The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1261: Special materials, purgatory steel

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"Ah, don't be stunned, can't you breathe fire? Come on, keep breathing!"

The three-legged Jinwu did not rush to attack, but shouted sharply and arrogantly on the spot.

The more it hangs in the sky, the more terrified the bipedal dragon will be.

Before meeting this strange bird, this bipedal dragon was very confident. Although it is not a real dragon, it is also the hegemon of the sky in any case. It is full of corrosive high-temperature breath, but it is not a fire elemental life, which can be blocked casually. But the three-legged crow in front of him rushed into the sigh of breath. The result was not only ok, but a bath.

Is this enough? This monster is too scary, how can it fight?

Once the fear rose in the bottom of my heart, the bipedal dragon immediately turned around and fled.

It's the cunning Warcraft that has been battling in the wild to this day, seeing the wind and rudder, and saving its life, but it is its housekeeping skill.

"Oh, want to escape?"

The three-legged golden black eyes narrowed and smirked, "Ji-Ji-Ji, a tiny reptile, the God will let you see, what is flame!"

Just listening to the sound of "唰", the three-legged Jinwu jumped down quickly and rushed to the front of the two-legged dragon, a blazing fiery flame spewed out of his mouth!


The flames rolled up in heat waves, and instantly swallowed the head of the biped dragon.

The high-temperature burning flame far beyond the lava quickly scalded the head scales of this fire-based bipedal dragon, burning red, far beyond the range of this three-footed dragon.

With a painful roar, the two-legged flying dragon, which had been rampant before, fell to the ground as soon as its neck was crooked.

The three-legged golden black has no intention of stopping, and its wings are raised, and the fireballs that are like glazed glass are produced instantly under its wings.

With the wings of the three-legged gold-and-black wing, the solid fireballs are like a laser-guided fixed-point missile, dragging the long tail of flames, and constantly bombing the two-legged dragon.


The explosion and flames continued, and the three-legged Jinwu's arrogant yelling sound quickly formed a sharp contrast with the tragic howling of the two-legged flying dragon.

In addition to this, there is also a fierce battle at the center of the battlefield.

Except for the two-headed giant and the two-footed dragon, the other fire dragon, which also has legendary strength, is obviously more cunning.

This fire jelly also doesn't know how many mixed pedigrees it has. It has a huge body, a dozen feet long, and a body that is thicker than the water tank. It looks like a cobra with bones, but it is all over. The wrinkled red-black scales and thick skin make it look ugly and scary.

Moreover, this fire jiao is as cunning and malicious as its appearance. When the entire battlefield has been chaotically cluttered, it secretly drilled into the underground magma layer, secretly locked Wang Yan, and then quietly approached, trying to kill Wang Yan. hit.

However, it ignores the best succubus around Wang Yan.

When it attacked, it had just emerged, and was flew out by the succubus.

The fire larvae, which fell into the wild monster group, then tried to use the large number of wild monsters around to counter the succubus. As a result, the flying succubus, with a smirk, a powerful charm, instantly enchanted and controlled a large group of elemental monsters around it.

The dense elemental monsters, as if they had taken the wrong medicine, were not afraid of death, and rushed towards the fire jiao.

Although the fire dragon is powerful and fierce, it can be like a big green worm surrounded by ants in a herd controlled by charm. No matter how it twists its body and attacks the surroundings, a large number of elemental monsters continue to pounce on it.

If it is just this group of elemental monsters, it may only make it painful and angry for a while, but do n’t forget that the Need Succubus has already chased it.

"Slap! Slap!"

"Aoao ..."

The fascinating and charming succubus, with a smile, whipped lashes and whipped at the fire larvae, who had little avatar.

The whip is full of barbs. When the whip goes down, the back of the fire jelly will inevitably have flesh, and the blood and the scales will fly together. Huo Jiao wailed more than once, but only then did he realize that he had kicked an iron plate that could not be shaken at all.

Soon, the balance of victory on the field has gradually leaned towards Wang Yan.

This is also an unquestionable result. After all, Wang Yan ’s men and the wild monsters controlled by force at the Yan Lake are not at the same level. Even if they belong to the legendary class, Wang Yan's men, regardless of bloodline or qualification, are far from these wild monsters.

Even Chi Heu, the **** lord, is a pro-son of a demigod **** demon king. With this innate advantage derived from the blood, how can the barbaric monsters under the control of the Yanhu master be compared?

Coupled with the exquisite tactics arranged by Wang Yan, just after just a few encounters, the entangled wild monsters in Yanhu began to gradually collapse.

At this time, Wang Yan was still stabilizing the center of the large army, and a large number of lava monsters opened the way ahead, and he took two hundred barbarian elite soldiers and advanced all the way.

The two hundred barbarian soldiers have long been infected with the atmosphere of the upcoming victory, and they are all very excited and excited.

They all obeyed Wang Yan's orders, instead of carrying swords and guns to fight, but took out the heavy crossbows on their backs, followed Wang Yan's constant progress, and continuously fired the enemies in front of them.

There are a large number of lava monsters facing the front with hard resistance and protection. Their attack mode has completely formed a pure killing with extremely high efficiency.

Of course, the weapons they use are still made of Hell's unique metal and Hellsteel. One arrow passed, often like a flying rocket, passing through the enemy instantly and bursting.

This special metal material is a special mineral deposit formed by the full crustal movement of the **** world and the penetration of rich elements under the action of a long time.

This metal not only has extremely high strength, but also has extremely good energy compatibility. Elemental or energy creatures can inject their own power into this metal, and then release it in some way to achieve the purpose of attacking the enemy.

The weapons used by barbarian soldiers, such as knives and crossbows, are all cast from this material. After injecting their own energy, the destructive power caused by them is much greater than that they rely on their own brute force or other inferior weapons.

Wang Yan has valued this special metal deposit for a long time. If it is applied to the earth, it will definitely bring great benefits to the earth's superpowers and even superpower technology construction.

And according to Wang Yan's knowledge, when this type of purgatory steel is forged, the element materials mixed into it are different, and it will also bring different properties to the metal.

With this feature, the effect is even greater.

The direction of human evolution on Earth is different from the direction in which Earth creatures pursue their own physical evolution.

The main direction of the evolution of the earth is in the field of science and technology. If the modern rune weapon used by humans on the earth is replaced with this material that can store energy, and the inscriptions and attributes are inscribed in advance, and the energy is stored in advance, then a bullet What is the power and penetration performance? Absolutely far beyond people's imagination!

This is just the power of a bullet. If this material is used on a large scale by the earth, Wang Yan dares to conclude that in the future, the weapons and equipment of the superpowers, as well as the construction of technology, will inevitably be upgraded to a whole large level.

Even the future of the earth will change because of this!


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