The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1250: Flame Demon

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"The transmission equipment has indeed been strengthened, but the current construction materials and existing energy sources make it difficult to maintain a transmission channel that is sufficient for semi-god-level strongmen to enter."

In the communicator, Yun Zhi sighed slightly and replied, "Under our current conditions, we can only guarantee an S-class lifeform to pass through intact. If the Yan Zun couples are forced to cross the plane channel, it is very likely The two of them died on the spot. "

In fact, after listening to Wang Yan's wasteland development plan, she and her assistants were very excited. But how can the great law of constant immortality in the universe be destroyed so easily?

It is about time and space shuttle. The strong time and space repulsion is the most intuitive and powerful manifestation of the vast laws of the universe.

Even the original Satan Apostle Harrison, in order to summon Satan, used a blood sacrifice of 10,000 people and the flesh and blood energy of hundreds of thousands of creatures, which barely opened the channel to the plane of hell.

However, even with such a huge price, Satan, the demon god, can only let himself be transformed into an avatar to the earth. It can be seen that, under the most intuitive rules of the universe, even a supreme demon can do nothing.

But fortunately, because the balance between the universe cannot be broken, otherwise the earth, which has no native gods, is estimated to have been regarded as a colony of other plane worlds as long as it is unknown how many thousands of years ago. Perhaps the **** or the abyssal forces might have started, and the bright Father God who had stood above had already included the earth under his command.

"It seems that in a short period of time, it is hopeless to let the Uncle Guns come to support." On the side of the communicator, Wang Yan frowned slightly.

My hometown, the earth, is currently in the growth stage. Both technology and superpowers need a certain amount of time and resources. To accelerate this growth cycle, in addition to the experiments and data provided, it is natural to say that there is a wealth of resources and a lot of resources.

He is now in the plane of hell. Not to mention, all kinds of minerals and elemental resources are quite rich. If the resources here can be transported to the earth and accelerate the growth of the earth, then it will undoubtedly achieve a very efficient Virtuous circle.

Of course, this is the first step now. Without the support of masters like Uncle Gun, then everything can only depend on him.

"We can now send you an S-class superpower, or a batch of supplies and equipment, Wang Yan, think about it, what do you need now? We can do it for you as much as possible."

Over the communicator, Yun Zhi kindly reminded, "If you have a difficult choice, then I can recommend it to you ..."

"No, I already have a plan." Wang Yan smiled slightly and said to Yunzhi what he expected to transmit.

"Okay, wait a moment." Yunzhi's execution is very high. She temporarily turned off the communicator, and then started a whole set of high-speed operations.

Far away from the plane of hell, Wang Yan stood with his back on top of a solid black bulge and raised his eyes to the endless magma lake. His eyes were bright and magnificent.

Behind him, a group of pet brothers, and a large number of elemental monsters collected by the three-legged Jinwu, all stood silently, waiting quietly for his instructions.

The surroundings gradually became quieter, and there was a more solemn atmosphere in the air. The Lord of Confusion led the men and stood at the rear, looking up at the back of Wang Yanwei's shore. He couldn't help but feel a sense of respect.

"It seems that I confuse the lord, and it really followed the right person."

The boss is the boss, and he has never seen anyone before. With such an overbearing and mighty momentum, even his father, Chi Lian, is no match.

Just then, there was a thunderous loud noise above the head.


There was a calm sky without red waves, and there was a shocking scene almost like the end of the world.

A large number of red clouds filled with fire elements seemed to be stirred by an invisible large hand, and a huge red vortex appeared above the entire sky.

The vortex became more and more intense, and a large number of fire clouds rolled and boiled in the vortex, and the heat wave was pressing. Gradually, under the tear of this invisible and crazy force, a small black spot suddenly appeared in the center of the vortex.

The black dots expanded rapidly, and the feeling was as if the sky above the head suddenly burst a hole. From the inside of this black hole, the terrible breath emanated, almost instantaneously causing all the people present to breathe to stagnate and palpitate.

"This, this, this ... what's going on?"

Confounded watching the black hole sweating and terrified. Including all the barbarian soldiers behind him, they were all like birds of fright, and the atmosphere did not dare to show more.

For the first time in their lives, **** residents have seen the passage of the plane open, and the strong horizontal pressure from the black hole in the space almost made them feel instinctive fear.

As a result, their awe of Wang Yan, the boss, has also increased to a point where it cannot be increased.

You know, how vast and great the universe is? Even if he is already a legendary **** lord, but if he dares to resist the power of this law, there will be only one ending, and there will be no slag.

Their boss, Wang Yan, can even open such appalling passages. How can these **** inhabitants who worship the strong can not be appalled, and at the same time subject to surrender?

"Old, oldest, this ..."

Lord Chew just wanted to ask Wang Yan what was going on, but only a loud noise came from the center of the vortex.

Then I saw a big rock burning with flames, leaping out of the black hole in the center of the vortex, just like a meteorite falling from outer space, crashing into the magma lake in front!

The black hole and vortex above the head quickly fell apart and returned to normal after the meteorite passed through.

But the meteorite that fell into the magma lake set off a huge wave in an instant!

The hot liquid lava, like a wall covering the sun and the sun, was spreading towards Wang Yan and others with a scalding heat.

The confusion and the barbarian soldiers were all terrified, and they immediately wanted to run.

What a joke? These inhabitants of hell, although they have high flame resistance, but this is hundreds of meters of magma! Even if you are lucky enough not to die, you have to take off several layers of skin.

Who is okay to take a magma bath? But their boss doesn't hide. Where do they dare to escape first?

"Oh, boss magma has fallen!"

Just when Lord Chew was about to help with the impact of magma, Wang Yan finally moved.

His shot was the most fierce punch, a powerful explosive force, thinning out an unprecedented shock wave, and instantly the overwhelming wave of magma, rushing to fall.

No matter how awkward the others were behind him, Wang Yan stood on the edge of the magma lake and smiled happily: "Lao Bei, I finally got you here."

As the corner of his mouth rose slightly, a huge flame arm in the boiling lava lake suddenly came out of the lake, "banging", and pressed on the rock next to it.


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