The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1238: Dark Lady's Choice

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Just as Wang Yan was undergoing a metamorphosis of soul and bone, far away on the plane of the earth, in an ancient castle, some people also faced difficult choices.

This is an ancient castle surrounded by thorns and roses, dark green rose vines, climbing on the walls of the mottled castle. The moonlight was dim, and several bats were reflecting the moonlight, flying silently at the top of the castle.


A mysterious surging air wave rushed from the center of the castle, trembling floating clouds surging, and the bats screamed and fled.

The black magic energy slowly began to drift out of the castle window, making the old castle, which was already rather gloomy, even more evil.

Along the window on the castle wall, you can see that in the castle's simple and heavy hall, two delicate and noble women are standing side by side, silent.

Among the two girls, the older one, in a gorgeous and elegant black silk dress, was wearing a glamorous ruby ​​rose on her chest. Her posture was soft and graceful, and her skin exposed outside her clothes was white and snowy. At this time, she stood quietly in the middle of the castle, just like a European nobleman who had crossed over from the Middle Ages.

It's just that there are traces of blood around her, but there is always a suffocating terror.

The beautiful woman who is so elegant and dangerous at the same time is the dark parliament that is well-known in the world of superpower today, Prince Rose.

In front of her, the young woman was as slim as a slender girl.

The girl's dress and temperament are somewhat similar to those of the prince of roses. A gorgeous black silk dress set her up for her dignity and dignity, as if she were a noble in the Middle Ages, elegant and decent.

But if you look down upon her just because of her appearance, it is a big mistake.

This young girl is the only first embrace of the Prince of Roses, and heir to the blood and surname of the Prince of Roses, the virgin of the Dark Council, Dracula Catherina.

"Nana, you are already my daughter, even if the devil has left a mark in your body, it will not hurt your life. Now, you will be by my side, even if the devil comes in person, I will not Send you to hell. "

Prince Rose looked firmly at the Dark Lady. Her tone was calm and slow, but she showed an unprecedented dominance and toughness.

"It's my life's luck to be your daughter." The dark sacred goddess moved, her fingers squeezed tightly, her arms trembling slightly.

She never imagined that after experiencing so many painful experiences since childhood, she would meet Prince Rose, such a mother who cared for her.

Although Prince Rose is not her biological mother, it is better than biological mother in some respects. At least in this world, who can dare to face a demon **** of **** for her like the Prince Rose?

"Thanks to the mother's blessing, after having the immortal body of the blood family, the mark left by the devil in my body can no longer threaten my life." The Dark Lady seemed to have figured out something, relaxed her look, and rushed to the Prince He smiled slightly, "But the daughter is called to hell, not necessarily a bad thing."

"Are you worried about that demon god, will you retaliate against our dark council?" The rose prince Jiao frowned slightly, humming, "Oh, although the devil **** is powerful, but here is the plane of the earth, this prince Not afraid of him. Our dark council can cut him off from now on, Nana, do you understand? No one can take you away from me. "

"No, mother, you misunderstood what I meant." The Dark Lady took Prince Rose's hand and said patiently, "Behind our dark council, it would not work without the support of the gods."

"Now that the Father of the Light Holy See has descended his miracles, their saints have been chosen, and in the future the power of the Light Holy See will surely increase on a large scale. With the abyss of disasters approaching, if our dark council will not think After improving the strength, when all the dust is settled, I am afraid that it will encounter unprecedented suppression. "

The words of the Dark Lady stabbed the thorn in the heart of Prince Rose, making her speechless.

The current global situation is indeed the case. For the future abyss disaster, all major organizations in the world are actively preparing for war, and behind them, almost all can find the shadow of the gods, or the remains of the gods.

Even today's Indian superpower organization possesses the wealth left by the former Lord Shiva. Not to mention the Supreme Bright Father behind the Bright Holy See. This **** who existed in ancient times can be said to be the hardest one on the entire plane of the earth.

Of course, the Dark Council also has their gods to rely on, that is, the **** demon who selected Nana.

Perhaps this demon god's influence is not as good as the bright father god, but after all, he is a **** demon **** who can resist the court with the bright father god. If you are now enemies with the Light Holy See and the Devil God, then you can imagine how difficult the Dark Council will be in the future.

"My messenger Buffalo has already told me that now the plane of **** has once again reached a period of turbulence. The demon lord needs combat power, so he summoned me."

Seeing Prince Rose fell silent, the Dark Lady patted her on the back of her hand and said with relief, "The demon **** has promised that he will give me power over everything, and I will be the spokesperson for his new generation, and I will also have the opportunity Looking into the true divine power, this is a rare opportunity, the daughter does not want to give up. "

"I understand your mood, but **** is in danger. Once you enter the gate of hell, we will completely cut off the contact ..." Although Prince Rose understood Nana's feelings, she couldn't rest her heart.

She did n’t know much about the turbulent period of hell, but she understood the blood and horror of it, but it was related to the three devil forces fighting each other. If Nana passed, she could really survive the turmoil in hell. ?

"Come on, mother, I will come back when this turmoil ends."

The Dark Lady's eyes were firm, but her expression gradually became eager. At the end, she clenched her fists tightly. "This is my choice. I want to become stronger. I also want to be your mother. I ca n’t be left behind by that guy Wang Yan, let alone be surpassed by that bright saint! ”

"Okay, remember you are my daughter, the only heir to the Dark Council!" Prince Rose finally no longer objected, but nodded resolutely and promised.

"We come from darkness, and will also go to darkness, and the dark council is immortal!" The dark lady's hand covered her heart, saluted to Prince Rose, and then said goodbye.

Turning around, at the end of the castle hall, a dark and dark magic vortex has been waiting there for a long time.

Before the Dark Lady approached the dark vortex, she whispered and said, "Buff destroys, open the door!"


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