The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1259: Wang Yan's Wolf Cavalry Tactics

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"Well done!"

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth slightly raised. He had seen the combat ability of this barbarian wolf cavalry.

The Hell War Wolf domesticated by the Hell Dog is tall and fierce, full of explosive power. Not to mention, those barbarian soldiers who have been carefully selected also have extremely high combat power. Especially the weapons in their hands are far superior to the ordinary iron and steel that they usually see. After blessing energy, they can instantly release fierce sword gas of tens of meters or even tens of meters.

Especially in the state of **** war wolf charge, even if a heavy tank is blocked in front, it will be cut in half by a knife!

In front of these low-level monsters who only rely on brute force and instinct to fight, where can they stop the collective charge of hundreds of wolf cavalry under the leadership of Scarlet Lord?

With only one face-to-face, hundreds of red knives slashed across the air, and immediately there were two or three hundred low-level wild monsters. The monsters below D level are even worse. They have no chance of even evading. They are directly trampled into the mud by the fierce claws of Hell War Wolf.

Hundreds of wolf cavalry under the leadership of the Confusing Lord, Cui Gula crushed along the way, and separated thousands of enemies from nearly ten thousand wild monsters.

Then the Lord of Confusion led his wolf cavalry, and quickly moved away.

Thousands of enemies separated will be miserable in the end. This unprepared group of elemental monsters was immediately brutally hit by the ancient Flame Demon and his lava army.

The invincible ancient flame demon, a foot down, the death and injury is a large piece. The lava monster that followed it charged like a boulder truck hitting at full speed, and instantly killed them a lot.

In just a few interviews, nearly a thousand enemies have been annihilated by force!

At this point, the battle was only one round, and the Yanhu dominant party suffered heavy losses.

The remaining wild monsters immediately screamed in confusion. The strange roar of "Woo, Woo" continued to sound, endlessly.

They are all wild beasts or elemental monsters assembled together. Where is the discipline?

At this time, one part wanted to chase down the wolf cavalry, the other part was forced to fight the lava monster led by the ancient flame demon, and the other part, because there was no clear command, mixed in the herd, did not know what to do, and saw ancient inflammation The demon rushed face to face, turned around and started running.

In short, the forces of the two sides finally forcibly collided together at this moment, and the whole area was like boiling water in the same pot.

However, it can be clearly seen that the team under Wang Yan is like a splash of red ink, which is constantly eroding towards the chaotic wild monsters.

Although the number of wild monsters under the control of Yanhu is large, but lacks effective command, it is completely scattered. It is not an opponent of many powerful soldiers under Wang Yan.

According to the current situation, their failure and collapse are only a matter of time.

"Hahaha, cool! This lord has never been so cool!"

The deceived lord with an axe directly split the head of a Class A fire lizard in front of him, splitting his head in half!

The fire lizard is like a small truck head, flying up in the air, blood is like pouring rain, splashing everywhere!

"No roar!" Hell Warrior sat down and charged and screamed across him. In this way, a hundred wolf cavalry behind him followed him again and rushed out of the wild monster group. The **** scene in front of them fluttered with excitement.

Because a large number of wild monsters on the ground are like a fat cake, and they are a knife that cuts the cake.

As they entered and exited, one piece after another, the enemies were cut out by them, and fell into the mouth of the army led by Wang Yan's protagonist, and were constantly swallowed and destroyed.

This high-efficiency combat efficiency of hand-to-hand combat has made the confusing lords and wolf cavalry who have never experienced such tactics feel the unprecedented pleasure of war. It also made the boss Wang Yan's position in their minds so high that they couldn't be increased.


At this moment, a majestic roar came suddenly from behind them!

"Awow! Dead!"

This is a standard hell, and at the same time, a strong sense of threat rushed towards the back of the head.

Scared of tight pores, he quickly drove the **** war wolf, riding the wolf behind him, and scattered to avoid.

Just listen to the "bang" loud noise!

Feeling sturdy lava ground beneath his feet, he jumped violently, slamming him and his mount, and flew more than half a meter high.

After he had stabilized his horse again, he looked back and his scalp tingled for a while.

A giant wooden stick like a colonnade was fiercely in his original position. The solid ground formed by the cooling of the lava was stunned by a stick, and a shocking wide ravine was smashed.

Two wolf cavalry who failed to dodge were also turned upside down by Yu Jinchong's people, and their lives were unknown.

"Two-headed giant!" The Confusing Lord took a breath.

Moreover, more than one giant had come, and the two two-headed giants in the herd rushed towards him at the moment.

Is it too wavey? How did they attract the terrifying monsters that these two dragons were afraid of when they saw them?

The confusing Lord burst into a madness. Although he should come back, he did not expect to attract two? A two-headed giant, he can still deal with it. If the two come together, wouldn't he want to be double-played by the opponent in turn, torn to death?

But since the boss has orders, even if he is daring, he has to do it.

"You continue to carry out the boss's plan!" Chi Dao waved with one hand and handed the Hundred Wolf Cavalry to a half-step S-level squad leader to let him continue his tactics.

Then he turned his mount and shouted back: "Grandson!" Then he turned and began to run in the other direction. There was quite a vicissitudes of strength that the strong man could never return.

"Slaughter you!"

The two-headed giant scolded harshly, lifted up a large wooden stick, and chased behind the confusing lord. Another two-headed giant also followed behind him, chasing all the way.

Although this strange humanoid monster can communicate in language, its IQ is not very high. This can be seen from the weapon in their hands.

The two-headed giant chasing ahead, the giant wooden stick in his hand, is obviously an ancient giant wood uprooted, and the wood is very close and heavy, and looks heavier than steel.

The two-headed giant chasing behind seemed to break off a mountain apex directly from a mountain. The rock-like boulder the size of a small hut was just lifted up in his hand by him, as if he had lifted a large hammer, which was visually terrifying and full of power.

"Mother, I am confusing the lord to sacrifice today!"

The Lord of Confusion led two legendary two-headed giants out of the distance, which reduced the pressure for Wang Yan's mixed army. But when he ran, his situation became more urgent.

Although the **** war wolf runs fast, the giant body of the two-headed giant is only one size smaller than the ancient flame demon. That step can be taken and it can reach a **** war wolf run a dozen steps.

No, the two-headed giant carrying a wooden stick, while chasing from behind, was holding the two-headed giant on the top of the mountain, and had already spared the side of the confusing lord.

Coupled with the rugged terrain, the confusing lord was instantly forced into a desperate situation!


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