The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1233: Eat dry

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The confusing Lord felt that his whole body's bones and internal organs were broken, and his body was miserable and nodded and said: "Yes, yes, brother, you misunderstood me. I just woke up with you for a while, just kidding That ’s it. Let ’s continue our discussion and continue to drink and drink. I will take out the best wine in the inventory. "

That pair of looks, really as miserable as there are miserable, where there is the slightest posture of the legendary lord. Put out a picture, as long as Wang Yan no longer hits it, whatever the posture is, let alone take some of the fine wines, even if it ’s the females who contributed it.

"Don't worry about drinking." Wang Yan put down the confusing lord, patted the dust on his body friendly, and laughed with it, "I heard that your Purgatory Demon Race is a higher race, evolved The racial winners in history are excellent in any aspect, especially in terms of survivability. Even if they are beaten and disabled, they will lose their arms and legs, and they will soon grow back? "

The confessed Lord gushed his spit, and with some ominous hunch, did not understand what Wang Yan was doing? But now it belongs to the fish on Wang Yan's chopping board. It can be cut as much as he wants. In desperation, he has to nod and honestly say, "That's just some racial talent, it's not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"Sure enough, the bloodline talents of your Purgatory Demon Race are amazing." Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and raised his hand on the Lord of Red Confusion, a little surprised, "Sure enough, your internal organs and bones were injured so badly, this Has it actually begun to heal? "

Wang Yan is not purely pretending, but is really surprised. As a heir to Zhurong bloodline, he is also a legendary strongman. His recovery ability is already called Xiaoqiang, which is much stronger than other humans.

But when it comes to recovery ability, this confusing lord is even better than his Wang Yan.

What's even more incredible is that this guy's vitality is also a miracle. They are all beaten up like this, and they can still continue to please with his Wang Yanxu and his enemies.

In other words, the legendary strongman of the earth is beaten like this, even if it is not dead, it is absolutely angry, and life is at stake. How can there be a lively jump like this guy?

"Hey, hey, the resilience of our Purgatory Demon Race is okay." Perhaps it is obvious that Wang Yan seems really surprised, and the confusing Lord can't help but feel a little irritated, his expression habitually shows the superiority of the higher race Come, "It's not even a matter of limb regeneration. In the words of our purgatory demon clan, this is called demon rebirth. When you practice to the highest level, as long as there is a piece of flesh alive, you can be reborn."

"Limb regeneration, demon rebirth?" Wang Yan said with interest, "Come, let's try your limb regeneration ..."

"Don't, help me." The deluded lord shouted pale, and said, "Big brother, I, I, I can't do it anymore. Don't, don't cut my hands ... No, no, there's no place, It really doesn't work there ... "

A series of pain and horror and howling and begging for mercy sounded through the big ring.

The barbarian warriors who fled away under the ring also stopped, and the barbarian warriors controlled by the charm were also awake.

Everyone was silent and dared not to make a little noise. In their ears, the confusing lord was full of voices crying in pain and begging for mercy. Even the lords are like this, what else do they dare to say?

Especially those onlookers of various races feel strange and weird. Originally, they all believed that the lord of the Red Conspiracy was cruel and fierce. But now, there is some sympathy for it faintly.

That human being is really too cruel and terrible.

Of course, the legendary succubus is not a good thing. Once the charm is performed, it is really creepy. They are also the first time they have seen the terrifying charm of a legendary succubus.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

But this scene that happened on the ring of Chidu Castle may be remembered by souls forever in the soul.

Three days later!

In the seat of the lord of Chilian Castle, Wang Yan sat comfortably on it, tilting Erlang's legs very comfortably. Meier was waiting on the side, peeling a grain of red fist-shaped fruit into his mouth.


Wang Yan bite through the flesh, the rich sweetness accompanied by a scorching slurry, overflowed his mouth, down the throat, spread like a fire spread all over his body, so hot that he opened the capillary coefficient, one Hot sweat poured out of the sweat glands, so refreshing that he burst into excitement, and every cell was trembling happily.

This is really a magical fruit.

With Wang Yan's current strength and physical quality, even if he is in a blaze, he will never sweat. This kind of fruit can actually make him sweat, and also has the effect of washing the pulp and cutting the hair.

Of course, it also has the effect of improving the flame constitution.

It's just that Wang Yan's own flame physique has long been tempered to a very high level by blood veins. After eating a ton of this fruit, he wouldn't want to improve his flame physique. It can only be enjoyed as a peculiar fruit snack.

One by one, Wang Yan was very happy to eat.

However, the Red Confused Lord on the side has been secretly swallowing saliva. This red jade fruit is an extremely rare top grade fruit. It is only occasionally produced in the hottest part of the smelt. It is usually used to pay tribute to Chilian. Devil's.

He also dared to leave so few occasionally, and taste it slowly like a treasure, to cultivate his own flame physique. Where can it be eaten as a fruit on the roadside like Wang Yan.


Chi Yuguo, who had originally planned to pay tribute, was eaten by Wang Yan, and the confusing Lord secretly panicked. This is not a tribute to Chi Yuguo. Will his father Chilian Demon King send someone to cut him?

"Little Red ~" Wang Yan finished eating the last piece of red jade fruit, and his mouth was already numb, and it was a bit greasy. He could not help but shouted.

"Brother ~ younger brother, what are you instructing?" The Lord of Confusion listened to his call, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a chill hit the whole body. Pleased look.

To be honest, Chidou is really afraid of Wang Yan. That terrible mankind is cruel to the bottom, and it is as fierce as many times as fierce as his cruel old father Chi Lian.

"Your territory is also poor, there is nothing good." Wang Yan said with a disgusted face.

Straight and cursed in my heart, you drink me, eat me, take up everything I have, after enjoying everything, wipe your mouth, and then all kinds of disgust, are you suitable for you?


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