The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1243: Satan is not easy to mix now

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"Well, comfortable."

Wang Yan narrowed his eyes, enjoying the massage of the succubus, like a terrible and majestic **** demon.

Just when he was drowsy, another word "report" came from afar.

The barbarian soldier who had previously reported the fire and rain disaster ran into the lord's hall fiercely again.

"What's the noise? Didn't you see my boss taking a break?" The sorrowful lord rolled over from the ground and climbed up, glaring at the barbarian soldier angrily. He really hated seeing this barbarian soldier now, as long as he ran in to report these days, no good thing happened.

"The two lords, the atonement, the atonement, the subordinates are true, there are really important things to report."

Although the barbarian soldier was stupid, he was not stupid. He looked at Wang Yan, and then looked at Chidu. He quickly knelt on the ground and was terrified with respect.

Confounding his eyes, he glanced at his boss, and after finding out that there was no response, he secretly relieved himself, then turned his gaze, set the lord's shelf, and shouted, "Say, what's the fuss about? If there's nothing serious, the lord's You must die! "

"Yes, yes! It's really a big deal!"

The barbarian soldiers quickly raised their heads and grumbled, "Master Lord, the **** meeting agreed upon by the three demon gods is about to begin!"

"What? Hell Conference! Are you sure?" Chidu opened her eyes, and was surprised. Not yet, he managed to figure it out, "Well, almost, the turbulent period of our **** is indeed coming."

"Yes, yes, when the turbulent period is over, the **** meeting is about to begin!" The barbarian soldiers nodded again and again, very flatteringly.

"Huh? Turbulent period? Hell meeting?" Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chi Chi Road, "Xiao Chi, look at you so happy, there is such a festival event in our **** plane?"

Wang Yan feels that he is about to play a purgatory demon, and he will simply act like some. Then he can take the opportunity to approach the demon **** and find Ange.

But listening to their conversation now seems to give him a big clue. This **** conference sounds like an event that has a great influence on the plane of hell, and it is still initiated by the three devil gods, which is very important.

"The turbulent period is ... Hey? Boss, you don't even know this?" Chi Hong looked at Wang Yan with curiosity, and was shocked by the latter's eyes.

"Hehehe, understand and understand that the boss usually stays out of the ordinary and doesn't know that these things are normal." Chidu quickly came to Wang Yan's seat, and the guilty conspiracy smiled.

"Speaking of this turbulent period and **** meeting, then it has to be talked about a long time ago, how long is it? I can't count, haha."

Chidu had limited IQ and simply called haha, explaining, "There is a legend in our **** that there has been a war between the gods of the plane and the plane."

"It is said that the war affected many planes and many gods at that time. Hell and that earth plane are one of them."

Wang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and he listened patiently.

If the organization of Chidu is not strong, he can probably speculate that the battle of the gods in Chidu's mouth is probably related to the war that the original gods of the earth, Vulcan Zhurong and his companions participated in.

It was an extraterrestrial invasion far beyond the universe, but I did not expect the plane of **** to be drawn into it. It seems that the legendary extraterrestrial demon is really not terrible.

"The younger brother didn't know much about the specific situation of that battlefield, but according to our hell, that war caused many gods to die, so we called that battle again the evening of the gods."

Reminiscent of the legend in Hell, the Lord of Confusion, while reminded and supplemented by the barbarian soldiers, told Wang Yan, "Later the war ended, most of the gods fell, and our Purgatory Demon Clan could have risen this way. Two foreign gods, with a large number of troops, forcibly settled in our **** plane. "

These two gods are naturally the fallen demon Samel who betrayed the father of light and the dead demon mamen who controls the power of death and darkness.

From the arrival of these two foreign gods, the world of **** has become the only one in the world from the beginning, and it has become a three-point world.

The native **** of Purgatory Demon Clan, Satan the Devil must not agree, so the three world wars triggered by the three demon gods and a large number of cannon fodders began.

As soon as the turbulent period is said, this is where it comes from.

"Adult Satan, our supreme demon, will naturally not allow outsiders to invade our world of hell, so we fight with them."

Speaking of this chaotic and tragic history, spitting the stars and spitting, when it comes to the key point, it is filled with indignation, and the nostrils are spitting fire. The guys are all weak cowards, and if they are touched by my deluded lord, they will be able to hammer them in minutes. "

"Xiao Chi, it seems that you are very sturdy. Hearing you say this, the Purgatory Demon Clan and Satan Demon God should be very dominant? How can they be cut off so much land and resources by those foreign invaders? "

Wang Yan casually put a sentence, he probably already understood what is the turbulent period of hell.

This is like a sudden, when your own yard was divided by outsiders, and no one could accept it. Since I can't accept it, I have to start playing.

However, at present, it seems that the three parties have checked each other, and no one can win the war.

"Alas, a foreign demon **** can still deal with it, but even two foreign demon gods, even our Satan adults, can't do anything."

Confused, he couldn't help but open his face and shook his head and lamented, "In addition to the bright kingdom of God, the sinister angel dogs, and the abyss world, the savage and brainless abyss pigs, they all stared at each other, waiting for us The **** forces are running out of fighting, so that we can get rid of **** ... "

"His." Wang Yan could not help but secretly breathe in coldly. The majestic devil Satan, so original? No wonder he was so eager to invade the plane of the earth, he couldn't get mixed in hell?

This seemingly high demon **** Satan is actually a last emperor, not only facing the colonial aggression of foreign races, but also always confronting the positive oppression of other countries, hey ... Look at this pressure and replace it with ordinary middle-aged humans He must be bald?

Wang Yan felt that, after seeing the other party's hard work, he also gave himself a super gift for himself. It is necessary for him to give him a fatal blow, at least to let the demon **** feel the terror from the earth. pressure.

At this point, a plan began to brew.


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