The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1291: Miss, you have changed

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"Isn't your mouth hard just now? Why, don't you continue to scold?"

Wang Yan's eyes were indifferent, and he looked at the Demon General under his feet without expression. Such a look, in the eyes of the painful and flustered Demon generals, is like a demon tall, looking down at these insignificant mortal beings, as long as they wave easily, they can completely destroy them.

This demon general, his heart suddenly became cold. Although he didn't know what the origin of this young man was, the overwhelming terrible strength of the other party, and such a terrific superior temperament, all brought him great shock.

In this world, you don't need to think about it. People who can have such strong strength and temperament absolutely have excellent blood lineage and noble background.

Such a character is not something that he, an ordinary demon general, can afford. At the thought of this, his face became more dignified, and his heart became more embarrassed.

Because the harsher and more competitive the environment, the more creatures born, the more they cherish their lives. In Hell, the devil is up, and the insignificant birds and beasts are the same.

At the beginning of Satan ’s avatar, Wang Yan used the plan to get into the trap composed of Uncle Cannon and the two aunts. These three big and half gods, the Satan avatar was also a way to lure intimidation and escape. .

Now Wang Yan suddenly shot, showing his arrogant strength and power, just to suppress those restless guys.

The stronger one side becomes, the more guilty the other side will surely become. Many battles in nature are at this beginning, and the outcome will be determined.

The demon general is not a fool right now. After being threatened by Wang Yan, he has no thought of running life-saving skills. He can't run the monk without running the temple. How dare he provoke this young man?

Immediately crying with a sad face, howling and begging for mercy: "This lord, I, I am wrong, I have no eyes, I offend you, please let me go ..."

A large number of barbarians around, and the other three generals, were immediately in an uproar.

Many barbarian soldiers even showed horrified fear on their faces. If there were no other generals, with the brutal master, they might turn around and escape.

On the contrary, our members are all energetic and their morale has greatly increased. In particular, the barbarian soldiers who vowed to follow Wang Yan shouted loudly, with great pride.

Even the Scarlet Lord, who had previously returned in vain, turned around and joined the roar of the barbarian soldiers.

Obviously, this grandmother didn't hurt his uncle's unloved **** lord, he didn't even have a face, completely regarded himself as an ordinary younger brother, and followed behind Wang Yan with his heart broken.

This scene is undoubtedly greatly increased, the psychological pressure of the three demon generals opposite.

Although Chidu has been abandoned by Chilian Demon King, but how can he be a **** lord, he can let a **** lord do not even have a status, and he is willing to be a brother, so how high is the strength and status of the other party?

But no matter how high it is, a descendant of an elder demon? The three generals thought so.

But even so, the heir of a red refining demon king, betrayed to the other party's command, it is also a thing that makes the red refining demon king and their old officials feel embarrassed.

Coupled with the tension between the two sides now, the three remaining generals, it is difficult to close.

If you retreat in this way, not only will the tyrannical Sovereign Lord be angry, but also the face of the Chilian Demon King will be lost, and the Chilian Demon King will never let them go.

At the thought of this, the three generals gritted their teeth and were indignant.

"Maybe we have some misunderstandings and let Polk lead, let's go."

Among the three generals, one of the older generals, staring at Wang Yan according to his inner anger, only half-sounded to represent the others and spit out a word coldly.

The relationship between the major forces in Hell is intricate, and they have made the biggest concession in order to avoid the escalation of the conflict when they cannot grasp the details of the other party.

As for the seller's quest for glory, and the embarrassment that embarrassed the entire Chilian family, they will slowly pick up him sooner or later after reporting to Lord Demon.

However, his voice didn't fall, and the miserable wailing of Polk's command came from the other side.

"Woo! Ah!"

As Wang Yan exerted force under his feet, the commander of Pock screamed for the stern, puncturing his eardrum tight, his heart trembling.

Suddenly, with a "click", Polk commanded the hard ground behind him, and he was actually fractured by life and life, and he himself had his eyes wide open, a look of survival and death.

At this time, Wang Yan slowly raised his eyes and grumbled: "If you let me stop, I will stop, if you let me go, what will you do?"

"You!" The older general, with a dull heart, immediately yelled angrily, "I don't know if you are alive or dead, find me!"

The other two demon generals present were nothing like this. First, there was a family who abandoned their children, and it was okay to add them in front of them. The young man in front of them, even in the case of knowing that they were the Red Demon King, still abused them in front of them companion.

This is simply a humiliation to them and the Red Demon King.

At this moment they could no longer endure, and they took out their weapons one after another, and they were going to kill Wang Yan.

Wang Yan has long seen that they are not pleasing to the eye for a long time. When his eyes are cold, he will face the challenge.

Since he also pretends to be a lofty purgatory demon, he must put this arrogantly down, otherwise once the filling is exposed, he will go deeper into the purgatory demon clan, looking for opportunities to get close to the devil, close to Ange, it is difficult Too.

As he entered the battle mode, the two god-level bloodlines were stimulated at the same time, and the pure yang real fire in his body immediately came out through the body. The figure also began to pull up again, with almost perfect muscle lines, revealing a feeling of power. A pair of magnificent pairs of wings, it seemed to cover the sky, rising high behind him.

The spirit of the king who seemed to be able to stand up to the ground, vigorously emerged at this moment, compared to the powerful demigod demon king, he did not succeed!

The three Mozu generals were all taken aback by Wang Yan, who showed real strength.

But before they could do anything, a pretty girl with excitement and trembling even suddenly passed from their side.

"Stop! All, stop me!"

It turned out that the person who was the voice was the cruel cruelty of the cruel master who was protected by the four demon generals behind him.

However, in this cruel expression, instead of the slightest cruelty and hostility, instead of the spring in the eyebrows, the eyes are like a spring of water, and the whole person becomes charming and charming.

She twisted her waist and walked slowly to the front of Wang Yan, covering her chest with her hand, and her voice was soft into the bones: "Brother, you are so fierce, just scared the slave's house ..."

"Boom!" The three demon generals, together with the Polk commander stepped on the foot by Wang Yan, were stunned. Their minds were like thunderstorms and roared.

This, this, what's going on? How did their cruel lady suddenly become like this?


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