The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1308: Boss, shall we call the two banshees?

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"Oh, that ... this lord, in order that you and our Miss Miss will not be disturbed, can your pet be moved to our stables easily? We will have someone to take care of you to ensure you are satisfied."

Boss Coles humbly asked Wang Yan's opinion, and at the same time he glanced at the brutal master, again humble and smiled, "Of course, you are a VIP of our miserable lady. Can make an exception for you. "

"No need." Wang Yan thought of it, and regardless of the opposition of the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab, they collected them into the heart of the heart.

Because when he came, Wang Yan had already heard that Chi Mal said that the clubs here usually do not allow pets to enter. After all, it is all the nobles of the princes who can come here. Once there are disobedient beasts rioting, breaking things and small things, annoying any distinguished guests, the little boss of Coles can not afford it. Therefore, in order to ensure the high quality of the environment and services, all mounts and beast pets will be kept and cared for in a unified manner.

Wang Yan wanted to come and see the local customs and customs here. Only by being integrated here can he get the information he wants. In addition, in order to keep a low profile, he decided to temporarily put away the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab, so as to avoid these two lawless guys from having any trouble when he was away.

"Lord Lord, there is much disturbing, please here." Boss Kors apologized, then smiled and led the way ahead.

What is a **** dog ​​and a horse?

This aristocratic club named Mysterious Nest ~ Nest, no doubt has perfect power for this.

Wang Yan just walked into the hall, and the fragrance of wine, meat and feminine powder came out. Lifting his eyes and looking around, he could see a charming and splendid Hawk Banshee serving as a maid in the hall.

They wore colorful feather-knitted clothes, all kinds of glittering ornaments, holding dishes and wine in their hands, and shuttled back and forth in the hall, which was so dazzling.

Wang Yan knew the Hawk Harpy race. In some ancient records of the earth, it has been rumored that the Hawk Harpy came from hell, and now he has finally seen it with his own eyes.

I remember that when he was in the Starry Sky Academy, the hammered banshee was actually a Hawk banshee who followed the Black Demon Venerable and practiced the magic of the undead.

Of course, the mourning banshee corroded by the magic of the undead is extremely ugly, and naturally cannot be compared with the fascinating eagle body banshees in front of you.

The real eagle body has a beautiful appearance and carcass like an elf woman. Only the arms have feathers of different colors and a pair of feet like vulture claws. It also has a very high magic affinity. .

And in their race, there are only women and no men. In the wild, the eagle body group usually confuses other creatures, and then hunts and hunts. If you need to breed, you will be confused as a spouse to hold other males, and then eat the weak males as food.

This club, with such a cruel, cold-blooded, and so beautiful Hawks as a maid, really surprised Wang Yan.

"Oh, a few distinguished guests, please here. Your elegant rooms are on the top floor of us." Boss Coles, with Wang Yan and others, stood on a platform suspended on the ground.

After everyone stood up, the small platform rose slowly, just like the elevator on the earth, very stable.

Inside this tall building is a cylinder, so from the inside of this hall, you can take a floating platform directly to the top floor.

Halfway through, Wang Yan found that the building was brightly lit, and the floors were full of men and women of different ages and races.

These people gathered together in groups of three or five, drinking or eating meat, or playing and gambling. There were cup exchanges and the sound of coins crashing.

There are even more exaggerated, in these mixed sound effects, you can still clearly hear the deliberate delusion of some women.

It seems that the world of **** is indeed bold and unrestrained. In fact, if the surface cover on the earth is stripped off, it is roughly the same in some places.

As the height continues to increase, these noises become smaller and smaller until they reach the top floor, completely disappearing.

Wang Yan looked around and couldn't help but slightly surprised.

The floors below are almost the same as pubs, casinos, and even brothels, but on the upper floors, the more refined, the more different. In front of you, it is the most beautiful and luxurious floor.

For example, directly in front of Wang Yan, there is a beautifully decorated large sand table, which is carefully laid out with various kinds of rocks, plants, and a shallow stream.

Further forward is a huge floor-to-ceiling window. At this time, the sun is setting and the sky is warm, and the warm colors of light. This beautifully arranged leisure area is like a landscape painting.

On the left hand side of Wang Yan, there is a steaming warm hot spring, and on the right hand side is a warmly decorated dining area. Behind, uh ... naturally is a convenient rest area, and there are many hot special props filled with hell.

With a succubus, Wang Yan and the Lord of Red Confusion walked down the suspended platform and looked around. He lamented that this is indeed a good place to eat, drink and enjoy, and even enjoy the scenery.

He still doesn't know much about the numismatic ratio of Hell World, but the cost to cover this vast floor of thousands of square meters is definitely an astronomical figure.

According to his current understanding of the world of hell, like a confusing lord, or a general lord, he can't afford it. Of course, he does n’t need to worry about how much he needs to spend now.

The brutal master quickly settled the price behind him and sent the boss Coles away.

Enthusiastic Coles, before going down, also made a meaningful gesture, whether to add a little emotion, call a few head cards to serve, etc., but was immediately glared by the brutal master.

Although the folk customs here are more enthusiastic and unrestrained, but kidding, she still hasn't won the little brother Wang Yan, if she is cheaper later, she must not be angry or dead?

"Master Moyan, the food and drink will be here soon. Do you want to bubble the hot spring with Nujia first?" Chiabiao Jiadi dropped to Wang Yan and said that she looked like a virgin, and she bowed her head shyly. Craftsmanship is excellent. "

The words of the impudent brutal master who are so shy to talk about, and the implied meanings of them, naturally overflow in words.

But the nerves are thick, and the attention will no longer be a cruel lord on the side. When he sees the hot spring next to him, he immediately exults: "Oh, wow, boss, let ’s take a hot spring!"

Water is a scarce resource in Chilian Demon King's collar, not to mention the luxurious warm soup hot spring.

But before his words fell, he was glared back by the ruthless brutal master of the side.

"I, I think it's good to enjoy the moonlight first." The Lord of Confusion tightened his head, scratching his head, and some disappointed walked towards the viewing platform.

But when he walked, he seemed to think of something, and he turned happily again: "Boss, shall we call the two Hawks?"

puff! The brutal prince suddenly had a chest tightness, and almost no old blood spewed out.

Is this **** confusing, is he deliberately against the master of this county?


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