The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1228: The relic of the starry sky god?

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The confusing lord turned his eyes and suddenly had an idea. He laughed heartily: "My good brother, you really are a lucky one. However, your previous luck was just average, until you touched me. Confusion is the greater luck. Come and come, I will show you something. "

During the speech, the Lord of Confusion swiftly took out the book made of crimson leather from the storage space. The book seems to have been for some years, exuding the sense of depth after the passage of time.

The leather is tanned by some biological material, and the texture has a mysterious flame law. Even Wang Yan, who has a deep grasp of the law of flames, inexplicably gave birth to awe.

"Haha ~" The Red Confused Lord smiled smugly. "This is an ancient mystery book. Look at this material. Gee, this is made of the softest leather in the belly of a flaming dragon."

Fire Dragon King?

Wang Yan was a little sluggish, it was not easy. At this time, Wang Yan also understood some of the rules of hell. What king can generally be called, must be a demigod-level existence.

The demigod level is not simple, even in the **** world of the powerful, there is also a big brother level, almost at the top of the food chain, although the **** world still has a demon.

But the demon gods are all high above the earth, and almost don't ask about the existence of the world. As soon as they enter cultivation or sleep, they are hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, in the entire world of hell, the true ruler is a demigod.

The most valuable leather that can be used on a demi-level existence is just a recipe for making. One can imagine that the information recorded in this cheat must be very important.

Wang Yan didn't speak, but only showed a curious look. He believed that Lord Chew would definitely throw out content to attract himself.

Sure enough, the deluded lord raised the dragon skin cheat in Yang's hand, mysteriously said: "This secret code, but the secret code of your human race invention." Said, it also turned the title page, looked at the author Say, "Marcus Harvey? It's a human kind, uh, do you know?"

"I don't know." Wang Yan listened to the interpreter and answered honestly.

Maybe that guy is a human being, but with so many strong men in human history, how can Wang Yan know all of them? What's more, what are those old, flamboyant guys worth remembering?

"Master." Meier whispered in his ear, "Marcus Harvey, well-known in the history of human superpowers. He is the legendary starry sky **** and founded the current starry sky magic academy. "

Meier is Wang Yan's maid. Wang Yan authorized her to browse some of the ciphertext information inside the State African Bureau on her behalf.


Wang Yan was drinking hellfire spirits, a sip of flame from his mouth, the words "Star God of the Sky" almost made him dumbfounded. It turned out that Marcus Harvey turned out to be a magnificent star god, the famous demigod in the history of mankind.

Moreover, the entanglement between Wang Yan and Xingkong Academy is not shallow, and many interesting stories happened during the period. Even the tears of the starry sky baby in the starry sky college were kept by Wang Yan.

I just heard that the starry sky **** had gone across the starry sky that year, and there was no trace. But unexpectedly, his old man came to **** and left a cheat sheet?

Of course, Wang Yan ’s interest suddenly dissipated as soon as he learned that the secret book was left by the starry sky god. Admittedly, the magic book of the starry sky **** is very valuable, especially for modern magicians.

But the effect on Wang Yan is very limited, at most it can be used for reference.

He couldn't help yawning and said, "It turned out to be a magical book of the starry sky god, he is an outdated old mage.

The cultivation methods of our earth have long been turned upside down, and they are very different from the original ones. "

During the speech, Wang Yan behaved impatiently, as if the confusing lord took out a piece of garbage as a baby to fool him as a foreigner.

Suddenly, the face of the confusing lord changed, and after awkward it was a bit ugly. Although this book written by mankind, it can confuse its lord with the same function as nothing. It has also seen the content, but it is just a way for a human to change his own bloodline into the bloodline of the purgatory demon because of the shackles of his own bloodline.

The confusing lord is itself a purgatory demon, and this cheat is naturally useless. But after all, this is still a good book. The hard work of the semi-god-level strongman is said to be worthless and naturally unhappy.

However, in order to plot Wang Yan's treasures of the fat sheep, he calmed his emotions and laughed: "Haha, brother, you don't know anything about this, but this secret recipe is after the Star God of the Sky came to hell, and combined it to improve it. Bloodline evolution. With this technique, the human dharma almost broke through the semi-god level, and was almost promoted to the level of the gods. If it were n’t for the demon **** to feel threatened, he shot out, maybe the **** pattern is now the four gods. "

Wang Yan's eyes lighted up secretly, although this message was suspected by the confusing lord. But this is a book that studies the fusion of blood, which is much more effective than a pure magic book.

As the deeper the practice, the stronger the strength. Wang Yan's knowledge of everything in the universe and genetic blood is far from that hairy kid.

Although he seems to be a human body on the surface, but on the level of genetic blood, it actually comes from the fire **** Zhurong. In a strict sense, he is the child of Vulcan Zhurong, the heir to the bloodline.

But embarrassingly, Wang Yan's knowledge in this area is relatively lacking, and he can't fully understand how the bloodline is integrated, optimized and evolved. If you can get the guidance of the "sage" of the starry sky god, you may be able to break the secret of blood line fusion and inheritance.

However, Wang Yan's heart moved back to his heart. On the surface, it naturally pretended to be an indifferent look and said: "I'm not interested in bloodline fusion, but I can try it out. Refer to my brother, if I have some flame essence, This book?"

The confusing Lord suddenly rejoiced in secret, good fellow, you finally got hooked, and it immediately pretended to be a bold look: "What a joke, you and I see it as usual, just like a brother, just a broken book, just change it. "My brother, I'm the master, I'll give you away."

At the same time, it sneered in his heart, since the lord wants to plot, how can you plot a little bit of flame essence in your area? Brother, brother, you should obediently give all the wealth and soul to the lord, wow hahaha ~


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