The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1298: Hit me, please hit me hard

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"No, no, don't dare, we won't dare again."

The four demon generals, swept away by this pair of sharp eyes, immediately looked down and begged for mercy: "Before we had no eyes and ran into the lord, we apologize to you, and please look at my lord, the red demon king. Forgive our rudeness. "

At this time, how dare the four demon generals trust?

In front of him, the young Demon who claimed to be Lord of the Flames had such a powerful, so-speaking tone, and smoked their county lord Miss, without blinking their eyes, it was almost as terrifying as the one who took it, clearly it was a status The heirs of the great aristocrat no doubt!

At this time, they didn't know what to do and annoyed him, even if they couldn't die right now. After going back, they estimated that their master, Chilian Demon King, might have to kill them, and then go to the door to pay the penalty.

The guards next to the four demon kings all admit so much. The low-level barbarians were even more scared to speak. They bent down and bowed their heads one by one, apologizing to Wang Yan and others, asking for atonement, for fear of slow movements. Or if the attitude is not good enough, it will cause the scourge of death.

"Come on, take your young lady and hurry up! Don't be annoying in front of the lord!"

Wang Yan saw that the other side had been fooled by his own intimidation, and when he waved his hand, he began to drive away.

After all, he is not a true purgatory lord, nor is he going to kill him. His purpose is to mix into the Purgatory Demon Race and wait for the opportunity to get close to the Devil God and Ange, so that he has the opportunity to rescue Ange.

As for these **** stings, if you can ignore them, you can ignore them. Now that the other side has convinced you, and you tremble with fear, you can give each other away by giving the steps.

The four demon generals, as soon as the demon lord loomed, they were immediately forgiven. The four men let out a sigh of relief, and quickly nodded their heads and apologized again, as they stepped forward to support their young lady, Abuse County the Lord.

"Wait! Hum, dare to deal with our boss, and also annoy the God, can this matter be apologized?"

Suddenly, a three-legged flaming monster riding a strange, chilly crab blocked the path of the four demon generals.

These two extraordinary creatures are the three-legged Jinwu and hairy crabs who intend to come over to receive compensation.

"This, this ..." The four demon generals were also depressed for a while, what is this flame monster that claims to be the god? I'm afraid I didn't want to take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, if you are knocked, you should be knocked off. Since they are the favorite of Lord Mo Yan, they, the demon generals who are guards, naturally dare not offend.

"Yes, it should be."

Among the four demon generals, a slightly older general came out first. He glanced at Wang Yan secretly, and found that the Lord of Mo Yan was still expressionless, without objection or rejection, so he would take a gift to please the love of the two Lords of Mo Yan.

"Wait!" The three-legged golden black bird claws stretched out and interrupted again.

Wait again?

The slightly older general was ashamed, but he did not dare to attack, and he quickly smiled and said: "Please also express two."

"Huh, don't buckle it, let's be refreshed. One person is 50 kilograms, one point less. Don't want to take your lady away today." Three-footed Jinwu stretched out another claw The brutal appearance is like a black evil force charging protection fees.

"Five, fifty kilograms ?!" The elderly general, almost without a spit of blood.

These fifty kilograms are, of course, the three-legged Jinwu conversion unit of **** world.

If according to the normal salary, such a guardian, he can only pay this price for a whole year. Of course, this is just normal salaries. In the world of hell, invisible income is the main source of income for the leadership.

"Okay, okay, fifty kilograms of fire pith, it should be, it should be." The senior general was cold sweating. He secretly looked at the somewhat impatient Wang Yan, the already pitiful young lady, and agreed with a bite.

Then the four demon generals rushed out a copy and handed it to the three-legged Jinwu who blocked the road toll.

They think they are really getting a dog today, and they had planned to follow Miss Abuse, humiliate and play tricks, and blackmail others. In the end, I didn't expect to be beaten up by the other party in reverse, and now I still have to be blackmailed by the other party's pet.

This made them veterans who had followed the Red Demon King for hundreds of years. They were called a stubborn heart, but they were afraid of Wang Yan ’s display of power. They had to hold back their hearts and honestly took resources to each other. blackmail.

"Oh, hum, okay, let's go."

The three-legged Jinwu, who was benefited, was content, and the happily bird claw waved to make way.

This fire pulp of up to two hundred kilograms, placed on the earth is a huge sum of money, even in the world of **** is also a very rich resource. Of course, it was taken by it later, and it was stolen from the boss.

"Miss, Miss ... It's too late."

The four demon generals ran to the ground and crumbled to the side of the cruel county. They stretched their hands to help, "Miss, come, I will help you up."

"Go away! Don't touch me!"

The elder general's hand was slapped by the opponent before he even touched the brutal master.

The cruel county master turned his eyes, and his eyebrows were cold, as if he wanted to vent the grievances and anger he had previously suffered from them.

The four demon generals were taken aback by the sudden change of the brutal master of the county, and they were stunned one by one. I don't know what to do. After all, standing in front of the laughing and confusing lord and the barbarian soldiers who looked at the bustle was really shameful.

They all felt embarrassed. The brutal master who had just been taught by the public could imagine the extent of embarrassment.

"Humph, you can do it yourself." Wang Yan glanced at them rather boringly. His purpose has been achieved, and naturally he does not want to waste time with these local thorns.

After all, Wang Yan turned and left.

"Don't go, don't go!" The cruel county chief saw Wang Yan about to go, quickly turned around, and panicked into Wang Yan's footsteps.

Just now, a cross-browed cold expression, at this moment, once again became the petite look I saw.

The four demon generals showed for a moment, what happened to the Miss Master of their home? Is it necessary to retaliate?

That's too much to do! The other party is a heir to the descendant of the great nobility, they can't afford it!

At this point of thought, the four demons will lead the cruel masters who are really theirs and squeeze a lot of sweat.

Wang Yan also turned around at this moment, and asked coldly, "What else?"

When the brutal master met Wang Yan's sharp gaze, she immediately lowered her head shyly: "I, I just lost my temper again ... I, I feel myself, need to adjust again ..."

"Otherwise, would you beat me? Would you beat me hard again?" He looked up and looked at Wang Yan, the pair of beautiful eyes full of spring water, full of deep hope and longing.

"Boom!" As soon as this remark came out, the four loyal demon generals roared in their brains, as if they were bombarded by sky and thunder, their internal organs and internal organs, inside and out, anxious.


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