The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1192: Hardship

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Auguste couldn't believe his eyes.

The six legendary beauties surrounded Wang Yan in a variety of strange poses, either hug or hug, or lean or hug. The most exaggerated is His Royal Highness Lord Shiva. A look of shame and enjoyment.

He pinched his arm fiercely, and the severe pain made him understand that it was not in a dream. This shocked him to worship and understood a sentence that reality is often more outrageous than the dream world.

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, you want to break through the rhythm of Skyrim.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan, who was "hard working", suddenly saw August and Queen Spider appear, which was also a bit unexpected. How can they appear on the ninth floor of the Tower of Destruction?

Ok ~

It should be the end of An Pei Zongxiu's work to suppress the Eye of Destruction and Destruction. The original meaning of destruction is now thin, no wonder, Auguste and Queen of Spiders will appear.

It's just that the timing of their appearance is really bad. Wang Yan's eyes are full of sympathy. Choosing to come in at this time is simply looking for a way to die.

While Auguste was still waiting to say something, the Queen Spider on the side gently pulled his corner, his face pale. This stupid Auguste, staring at the beautiful girls and the old king, did not even look at the situation.

A drop of sweat slipped from the queen spider's forehead. She swallowed and watched the monsters outside Wang Yan's encirclement.

A giant human-faced snake, a black ink giant centipede, exudes a terrible and suffocating terror, this is clearly a legendary horror monster.

At the same time, Shuibei Zhishui and the red monk Zheng Yuanzhi also looked over in disgust.

The most remarkable thing is An Pei Zongxiu, who is floating above the square and is refining the eye of destruction. The breath from his body was even more inscrutable, and a casual glance from afar was creepy, and his body was stiff, as if being spotted by an ancient fierce beast.

"Okay ~" August grunted up and dragged the Queen Spider back, shrugging a charming smile. "I'm disturbing everyone, let's go, let's go."

Just kidding, it is needless to say that at this moment, I also know that something big is happening, and it is a big thing that they can't intervene at all.

Don't look at Auguste's sunny smile, but his back is already wet. Not to mention that An Pei Zongxiu, who is suspected of refining the Eye of Destruction, said that just picking up a monster was enough to crush and sweep him and the Queen of the Spider Arenia.

There is still a big gap between the half-step S-level and the real S-level. Everyone is not the kind of pervert of Pharaoh. In half-step S-level, you can beat S-level.

"Hee hee ~ Handsome big brother, big sister, don't leave since you're here." A strange and cold voice sounded behind them. I saw a little girl in a weird dress, floating behind them like a ghost, with seemingly childlike eyes, full of jokes and playfulness.


This is a thousand-year-old demon, and the life that died in her hands is unknown.

"Hiss ~" August sucked in the air, and he could see at a glance that this spooky little girl was more terrible than the two monsters.

Annoyed that he was about to cry.

Previously, he practiced on the fourth floor of the Tower of Destruction. After adjusting to it, he went to the fifth floor. Thinking about it, the result fell into the devil's cave.

This is really an old saying of China, saying that there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no hell, you want to break in.

"Pharaoh, Pharaoh. What is the situation now?" August yelled, "Save me, save me."

"Old Olympics ~ We are all insecure now, surrender." Wang Yan lazily returned to him, joking, and now Wang Yan detoxifies you to the most critical moment, how can you save Auguste.

"Vote, surrender?" August swallowed, his face dumbfounded. I ’m your brother, now under siege, your old Wang would rather hug her sister there and not want to save people?

What else can you say about yourself?

You have seven legendary powerhouses in a crowd, what can these Dongying people do to you?

"Haha ~"

Not far away, Yuan Zhibao smiled and said, "August, you idiot. The son of flame is now a mud-bodhisattva crossing the river. It is hard to protect himself. Are you still counting on him to save you?"

"Yuanzhi ~" August said in exasperation. "Are you Dongying people crazy? Are you not afraid that our super shield board will kill you?" Dongyin people have always been a dog of Emperor Midi, whether it is in The world of superpowers or the world of secularity, both of which are headed by Midi's father.

He didn't expect that the dog, who has always been docile, now actually jumped out and bit the owner.

You should know that August ’s position in the Super Shield is very special. It is the existence of James as the next generation of directors. The status is called Prince Edward.

"What about the Super Shield?" Yuan Zhi sneered and sneered. "Under Qingming Gong's auspices, my Dadongying empire will certainly dominate the world. Taiyin, killing these two little ones myself."

Unlike those S-level powerhouses, Yuan Zhi does not look down on the two descendants of Auguste and Queen Spider. What about the half-step S-class, not into the legend, after all, it is just a mortal.

"Hee hee ~" The little girl was dressed in yin and smiled weirdly. "Hee hee, you two have a very strong life energy, but after eating you, it is a big supplement."

As soon as the voice fell, a strange mist of white mist rose from Taiyin, and turned into a giant ghost that seemed to be real, opened his teeth, and swooped to August, seeming to swallow him. Off.

"Roar ~"

Auguste was horrified and frightened. It's just that he wanted to come and not be the master of the mud. The alloy sword was pulled out, and a burst of golden light burst out, turning into a sword and slashing to the ghost.

It is indeed the name of the golden lion sword, and it is really gorgeous and gorgeous, and looks awe-inspiring. Rao Yi was that terrible ghost, all pushed back a few points in that golden light.

At the same time, the queen of spiders Arenia also quickly shot. A giant translucent spider sneaked out of the folds of the void and swooped towards the little girl.

The two of them, when they die, are naturally impossible to catch.

"August and Queen Spider, the progress is not small." Wang Yan secretly praised, although they do not think that the two of them were able to pass the shadow, but after all, they can hold back each other's vital strength.

A flash of light flashed through his eyes.

The opportunity comes, it's time to start.


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