The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1252: Fire Lake Master

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A trembling roar suddenly came from the distance where the lava lake and the sky meet.

The originally balanced and stable fire elements immediately became restless, and even the air itself was trembling and shaking due to this fierce roar.

Suddenly, the people were taken aback, but before they had time to react, they saw a huge, evil one-eyed eye, and suddenly opened above everyone's head!

This huge one-eyed red and black intersect, with a vertical pupil in the center, is a vicious green evil fire like a viper.

With the appearance of this monstrous one-eyed eye, the surrounding atmosphere immediately fell to pieces. The strong oppression is like a towering mountain. The heavy pressure on people's hearts makes it very difficult to breathe.

On this piece of land, a grown-up confusing lord, his face instantly turned pale.

He stared at the one-eyed eye that appeared out of thin air, cold sweat permeated and said: "Boss, Boss, we have alarmed the master of this Yan Lake, that demon **** monster!"

This kind of eye created out of thin air, described in the words of the earth, is called the eye of the void. It is the demigod-level creature that connects the optic nerve with elements and condenses the eyes.

Therefore, this kind of eye is not a virtual image, but a real existence, which is like a doppelganger extending far away, full of power.

For some low-powered creatures, this kind of imposing appearance is almost deadly deterrent.


At this time, it wasn't just confusing. A group of barbarian soldiers behind him, all facing the enemy, were terrified. A pair of eyes with wide open eyes, all looking forward to Wang Yan, just waiting for Wang Yan's order, they quickly retreated.

You know, all monsters of the devil level in **** are overlords in the wild land. They do n’t know how many thousands of years they have lived in this world. They are themselves in hell. The best embodiment. Its horrible and cruel character has already penetrated into the hearts of the people. Even a **** demon dared not be stubborn with it, let alone their junior soldiers.

In the eyes of these barbarian soldiers, in the face of the demigod-level overlord in this lava lake, not to mention their lord confusing, even their new master Wang Yan is not an opponent.

Now the overlord has opened the eyes of the void, watching them closely. And drove and warned with roaring, if now no longer escapes, the end is definitely a dead end!

"Boss, boss, me, shall we leave now?"

The pressure on Lord Chidu increased rapidly, and he quickly whispered to the side, "Although this Yanhu is hung with my father's name, Chilian Huze, in fact, the demi-level monster is the master here. It It ’s terrible, even my dad did n’t dare to provoke it easily, me, let ’s quickly withdraw it, it ’s already staring at us, and issued a eviction warning, boss, it ’s too late to leave without leaving! ”

"It's the master here?"

Wang Yan slowly turned his eyes, stared at the one-eyed, and chuckled, "Tell it, from now on, the master here has changed!"

"Why, what?" Lord Chew's jaw almost fell. "Boss, do you want to fight that demigod?"

"It's okay, it's unbelievable!"

As a cunning purgatory demon, Mingzhe Baosheng is the kingly way to survive and grow in the world of hell. Now the boss and their younger brothers are only legendary. Is this going to fight a demon-level monster? This is too risky!

However, don't wait for him to finish.

Above the head, the three-legged Jinwu had already been angered by the man who dared to provoke them and jumped up.

"Ah! Dare beasts, dare to drive us and the boss? Tell you, Lao Tzu was the **** of the sun!"

The three-legged Jinwu has recovered to S-level strength, and its momentum is far beyond the past. Even the courage has increased a lot with the recovery of strength.

With a scream, the three-legged Jinwu showed a huge real body, leaning over his paws and holding the eye of the void in his palm.

"Bang", squeezed directly.

Under the ground, an ancient flame demon shaped like a giant rock in the mountains and rivers, standing on the lava lake with his feet standing upright, took a breath.

In a short time, within a few kilometers, a large number of rich and active fire elements, all as if swallowed by whales, were inhaled into the body of the flame demon crazy.

The next moment.


The ancient Flame Demon roared with strength, the overbearing roar was fierce, and the earth's vast breath immediately exploded, and a wave of hot and sonic waves, like a rolling wave, wave after wave, continued to spread outward And go.

You know, his ancient flame devil Bella Roca, was the demigod demon in the ancient time of the earth, and it was one of the powerful warlords of Vulcan Zhurong. If it is not a war of extraterritorial invasion, it is estimated that it is likely , Like the three-legged Jinwu, promoted into a new god.

Although later in the war, it was contaminated by the extraterrestrial demon and bombarded by the magicians on the earth, resulting in a great reduction in strength, but after all, there is the essence of the demigod.

In addition, among the younger brothers Wang Yan, the strength retained by his ancient Yanmo is undoubtedly the highest and strongest. With only some time and resources, he can fully return to the peak combat strength of the year.

Therefore, in front of his ancient flame demon, how can he tolerate a junior beast and spread wild in front of him and Master Wang Yan? It is light to respond to a roar by the other party now.

"Haha, silly big guy did a good job!"

Seeing that the demigod's breath was dispelled, the three-legged golden Ukrainian shouted eloquently, "From now on, this is the god, no, the god's boss! Quack ... that wild monster dare to come, The God destroyed him! "

Although he knew that the three-legged Jinwu was bragging, the morale of the surrounding barbarian soldiers and the lord of the Red Confusion was greatly boosted.

The demigod-level monster, known to be dominated by Yanhu Lake, threatened with a roar and coercion in the distance, trying to drive Wang Yan and others.

Unexpectedly, the Void Eye condensed by it was not only squeezed by one claw, but the other party responded with a more magnificent roar.

Such a strong approach really choked the demigod-level monster.

The demigod monster ate a big deflated, disappeared at this time, it is estimated that there is a secret hatred in the distance, ready to revenge.

Although there is a roar here, it is because of the resonance of the elements. The actual distance is not yet known how far apart. Besides, the gods and monsters are all old monsters who became fine. Knowing that Wang Yan's people are not simple, they will naturally not easily leave its lair and attack immediately.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the two sides will not engage in battle, but the Yanhu Master who has suffered a loss will definitely not give up.

What's more, here is its home field, it has a hundred ways to kill the invaders!


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