The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1207: proceed if you can

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proceed if you can.

If you can't do it yourself, don't throw the pot around.

"This guy is more arrogant than the goddess Shiva." Wang Yan was speechless. However, it is a matter of course that this eye of destruction is conscious. So for many years, it has been worshipped as a god. For a long time, the self-consciousness will naturally become stronger and stronger.

"Hehe ~"

The goddess Shiva on the side saw Wang Yan so embarrassed and couldn't help but ridicule, "Son of flames, you are playing with the flames of destruction in our house. Why don't you continue to be arrogant, don't you have the ability? , Solve Ampei Zongxiu alone. "

"Master Zongxiu, shall we make peace?" Wang Yan shouted to the back. "In short, I will retreat with the sisters of the National African Affairs Bureau and the Bright Holy See. In this Indian country, what do you love to do, I will never interfere. "

Regardless of the goddess Shiva or the eye of destruction, it is really annoying. Now I am Wang Yan, but I am fighting on your site.

Besides, looking at the ghost appearance of An Pei Zongxiu, he had already plotted against Shiva's eyes. His Wang Yan was just a coincidence. In other words, if it wasn't for his Pharaoh to lead a team to visit, maybe it was really called An Pei Zongxiu's plot to succeed.

The Shiva goddess in that box was taken aback, and this guy of the Flame Son was too pitted. He would pick a pick if he didn't agree. What if An Pei Zongxiu was taken seriously?

Unexpectedly, An Pei Zongxiu didn't listen at all, but just laughed angrily: "Son of Flame, the deity and you are incompatible, today you are not the one who died or I died." In this world, there has never been a person who let him like the Son of Flame. Angry and disgusted guy.

Do n’t even fight with the Eye of Destruction, even if you have tried this life, you still have to leave Wang Yan ’s life.

The goddess Shiva breathed a sigh of relief, and the ability of this child of flame to pull hatred was too great, even allowing An Pei Zongxiu to give up everything and kill him. Just a moment later, I ridiculed Wang Yan a few words. When out of anger, Linghu Yaojue grabbed her, "His Royal Highness, now it's not time for infighting, we have to work together."

Shiva's eyes were straight, and she was busy: "That's of course, I was just joking with Wang Yan." She was in a good mood, and the bad situation was reversed. And Lei Hong also passed the second sky thunder, seeing his momentum is quite good, it is not difficult to spend the third sky thunder.

Gao Mingyue tweeted, and took the lead to cut off the sword with An Pei Zongxiu, inviting Yue Jian to traverse the sky like a train, as if he had the potential to cut through the sky. In terms of lethality alone, the S-level strongman present was Gao Mingyue's most powerful. Her instant kill ability, even Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess, could not be compared.

At the same time, the Bright Saint Maiden also shot, she sang holy singing, countless stars and dots of golden white light shining around her, converging into a divine light. That bright light turned into a stream of meteors and fell into everyone's body.

Even Wang Yan, who was in escape, was assigned a copy.

Great light salute!

This is a great move of the S-level sacred priest. It does not have any lethality, but it is one of the best moves in group battles.

Wang Yan just felt like he was soaking into the hot water, groaning everywhere from the flesh to the soul, tired, sore, and disappeared without a trace. The potential in the body was also squeezed out, and he felt a hundred times more spiritual, as if he could fight another three hundred rounds.

With the blessings of Daguangming, all of them exhibited their own tricks and killed An Pei Zongxiu. Naturally, this is another hearty battle. Even though Ampei Zongxiu was injured and his minions were all cut off, he was still a semi-godly strong man.

Such a powerful existence, even in the abyss civilization, the demigod level is also dominated by the high side, high-end atmospheric character.

Fortunately, Wang Yan's side is not a general generation, plus playing is more conservative, mainly defensive containment to save lives. This is also the tactics implemented by Wang Yan. Now against Ampei Zongxiu, it can't be radical. The thing was killed by him one or two.

Wang Yan would rather slowly wear away his power and kill him a little bit.

And the longer it is dragged on, the more unfavorable it will be for An Pei Zongxiu.

If the descendants of the Indian gods were informed of this situation, and they would send reinforcements, An Pei Zongxiu would be in trouble.

Although there are various funny places in India, the super energy world is not weak. Although there is no demigod, there are still two legendary peaks.

An Pei Zongxiu was unable to fight for a long time, and he became more and more manic. Every time I paid the price, one of them was wounded. When she was about to kill her, the rest of them joined forces to rescue. What is even more abominable is the Bright Lady, who wanders around and sees whoever is injured will be treated as soon as possible.

"Everyone's formation is not chaotic, remember their respective positions." Wang Yan commanded while fighting. "Women's Super Villa, don't patronize your offense. As a deputy tank, your task is to contain defense. Especially in my main When you ca n’t hold it, you have to take my place. "

"Yingyue, your position is too far ahead. As an ADC, you must protect yourself while outputting."

"Nini, Nini, you are rushing, you have to go around, do you understand?"

"Sir, you need to save your energy, don't bombard it, and take advantage of it when you don't want to interfere and charm yourself."

"Shen Shiva, please trouble your flame of destruction. Isn't it okay? As a master mage, the first thing you need to do is to control yourself, and just burn my head without moving."

"Babe, don't take the risk, just protect the saint. The priest is not dead, the team is not destroyed."

Although it is exaggerated, I have to admit that under Wang Yan ’s command, everyone is doing his job better than chaos. An Pei Zongxiu broke through several times and was blocked by the formation, which made him angry.

The abominable child of flame actually used the set from the game on him, and it was quite useful. And the poison mouth of the son of flame, really wish he could tear him down. Ampei Qingming has never played a game, but Ape Zongxiu has played it.

It was just when An Pei Zongxiu was about to explode, trying to kill each other.

Suddenly, Wang Yan exclaimed in exultation: "Master, Madam, why are you here?"


An Pei Zongxiu's heart shivered, and there was a fear in his heart. Today, he feels powerless in the face of this group of S-class strongmen. If the two big and half god-level powerhouses of China come, is there any hope for him to survive?

At this time, Linghu Yaojue's charm technique was dispatched again.

For a moment, only An Pei Zongxiu missed a moment.

But Wang Yan's warhammer slammed into the chest of An Pei Zongxiu: "Master Zongxiu, it is not a good habit to be distracted while fighting."


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