The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1216: What! Are you going to hell?

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"This is the case." Linghu Yao said, "A few months ago, we received an application from Uya Ange in the office. She wants to suspend her work and conduct a long-term retreat. Considering that she is already a half step S-level, it is reasonable to want to be promoted to S-level as soon as possible. Therefore, I approved her application at the time, but asked her to send a message to the bureau every month to report safety. "

"The problem is that she hasn't contacted the bureau once in the last three months." Linghu Yaojue frowned. "If it's only one time, it may be considered that she may be concentrating on the Tao and have no time to take care of it. After the news, I had to consider whether she was in danger. After returning from India last month, I conducted some secret investigations. I found that An Ge had contact with the **** forces before applying for retreat. "

Hell forces! ?

Wang Yan's eyes were stern: "Is it that the **** demon Satan died a doppelganger and came back to avenge his revenge?" A condensed murder, filled in him, seemed to freeze the air.

"Judging from the remaining breath of that **** force, it should have little to do with the **** demon king." Linghu Yaojue shook his head, "The remaining breath has been identified by the light of the Holy See, which has a trace of death and poisonous breath, it is very likely It's from Samuel. "

"Sammel? Which one is that?" Wang Yan looked puzzled.

"Uh ..." Linghu Yaojue whitened Wang Yan and said, "There are some things you know, the plane of **** and the plane of the abyss are powerful planes that have long been entangled with the plane of our earth. Today, There are still a lot of legends about the plane of hell. The avatar of the demon **** Satan who they beheaded by their older sister and brother-in-law came from the plane of hell. But the plane of **** is very vast, and there were seven demons. For various reasons, there are still the three most powerful demon gods left. They are Satan demon, Samel demon, and Mamen demon. "

"Hiss ~" Wang Yan took a breath of air, "That Samir, turned out to be the same level of Demon God Satan?"

"Not only that, Samuel was one of the seven creation angels under the light god, and later betrayed the light **** and became one of the seven devil gods in hell." Linghu Yaojue said solemnly, "It is well known that all angels are Although the God of Light created them, although they were extremely powerful, they could not create or reproduce life again. However, as one of the seven creation angels, Samuel studied how to create life ... "

This guy who is relatively new to Wang Yan has such a big history? For a time, Wang Yan also felt a little dazed. Isn't one of the seven creation angels a level with Gabriel and Michael?

And that guy also has the ability to create life?

Uh ... Maybe it was because of this that there was a conflict with the God of Light, and finally he defected to the plane of hell. After all, in the legend of the **** of light, he is the only existence that can create life, so he is called the **** of creation, the **** of light.

"Director Linghu means that the disappearance of Ange is related to Samuel?" Wang Yan's face was so dignified that, as mentioned above, Samuel is a super big boss. Not to mention Wang Yan, even Uncle Cannon can't beat Demon God.

"It's possible." Linghu Yaojue solemnly said, "When Ange was in the orphanage, he showed a strong talent and combat effectiveness, but at the same time it was also very dangerous and terrifying. The sister and the brother-in-law stood out from the crowd and let Prajna The temple helped her suppress the powerful evil forces in her body, cleanse her soul, and then recruited her in the East China branch to teach it carefully. This made An Ge ’s personality, although extreme, not on the wrong path. In fact, I have already contacted my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law. According to their suspicion, the dark poison power in Ange seems to have something to do with the devil Samuel. "

Wang Yan's brows became tighter and tighter, reminding him of getting along with Wuya Ange. I remember she once said that her mother should be an ordinary human, but her father's origin is unknown. The genes and powers in her may come from that mysterious father.

Could it be said that the mysterious father is involved with Samuel?

At the same time, Wang Yan also remembered the time he spent with Wuya Ange before going to Dongdao. At that time, she seemed to have a slightly different character from the original, becoming particularly unrestrained and enthusiastic, and lingering with him endlessly.

At that time, Wang Yan thought that she was jealous and squeezed Wang Yan deliberately.

But think about it now, maybe there is really a problem. Could it be said that Sister An Ge knew that there was no possibility between her and Wang Yan, and then she completely indulged herself?

And she even knows that that powerful force and strength is not something that Wang Yan can solve the rival existence, so she keeps hiding that thing all the time?

What is she afraid of?

Afraid that Wang Yan does stupid things?

"Of course, all the previous things are just speculation and speculation." Linghu Yaojue took out a letter from the drawer and said, "In the office of her unit, she left a letter for you. Because it was named Here you are, so I have n’t broken it down. I hope she will explain things in this letter. "

Silenced, Wang Yan took the letter and opened it to read it carefully.

After more than ten minutes, his face became colder and colder, and he said: "Director Linghu, there is almost no error in your inference. The demon Samuel is indeed the father of Ange. She said in the letter, the demon **** Sa Maier sent someone to pick her up and inherit the Devil God position, so that I do n’t have to worry about her safety. After she has established a firm foothold, she will contact me. "

"Hush ~" Linghu Yaojue said with a sigh of relief, "The situation is better than we thought, if it is going back to be the heir, it will not be too dangerous. If she can really become a devil, maybe It can also support us against the abyss invasion. "

"I'm not so optimistic, even if Sister An Ge is true, I'm afraid it is a big trouble." Wang Yan said with a serious expression, "If there is no danger, why can't Sister An Ge tell me the truth?" In addition, the demon Samel is a terrible guy of the same level as Satan. If even it must secretly leave a heir on the earth, and then need an heir, it means that the demon Samuel is also in a crisis of survival. "

Linghu Yaojue frowned: "What you said makes sense, but we can't manage this matter right now."

"No, I must take care of this matter." Wang Yan said solemnly, "At least, I have to go to hell, and I saw that An Ge was peaceful and safe. I was completely relieved."

"What? Are you going to hell?"


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