helpless, especially when he saw that even the service department was a little surprised to watch this scene, he fought.

The two regiments of real fire rose from the back into two strands and drilled into Nini's body. This posture also has some advantages, and can help her detoxify with more unscrupulous energy transmission.

Nini is a bitter monk and her fighting power is extraordinary. I believe that she has broken through to the legendary level, and her combat power is even more extraordinary. And he believes that Nini ’s mind is simple, and she will never think about those messy places.


The red monk Zheng Yuanzhi's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. This **** happy son, even if he is about to die, there is such a bliss.

Even more dumbfounded is the goddess Shiva, and finally found a safe place from Wang Yan-the back, which is now occupied by Nini. Now his whole body is up and down, that is, both feet can be embraced.


Is it really necessary to pick one foot to hug? In an instant, the spirit of Lord Shiva is about to collapse.


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