The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1314: Not convinced? Call your father over

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"Boss, why don't you do this?"

Lord Chew was marveling at the terrible financial resources of these local tyrants, and whispered in the ear of Wang Yan.

The human slave girl is indeed very beautiful, with soft skin and good figure, but the boss Coles, in order to calm down, the conditions for opening are 100 female slaves! And fancy anyone can take away, this extremely attractive condition, where can a human slave girl compare?

"Boss, Boss, choose one hundred female slaves quickly, and then split me in half, no, no, no ... ten, just divide me into ten." The confusing lord Lord was surging and frowning.

There was a sigh of emotion in his heart. The secret boss is the boss. This trick is really awesome, it is simply fraud!

If you change to him, you will definitely choose a hundred slaves, and all 100 must be taken away!

In the face of the surrounding eyes and different expectations, Wang Yan has remained immobile, and his eyes are still full of interest, and he looks at Lydia with panic and daze.

It took a long time to speak slowly: "Oh, a hundred slave girls? Where is it comparable to this human slave girl. After all, Chi Lie made a price, I want this human."

Wang Yan's careless chuckling suddenly seemed like a boring thunder, which slammed into everyone's heart.

The sorrowful lord almost did not spit out old blood, and a hundred female slaves could not compare with this human chick?

Boss, are you sure you are kidding?

The confusing lord was horrified in his heart, with an unbelievable state of mind, he fixed his eyes on it, and suddenly the boss of the dark road really had a good vision. It turned out that this was a superb human slave girl!

The human female magician in front of her, although it looks a little messy, but it looks really pink and pretty, and she is very young, with an excellent quality, and even reached the half-step S level, which is extremely rare among female slaves. And if you look closely, you can find that her body seems to have been baptized with elements, which has extremely high affinity and recovery ability.

With this excellent qualification, let alone rare, it is simply a unique existence!

"Sure enough, the boss is the boss, this unique vision, he can not compare with ordinary lord." Chi confessed lord shook, so that one hundred female slaves, really can not compare with this unique human chick .

Aside, the brutal master of the county was also fainted, swearing at his dream lover, how could he never miss this human slave girl? Is this human slave girl really so good?

She looked at Lydia quite disobediently, uh ... a closer look, it was really good.

"Mo Yan! What do you mean? Do you think this lord owes this money? The lord can tell you clearly that you want this slave girl? Dream!"

Chi Lie was really annoyed. His eldest son of the divine demon king was repeatedly taken away by this demon flame, which is really hateful! If this matter is passed on, how can he and his brothers be mixed in this demon king's collar in the future?

"Mo Yan, don't you not lift it up!" The second son Chigu gazed at the bird of prey and said coldly, "Don't forget who is here, it's not your turn to spread the wild."

Sanzi Chiyan didn't speak, but he was wild by nature, waiting for Wang Yan fiercely, as if a beast with a low bark, although he was about to step forward to eat and bite.

The boss Coles, who is behind these three sons, has a fat and ugly face, and has been entangled in worry.

He was in the noble colony, outside the magnificent Demon Palace. Although he usually makes a lot of money for these upper-level nobles, if these devil prince heirs make trouble with him? In particular, it alarmed the great demon lord and blamed him. How could he bear it?

But now the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the conflict between the two parties was on the verge. He, the owner of this small entertainment club, now dared not even say much. If he goes on like this, how should he clean up this mess?

"Oh, the deal with you is to give you face, why? You still want to use traditional methods to resolve disputes?" Facing Chi Lie, the three brothers of Chi Gu and Chi Yan, with aggressive eyes, Wang Yan's expression did not change at all. Instead, he chuckled softly, "Alright, but I'm afraid you can't take it."

His pure genetic bloodline from the Devil God is exactly the strong foundation of his hell. In addition, he has inherited a very powerful Vulcan power. The combination of the two makes him worth any legendary **** lord.

And he was already familiar with the rules of survival here, knowing that the more such an unbelievable dude, the more he wanted to suppress them. Otherwise, in the end, it will be fooled by the other party.

"Mo Yan, you have a big tone ..." Chilie, the first to bear the brunt, was gritting his teeth and teeth, and his face turned pale.

The two brothers, Chigu and Chiyan, were gloomy and angry.

The three of them grew so big. Except for their eldest son, the Red Demon King, they had never seen anyone more arrogant than them. The demon flame in front of them, could not help but be full, looking for death?

"Why? Not convinced?" Wang Yan turned his eyes slightly and continued to sneer. "Then call your father over and I can talk to him."

"You!" Chi Lie has always conquered by force. Wherever he has encountered such an arrogant mouth gun, he suffocated in the heart on the spot, and almost did not bleed.

But his brother, Lord Chiyan, who was so irritable, finally couldn't help it.

Such provocation and humiliation made him burst into shouts: "Fuck, find death!"


In the next moment, Chi Yan was petrified, and his foot was kicked, just like a blasted stone cannonball, suddenly burst and protruded.


Wang Yan groaned at the tip of his nose, stepped on the stone dining table with one foot, pulled a punch horizontally, and blasted towards Red Rock.


Wang Yan's fists were so fierce that they instantly stirred up layers of flames. The red rock rushed, like a ferocious beast of stone, descended from the sky and moved forward.


"Boom" exploded!

The dining table under Wang Yan's feet crackled, and his fists slammed into Chi Yan's face at the same time.


A layer of air waves erupted, and Chi Yan roared with muffled noise, and the petrified skin on the face suddenly cracked. And his whole person was under a heavy punch of Wang Yan, just like a dead dog kicked and flicked, twirling towards the rear and tumbling.



Along the way, the floor, corridor columns, and ornaments were all crashed into pieces.

In an instant, the whole scene became silent.

Boss Coles eyes stared at the boss, the two brothers and sisters who were both confused and abused, and their eyes were also wide open, and they couldn't stop talking.

Opposite them, Chi Lie and Chi Gu's two brothers, their faces turned green and red, and the twisted look was as ugly as being fed a shit.


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