The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1240: Demon Body

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With a crackling sound, Wang Yan's sturdy and unusual lava tiles were slammed on him.

Under the blazing flames, his bones are growing, his muscles are expanding, and his teeth and nails are growing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. Even the pair of bat wings behind him punctured the skin uncontrollably, and the meridians burst outward.


The fire of **** is burning even more fierce.

The elements of fire in the air were restless, and the walls made of lava in the Chamber of Secrets were almost completely red. All his clothes were burned to death almost in an instant.

At this moment, the entire secret room almost became a brick-fired kiln, the temperature rose linearly, and the hotness was hot.

Soon, in the raging fire, Wang Yan was like a giant born from a fire, and his body size jumped to four or five meters, which was a bit more powerful and powerful than the red lord who was strong outside.

But Wang Yan's painful and repressed growl did not stop there.

As the power in his body continued to boil, two sharp micro-curls, the overbearing thorns symbolizing the noble status of the Devil, began to penetrate the skin of his forehead and slowly extended. Behind him, a thick and sturdy long tail with spikes is also growing.

At the same time, his knuckles, arms, and even the position of the initial joints began to grow sharp and scarlet red bone spurs. The skin also started to grow into darker red flesh scales that were darker and harder ...

The fire of **** industry is extremely fierce. He is like a giant Titan made of steel in the fire, full of an indestructible force.

"Demon, the devil's body ?!"

The succubus who was forced to the corner by the fire of hell, his eyes wide open, his eyes full of unbelievable looks.

"What a powerful body, what a terrible flame power! Compared to the previous ... The present master is full of destruction and violent breath!" The succubus's heart jumped wildly, with instinctive fear, which made her a layer of fineness. sweat.

She has followed Wang Yan from beginning to end, and she has extremely high flame resistance, but at this time she has had to gather magic shields to resist the flames.

If you change to an ordinary succubus, let alone a B-level A-level, even if it is an S-level succubus like Meier, I am afraid that in this environment, you will run out of energy and be burned to death!

Not to mention the succubus now, even Wang Yan himself was taken aback by himself.

In this state, he felt that his body was full of inexhaustible power. This kind of violent and fierce sense of power almost exploded his body.

He felt full of bloodthirsty desires in his body, and once wanted to fight to vent, even destroy everything!

Fortunately, his intellect was not eroded by this violent force, otherwise it is really necessary to release this force at this time, and the city may be completely destroyed by him now.

"Well ... It's worthy of the Demon God's gene, the power is too strong!" Wang Yan gritted his teeth and issued a command to the succubus, "If I can't suppress this power for a while, you have more Far, how far away! "

In his eyes, two groups of **** industry fires, like the demon god, had been lit up, and his expression was fierce and terrifying.

He understands that the power accumulated in his body at this moment has reached a terrifying stage, and the environment here is full of rich elements of hellfire, and now he is like a nuclear bomb that can detonate at any time, even the power that erupts , Even bigger than a nuclear bomb!

If he loses a powerful pet because of his momentary madness, it will be worth the loss.

"Yes ... yes ..." The succubus shrunk in the corner, and shuddered.

At this time, Wang Yan is almost equivalent to a senior demon, and the horror power revealed by this is comparable to that of a demon god! Under such high-level coercion, the succubus as a subordinate demon, felt instinctive fear.

She shook uncontrollably, but she never left, because she understood that his master was in front of her, and she would always be with him.

As the Demon Gene spreads to the whole body, Wang Yan can no longer be distracted.

Because after completely accepting the Demon Gene, the stage of breaking the gene chain and integrating with its own genes has begun!


"Hoo! Ka!"

The wind and thunder began to roar, and at the same time when Wang Yan entered the critical moment, the elements of Hellfire began to gather in a large amount over the castle town.

Obviously it was night, but the clouds of fire that gathered together turned the whole sky red. Thick and heavy red clouds surging and rolling in the sky, as if a storm is about to fall, covering the whole city with pressure.

However, unlike storms, dense rain clouds are most depressing, but the hot fire clouds that are now placed on the earth can be life-threatening!


A barbarian soldier slammed into the hall of the castle in a raging fire, and came to the front of the confusing Lord, panickingly reported, "Master Lord! Outside, outside ...

The barbarian soldier knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, but before he had finished speaking, he was violently interrupted by the confessed lord.

"Isn't it the next fire rain? Look at your fuss, don't disturb the lord's VIP!" The confusing lord leaned on the seat, screamed impatiently, and then reached for a plate held by a maid. Here, he picked up a fruit, biting a bit of juice.

This is the plane of hell, especially the domain of their purgatory demons, and it is an extreme area full of **** fire elements. It is normal to accidentally blow a fire wind or a fire rain.

"No, it's not ... Lord Lord! The fire and rain outside, such a big drop!" The barbarian soldier gestured in front of him with his thick hands.

Hey! It's really a big drop!

"Bah! Do you tease Lao Tzu? How could the fire rain be so big?"

Lord Chew took a sip from the barbarian soldier, took a drink, took a big sip, and stood up and looked out the window.


The sorrowful lord sipped a sip of wine from half a meter away, and his eyes were staring like bronze bells, and there was more than horror, "This, this is, what's going on? How could the fire rain be so big!"

The barbarian soldier looked dumbfounded and blankly ignorant.

Speaking of it, he did n’t know that this drop of **** fire rain was as big as a bucket. It fell on the ground like a cannonball. The flames soared and they were all hurt when they were rubbed. The low-level soldiers outside were also depressed.

"What are you still doing? Are you going to take someone to extinguish the fire?" The sorrowful lord, standing in front of his seat, waved his hands, "You, you, and you, hurry and bring someone to put out the fire! The whole city put out the fire! "

Ma'am, his heart was tight, and his hair was tight. He finally had a city. If he goes on like this, won't he be completely destroyed?


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