The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1196: Master Zongxiu, come on

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The rest of the teammates who are fighting with their enemies are also stagnation, even slower. You can't help but vomit, Pharaoh, even if you really don't think you have a chance to win, you want to surrender, and trouble your old man to hold back a little, okay?

Does such a surrender surrender really affect morale?

"Son of Flame, do you dare to be more shameless?" Goddess Shiva, who is dancing and releasing the Flame of Destruction, can't help but roll her eyes, even though she knows that the so-called surrender of his son of flame must be playing tricks. But the words came out of his mouth, and I always felt that the lack of resilience in my heart made me want to beat him.

"Huh, son of flame, if you really want to take refuge in the deity, then show some sincerity." An Pei Zongxiu said coldly, "This Shiva goddess is on the edge, you block her for a while, so that the deity Eyes of refining, destruction and destruction. "

To be honest, it turned out that An Pei Zongxiu thought that he could easily block the goddess Shiva, and by the way, the eye of destruction was properly refined. But he did not expect that after all, he still underestimated Shiva.

Her accomplishments in the law of destruction have been beyond expectations. Under the dance of Lord Shiva, the power of the flame of destruction is increasing, so that he has to dedicate more power to resist the flame of destruction.

This indirectly lengthened his progress in refining the Eye of Destruction.

Using this to test the determination of the Son of Flame to surrender is definitely a double benefit.

"Wow ~"

Wang Yan continued to agree very readily, betraying this kind of thing is as common as eating and drinking. At this time, he no longer recovered his interest rate and recovered directly. He appeared distorted and appeared in a short distance teleportation on the side of the goddess Shiva. He smiled all over his face, "The dance of Her Royal Highness , It ’s really beautiful. Come and let me play with you. "

Then, with a warhammer, he rushed forward with the flames. A violent hammer smashed the past, and that hammer, like a meteor, was magnificent, as if to smash the world.

"Son of flame, you!" The goddess Shiva was frightened and angry, and Wang Yan's hammer could not see any joking. If you can't avoid it, keeping her will be smashed to the next minute.

Under desperation, Shiva Goddess had to withdraw the flame of destruction against An Pei Zongxiu, and the raging fire sprayed at Wang Yan, blocking his way.

Only in this way, the pressure she caused to An Pei Zongxiu disappeared instantly.

She was so angry that she shouted angrily: "Damn it, son of flames, what did you get mad, and actually helped Ape Zongxiu the villain. Do you forget how many contradictions there are between him and him?" What worries him is that when he was confronted with An Pei Zongxiu, he said that his strength had been exhausted and he wanted to restore his strength.

But to deal with her, but suddenly the dragon is fierce, full of strength, what is this called?


Wang Yan walked around with the warhammer, constantly restraining the goddess Shiva. Heilang smiled and said: "Your Highness the Goddess is so bad. Lord Zongxiu and I did have conflicts before. However, there seems to be a big conflict Right? Do you think you are the center of the world? Do you have to stand on your side when something happens? "

"Hahaha ~"

After receiving the help of Wang Yan, An Pei Zongxiu can no longer disturb the eye of destruction and can refinish the Eye of Destruction at full speed. He ca n’t help feeling good. It ’s just a woman who thinks she ’s the center of the world. Wang Yan, hold the goddess Shiva well, and wait for the deity to destroy the eye of destruction, and remember you a great thing. ”

He didn't expect Wang Yan to actually hold the Shiva goddess, which saved him a lot of hands and feet.


The rest of Wang Yan's teammates were also a little dumbfounded. The development of this situation is really terrifying. It stands to reason that Wang Yan was supposed to talk about surrendering of Ampei Zongxiu, but he was actually fooling the other party.

However, if he started to drag Shiva, wouldn't it be much cheaper for An Pei Zongxiu?

Once An Pei Zongxiu succeeds in refining the Eye of Destruction, who can stop him?

Inevitably, Wang Yan really can't do anything. In order to save his life, he really surrendered to An Pei Zongxiu?

Although everyone is very reluctant to believe that this is true, the facts are now in front of us.

For a time, the morale of everyone fell.

"What the **** is the Pharaoh doing?" Augusta, who finally saved a life, was also sullen. "After the end, this matter is already very troublesome. If the Pharaoh surrenders, where can we have a comeback?" Hope? Arenia, why don't we surrender as soon as possible? "

"This one?"

The queen of spiders, Arenya, also looked a little uncomfortable. "An Pei Zongxiu has a big psychological problem. I am afraid that following him will not end well."

"If you don't surrender, it's over now." August said with a sullen face. "Otherwise, let's follow the Pharaoh? What does he do, what do we do?" Auguste at the moment, don't Mention how depressed you are.

On the fourth floor of the Tower of Destruction, you must run the ninth floor to join in the excitement. As a result, your destiny is so ups and downs that life and death cannot be controlled by yourself. Now even if it is surrender of Ampei Zongxiu, whether people will be another matter.

For a time, Auguste and Arenia were a bit sad. To blame, just blaming your own strength is not enough, even your own destiny can not be mastered.

The rest of them were naturally in doubt. Pharaoh really intends to surrender in order to survive? Are there any tactical requirements?

If it is a tactical demand, this tactical demand is also strange. How can it help An Pei Zongxiu to block Shiva and help him refine the eye of destruction? Didn't he know that once the eye of destruction fell into the hands of An Pei Zongxiu, it would be called a real heaven without a door, and no way to the ground.

An Pei Zongxiu in that box stepped up to suppress the eye of destruction. Of course, he can't believe that the Son of Flame will truly trust himself, but as long as the Eye of Destruction is successfully refined, who can help him?

From this point of view, the current behavior of the Son of Flame is greatly beneficial to his plan for Ampezong Xiu.

Going all out, An Pei Zongxiu had no more than ten or twenty seconds to suppress the eye of destruction to the size of a fist. His eyes were flashy and overjoyed: "Good, the eye of destruction finally ..."

But before he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang and looked sideways, only to see that a few meters long missile exploded at him at very high speed. And the person who launched the missile was Wang Yan who was carrying a simple launcher on his shoulders.

I saw Wang Yan, with a sneering look on his face: "Master Zongxiu, come on."

"Stupid!" At the first time, An Pei Zongxiu, a modern man, recognized that it was a small missile, but what about the small missile? Can he still be killed?

The sleeves waved and the strong wind swept away from the missile.


More than ten meters away from An Pei Zongxiu, the "missile" exploded violently.


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