The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1293: Boss pill

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"Bah! Bah!"

The golden leather rope, which resembled a long whip and a rope, was full of spirituality. In a bundle, Wang Yan immediately tightened quickly. At the same time, a corrosive golden energy was emitted, which began to erode the true aura of Wang Yan's body.

The faint layer of pure yang fire on Wang Yan's body immediately fought fiercely against this corrosive energy. All the contact surfaces were ringing and the smoke was rolling.

However, this golden long whip grabbed a first move, and with some great power on the long whip constantly tightening, Wang Yan's face immediately showed a struggling look, and the footsteps were at the moment of being tied, a staggering, toward After a few steps backwards, he will stand firm.

"Take it off!"

Wang Yan's footsteps loosened, and the Polk leader who was stepped on his feet by Wang Yan and almost beaten into a dog immediately rolled and crawled, using both hands and feet, just like a dog planer and quickly escaped from Wang Yan's control.

"Hahaha, I got it, I got it!" He just relieved and turned over and sat down on the ground, then he laughed wildly: "Just now that everything is Miss's trick, Miss wise, Miss powerful. Hahaha ... "

"That's how could our young lady take this look? It's just eye-catching!"

"Jin Jie, our lady even cheated me, it's really amazing, amazing!"

"Hum, ignorant bastard, now it's in our young lady's hands, you deserve it!"

"Your good days are coming to an end, 桀桀 桀 ......"

In addition to the leadership of Polk, the remaining three demons will take the lead for a moment, and then suddenly show their teeth and claws, arrogant appearance. The original face that was so tight that it was about to suffocate seemed to have never existed. Such a rapid change was exaggerated.

It's no wonder that because of the harsh environment and difficult survival of the world of hell, the creatures here all cherish life very much and are also very cunning. Therefore, once you have an absolute advantage, your morale will increase greatly.

Of course, if the **** creatures fall into a passive or difficult position, their morale will drop quickly. Compared to other races, **** creatures know how to make themselves struggling to survive and are more cunning and cruel.

Right now, the brutal master of the county has a huge advantage, and the morale is naturally soaring.

At this time, there were four demon generals beside her, with her mouth full of tongues and toes. Behind all the barbarians, they even shouted and shouted, "Slaughter! Slain!", They were shouted out of tremendous momentum.

In contrast, on Wang Yan ’s side, two thousand barbarian soldiers were all anxious and silent.

Although they were punished for their boss, they were hated, but what can they do now? If the boss falls down, then their main body is gone. What courage is there to fight the gang of brutal masters?

As the head of the barbarian soldiers, the confusing lord was even more solemn, such as mourning the concubine.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered: "It's over, this time is over, boss, careless ..."

"Come, isn't it just a broken leather whip? How long can we keep our boss trapped?" The three-legged Jinwu heard the news and couldn't help but disdain.

"Xiao Chi, is your guts eaten by the **** dog?" The succubus is still not slow, and said lazily, "What if the boss is trapped? What can we do together?"

Master Wang Yan's strength, she is very clear, the other four demon kings guards, plus a cruel pretentious master, plus one piece may not be able to subdue the master of full combat. In addition, there are several of them. Although there are many people on the opposite side, they are definitely not soft persimmons.

"My grandmother Meier's sister-in-law and the three-legged birdie, you don't know, that leather whip can't be earned, and even outsiders can't touch it!" Chi was confused and cried, "If I'm right , That leather whip is not a mere mortal. If it is completely tied up, even a **** demon will be exhausted, and it will be subdued! "

"Why, what?"

"Even the **** demon will be subdued by that broken rope?"

The three-legged Jinwu and the succubus made a surprise almost at the same time. Even the hairy crab underneath was trembling when he heard this sentence, and the secret road was not good, the boss pill.

"Ah." The three-legged Jinwu adjusted his stance and turned his head to stare at Lord Chidu. "Xiaochi, you guys, are you sure you're kidding?"

Hell Demon King is the top strong who is strong enough to be a demigod. Even the demigod can be trapped in uniform. Is there such a whip in the world?

"Ah, you don't know, if I read correctly, that leather whip ... Yes, it is my father Chilian Demon King, the proudest holy weapon I used to be proud of!" Lord Chihu really sighed. He began to shrink his neck and talked about the origin of the leather rope.

It turned out that this leather whip was a double-horned poisonous jelly that was almost going to advance to the demigod, and the dragon tendon on the back!

Speaking of this matter, it should also be the bad luck that lived for tens of thousands of years. At that time, it was in the process of promotion, with a strong body, carrying the Heavenly Thunder.

As a result, at the most critical moment, the Red Refining Demon King took the opportunity to stab the black knife behind his back. The Red Refining Demon King not only robbed the life and accumulated wealth of the two-horned poisonous jellyfish, but also looted it, along with its back ribs and all available things.

At that time, Chi Lian was not a demigod-level demon king, but a legendary **** lord, but it was deep and frivolous, and he stabbed in the back. Later, he also ambitiously climbed the throne of the devil.

At that time, the dragon tendon, together with the dragon soul, was refined into a superb holy weapon by him.

"Because the double-horned poison jiao failed to advance to the demigod, the holy weapon whip only reached the level of a superb holy weapon, but its powerful attributes are almost as good as a sub- artifact!"

The deluded lord said with a chill in his heart, and said with a trembling, "This poison whip whip was made by the famous master master of the purgatory of the purgatory demon, and he enchanted himself to integrate the dragon soul into it. Its toughness is not human Can be destroyed. "

"In addition, this long whip has the strong venomous properties of the double-horned poison Jiao. This toxin will continue to erode the power of the restrained person, and at the same time it will constantly numb the nerves of the restrained person. It is a kind of violent erosion, so once it is **** by this poison whip long whip, for a long time, even if it is a demigod, it will not be eaten! "

To say that killing the devil is really a bit exaggerated. Any demon king who can reach the level of demigod, who doesn't have a few treasures, or moves at the bottom of the box? It is impossible to be **** until it is exhausted.

But what can escape, after all, is the demigod demon above. Although his boss is very strong, he is only a legendary **** lord after all.

Now the boss is tightly **** with this kind of superb holy weapon specially made for enemy control, and can't break free. For a long time, wouldn't it be the only thing that can be captured by the hand and let it be slaughtered?


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