The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1316: This matter can't be managed

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Wang Yan shone, escaped the sneak attack of Red Bone, and then threw a punch, and suddenly collided with the attacking Chi Lie.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a violent and terrifying wave of flames directly broke through the roof, and the turbulent tide rushed towards the endless night sky, half of the Great Fire City, and the brightly illuminated moment.

"Boom! Wow!"

The aftertaste of the explosion, like the thunder in the rainy season, tumbling in the sky. The crumbling rubble and rubble fell from the sky like a hail on fire.

At this moment, the elegant room on the top floor of the entire club was completely destroyed, and all four walls were blazed with a fire.

However, the architecture and materials of Hell World are indeed very strong and durable. Wang Yan and they are all like this. This elegant room is just blasted off the roof, and the entire floor is not collapsed.

But even fortunately, he looked at the ruins of the Yajian that had been almost razed to the ground, and the boss Coles wept on his back, and burst into tears.

It ’s over, it ’s over, the top class room he is proud of is completely gone!

Not even that. In this great city of drifting fire, it can be said that the Chilian Demon King is so powerful as to cover the sky with one hand. All three sons are here with him, and he fights with a foreign lord. Looking at the posture, I was beaten more often. If you go on like this, it will inevitably attract the attention of Chilian Demon King.

Next, whether it's the army or the Red Refining Demon King, as long as he angers with him, he, the little boss, may only be responsible for his own blame.

"Look, look at that!"

"Who, who is fighting there? Isn't our Liuhuocheng City prohibiting private fighting?"

"Bang!" "Crack!"

"Wow! Lou, the Lou is about to collapse! Hurry, run out!"

Above the top of the building, Wang Yan and Chi Lie, the one with the bare bones called a hot sky, the earth-shattering posture caused the whole club building to roar and tremble.

The wealthy aristocracy in the clubhouse, and the large number of Yingying Yanyan, were all scared to run to the street outside the building. They are all just low-level **** residents who are greedy for pleasure. Who knows that the big fights above their heads will be a big move to destroy them together with the whole building?

"Look! Then, that, that, that is the eldest and second son of His Majesty the Devil!"

"Devil, the eldest and second son of His Majesty the Demon King, are fighting a strange young man!"

"My God ... Well, what on earth did that young man come from? How could it be so strong? So, with one enemy and two, it still doesn't fall down!"

"Wow! The fire is coming, hurry, hurry!"

Those who ran down the street, and the inhabitants of **** who ran out of the surrounding buildings, finally saw who the protagonist was.

The onlookers of these good things jumped one by one in their hearts, and their eyes were shining.

What are the unreachable existence of the high devil princes? And the young man who fought against the devil prince must be some unattainable royal family?

In short, the two parties in front of the melee, regardless of their status or their own strength, are far from ordinary people like them, and can be compared.

Right now, these high-ranking high-ranking nobles are suddenly on the roof of this clubhouse, and it is definitely a rare event that has been rare for a hundred years.

This stimulation stimulated the strong curiosity of these ordinary residents. How can they usually see such a fierce battle? What's more, the demon king's son in this city is fighting another demon youth.

People with good things are already in their minds, and crazy brains make up countless guesses and imaginations. The lower-level Goblin, barbarian and other races were even more excited to run and shout in the street, attracting a large number of belligerent residents, who also followed and shouted for battle.

However, although these ordinary residents are good and happy, they also know how many insurmountable gaps there are with the legendary lords above.

Strength is the hardest truth here.

Therefore, while they were excited and watching, they never dared to take a step forward, for fear that the fighting gangsters above their heads could smash them and destroy them with a single blow. After they died, there was no place to reason.

"Team, Captain! Yes, it is Chilie, and His Highness Red Bones are fighting!"

A team of city guards flew to the scene as soon as they sensed the battle. The one hundred guards were all dumbfounded when they saw the target of the battle.

"Not only, but also His Highness Chilie, the demon, Lord Demon Flame!"

"My God! Mo, Lord Mo Yan and Chi Lie, and Chi Bone, two and two His Highness fight!"

The 100-person guard who recognized Wang Yan was the team who had previously guarded the gate. At this time, he had just shifted to patrol, but he just encountered such a shocking event.

Two of the captains of the guards were previously favored by Wang Yan and were not punished by the brutal master of the county. Seeing the protagonist of the battle at this time, it was Wang Yan who changed his name to Mo Yan. He opened his mouth suddenly and opened his eyes.

Wang Yan, who is quite a fan in their hearts, why are they fighting with the demon king now? If you want to play, you have to play in the trial competition of Hell!

What should I do? They dare to control civilians, but how do they manage these big men? The most important thing is that, with their strength, they can't even get in there?

"Captain, me, what should we do? Do you want to take care of it?"

Several guards probed the brain beside the two captains and tried to inquire.

As soon as these words came out, the two captains barely spurted out old blood. The captain of the guard on the left scolded and said, "Tube? Are you in the past, let me watch over Laozi?"

"You idiots, which of the adults, which one can we afford? Let alone such a fierce hellfire, with your strength, can you bear it?" The captain on the right is also a big head Khan shouted wildly, "Don't look silly, hurry up, go with me and report to Lord Devil!"


It was another horrendous chaos, and dozens of guards came from all directions, and they quickly joined together. Most of the guards stayed in place to maintain order, and the rest followed more than ten main captains. Run to the Devil's Palace.

The fierce hellfire was burning on the roof of the clubhouse.

Even if there is no burning material around, there are only bare and dark walls, but the **** fire still shows no signs of extinction, but because of the more and more fire elements gathered around, it burns violently out of thin air.

In the fire, Lidia, who tied her own chain and held it in her hands, looked at it with horror.

Now she has built a guardian wind shield based on the holy weapon necklace to resist the burning of the surrounding waves, but it is already very difficult, but above her head, she is using this power, the fiery flames and fierce battle of fierce battle, and the red bone , How strong are their strengths?

I am afraid this is the terrible place of the legendary S-class. It is estimated that this level of power can only be compared with the son of flame, right?

When she thought of Wang Yan, the son of flames, Lydia's heart seemed to have a courage out of thin air. She pulled up the chain that locked her and stood up and tried to escape.

But at this moment, a huge, ugly face of the Purgatory Demon Clan blocked her.


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