The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1283: Target Demon Collar

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"Sorry, not only do you have a gift, everyone has a share."

Hearing Yun Zhi's suspicion, Wang Yan said disapprovingly, "Sister Rabbit, Guan Nuo, by the way, and Xiao Xue and my brothers have gifts. In short, Dean Yun Zhi will help me hand it over. Look at Miao Miao, did you study hard and practice well? "

After a series of talks, Wang Yan just had a little excitement, and his heart was suddenly quiet. There was even a trace of unwillingness and loss in it.

It turned out that the gift was not for her alone.

This is actually normal, but she doesn't know why she has always been calm and sensible, because of this child of flames, her emotions change easily. After a short pause, I tried to return to the peace of the past, and asked, "These things are easy to deal with, Son of Flame, what else? The energy tolerance of the plane communicator has been overloaded, and there is not much time left."

"It's gone." After Wang Yan and Yunzhi briefly exchanged a few words, the two hung up the plane communication.

It will take about a month to rebuild a newer and stronger plane base. The output of purgatory steel in Yanhu Lair can be about one to two hundred tons of raw ore in a month. In the later period, more manpower and related facilities can be mined, and about three hundred tons of raw ore can be mined.

According to estimates, the content of purgatory steel in this raw ore is about 1.5%. Therefore, after mining and processing, four to five tons of semi-finished raw steel can be produced in one month.

In addition, there are a lot of other fire resources that can be found.

Wang Yan agreed with Yunzhi that at this time, every other month, he will deliver materials to the earth for construction by all parties on the earth.

These things naturally do not require Wang Yan to deal with it now.

In short, the first step to the world of **** is perfect.

Not only did he stand firm now, but he also took a demi-level monster, the old nest dominated by Yanhu, which made him make a fortune.

His current level can no longer be piled up by resources alone, so after taking away some of the daily needs of himself and his men, he has prepared a small gift for some of his brothers and friends. Anyway, there are so many things, and any one is beautiful enough to make them smile.

Wang Yan sent the rest of the supplies back to the State Administration of African Affairs.

At present, the global superpower organization has formed an alliance and is one of the main backbones. Only by vigorously developing its own strength can the China National African Affairs Bureau bring more well-being to mankind in the future abyss. As a member of the National African Affairs Bureau, he naturally has to contribute to the overall situation.

After busy with all this, Wang Yan slowly turned around and looked at the crowd of pets and brothers behind him.

At this time, a great victory was just fought, and once the ancient flame demon re-entered the demigod, all the pets and brothers under Wang Yan's army were full of morale.

"Boss, you say, what shall we do next?" As the army leader of this barbarian and Goblin, the leader of the Red Confusion asked first.

He was riding a cool lava **** dog at this time, carrying a battle axe, holding his chest high, it was called a spirit of excitement.

"Huh, don't you want to see your father Chilian Demon King?" Wang Yan snorted coldly, and then waved his hand, "First go back to the city to rest, then enter the Demon King collar!"

"Oh!" All the barbarian and Goblin soldiers present at the scene screamed out of war.

If they put it in the past, whoever dares to fight the Demon King ’s idea, they must think that the other party is crazy, but since following Wang Yan, the new master, they are full of confidence, and excited for this.

The brigade was promoted.

At the same time, a small group of scouts and elemental monsters from the surrender began to separate from the large forces. They would replace Wang Yan and start a carpet search for Lydia.

At present, the most powerful ancient Yanmo also received orders from Wang Yan to continue to stay in this piece of Chilian Lake.

There was some disagreement about the Yan Mo, but upon hearing Wang Yan's explanation, he suddenly realized.

The importance of this Yanhu Lake naturally does not require too much language. Whether it is a plane base station or the Yanhu lair that is rich in purgatory steel, it is very important. In addition, this area has a harsh environment and complex biology. Without a top strong guard, it is absolutely necessary to make trouble.

In addition, the special ability of the ancient Flame Demon to create low-level lava monsters is almost comparable to the existence of plug-ins. And this ability can only be maximized in areas covered with underground lava.

This is simply a powerful killer!

Wang Yan believes that a single lava monster may not have much threat, but hundreds of thousands, even tens of thousands of lava monsters, even if he sees it, he has to detour, not to mention other **** creatures.

In the future, if there is a conflict with other **** lords and even purgatory demon kings, the ancient monster monster army is indispensable, and the more they are created, the better.

Of course, this kind of lava monster also has some defects.

For example, lava creatures above level A require additional cores to create. In addition, these lava monsters need to survive in an environment with fire elements, otherwise their strength will not be compromised. If it is thrown into the polar regions or the sea, it will even weaken to death.

This is also impossible. The lava monster originates from nature, and nature is also bound by the laws of nature.

Arranging these well, Wang Yan led the team back on the journey.


A little bit of time passed, and a few days later, Wang Yan and his party finally returned to Yanhu Town in a mighty way.

Although this is nominally the land of the Red Confused Lord, since the Red Confused Lord fell down at the foot of Wang Yan, it has actually become Wang Yan's personal territory.

"The whole army rests for three days!"

Arriving in the town, Wang Yan ordered the whole army to rest.

As the executor of this command, the confusing lord simply took a holiday for the whole city. The whole town has been partying for three days. In addition to following Wang Yan and others, the barbarian soldiers who had fought against the Yanhu ruler, they even vigorously advocated during this period, and they were stunned by excitement.

In addition, as the deluded lord who is keen on the harem, he even set an example. These three days are called an arrogant and extravagant, singing every night. Naturally his subordinates, as well as the inhabitants of Hell, are mostly like this, not much better.

In contrast, Wang Yan is much more normal.

He is not an ascetic monk. During these three days, he should eat, drink, drink, play, and have more time to rest, spend time with cultivation and precipitation.

Because whether it is hell, the earth, or other planes in the universe, only absolute strength is the basis for ensuring its survival.

At present, An Ge's whereabouts are still unknown. When An Ge is found, the situation must be more severe than now. In addition, there is the Red Refining Demon King in front, and the obstacles of the Hell Conference. It can be said that every next step will become very difficult.

Therefore, from this moment on, only by constantly becoming stronger and expanding their own strength can they occupy a place in the future game with the devil and even the devil.


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