The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1320: The power of a hammer

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"do not underestimate me!"

The red bone gazed at the bird of prey and snarled.

As the son of the devil, he was naturally not a vegetarian. At the turn of the crisis, he immediately raised his arms and crossed the front. One bone spur after another, as if created out of thin air, quickly interweave and combine in front of him.

In just a moment, three bone spur shields composed of dense bone spurs were formed!

"Ji Jie, this is the defensive secret technique that the lord is proud of, you are absolutely impossible ..."

The Red Bone Lord laughed arrogantly, but his voice hadn't fallen yet, and there was a crisp crackle that followed his ears.




With just one blow, the three lines consisted of dense bone spurs, and the defensive shield suspended in front of him suddenly burst into pieces.

Terror and fierce flames, like a large hot splash, immediately spread in front of him in all directions. And his bone shields, comparable to purgatory steel, were like blasted glass, blasting away all around.

"No, it's impossible! Why, how could this be?"

The eyes of the red bone were wide open, and the heart was horrified, thumping violently in his chest.

Among their three brothers, he may not be as inferior as the hellfire hegemony controlled by his eldest son Chilie, and there is no third son Chiyan. But as the second son of Chilian Demon King, his talented bone spurs are strange and fierce and unpredictable.

The bone spur shield built by him is even more indestructible, and the interior is full of elemental energy, and its hardness is even stronger than the charged purgatory steel.

But the Lord of the Flames in front of him, even with a single blow, even broke his three bone spine shields, how did he do it?

What kind of equipment is the fiery warhammer in his hand, and what terrible power does he have?

Surprised to be surprised, the demon's second son with red bones is indeed very powerful. With a violent blow, Wang Yan only shattered the bone shield in front of him, and failed to advance his duty.

However, the shock wave from the explosion made him suspended in midair, a staggering, wide open portal.

"Red bone, your words, too much."

Wang Yan, who had already gone through a lot of battles, immediately seized the opponent's defensive gap, his eyes flashed coldly, and he turned around to turn a foot.


The red bones were violently violently spitting out a bite of blood. The whole person was like a prawn bowed, and was suddenly kicked out.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

A sea of ​​scorching waves suddenly emptied. Under the red air wave, the red bone was like a baseball that was hit. First, the floor of the clubhouse hit a big hole, and then it broke through several floors one after another, and then stopped.

There was a sudden silence at the scene, and then there were crowds of people on the perimeter of the clubhouse, and immediately there was a tremendous shock.

"Wow! Okay, so strong!"

"The hammer just now was ... too, amazing!"

"Here, this Lord of Demon Flames, was able to blow through the three bone spine shields of His Royal Highness Bone with one blow, terrible, terrible!"

Watching the crowd around, Qiqi shocked Wang Yan to the heaven and earth!

Soon, the crowd's exclamation gradually turned into a noisy discussion with reverence and speculation.

"This Lord Lord of Flames, what is the origin? Why, how can it be so powerful?"

"That's right, you look at him all over the fire, it's so handsome, so handsome!"

"Is he ... a certain devil, heir of the great noble?"

"I look like ... right, aren't you on duty at the club? Tell us about it, what is the origin of this Lord Mo Yan?"

"Yes, yes, let us know."

A waiter who escaped from the clubhouse building was immediately surrounded by the crowd.

As for the other employees who had escaped from the clubhouse, the banshee, even the domineering Goblin, was surrounded by curious crowds.

Hell world worships the strong man, this unfamiliar demon lord, for nearly a hundred years, the devil's second son, who has always been above him, has made a move.

This is really exciting and amazing!

"Me, I'm just a chapel, how can I know me?" The surrounded waiter replied in a daze, "But our boss, Lord Coles, is very respectful to them. , The background should be deep and deep ... "

"Possibly, it's a high-ranking big man, a heir to travel abroad?"

The waiter answered ambiguously, but his speculation was also the speculation of the crowd around him.

Through such an overbearing and fierce blow, Wang Yan is undoubtedly a tall person in the eyes of these onlookers, traveling to the heirs of their great city of fire.

Otherwise, how could this demon lord Lord have such a strong and domineering momentum?

On the roof of the clubhouse, Lydia collapsed at the foot of the succubus, a pair of charming eyes staring at the top, standing in the air, the majestic Demon Lord.

"Okay, what a terrible power!" Her delicate body shook instinctively at the moment.

After all, her strength did not reach the height of these **** lords. With so many **** lords, fighting each other, and the coercion of imposing coercion, no matter how good her mental quality is, her body will still instinctively feel deep fear.

That's right, it's fear, that is, the instinctive fear that ordinary creatures feel when they face advanced predators because of their powerlessness and despair.

For the first time, she truly realized how aggrieved and helpless she was lacking in her own strength.

According to her previous life on the earth, because of her excellent talents and the careful teaching of Grandpa Emmons, at a young age, her cultivation ability has soared.

She is like the top student in the school who has won the first test. She has never felt how difficult it is to practice and improve her strength. In her heart, if you want to improve yourself, you just need to spend some time to work hard. It seems that practicing is never difficult.

But here is different, here is a ruthless and cruel world of hell, no one will give time to let you grow up and develop slowly. With a little carelessness, it will become a prey stepped on by others.

It's like the devil's second son, Red Skeleton, who has just been arrogant and arrogant, and also like himself who is now being sold as a slave girl.

If there is a chance to come again, her Lydia will never be caught as a slave again, and will never be so dominated by helplessness. She will do everything she can to become stronger and become like The Son of Flame is as powerful and outstanding!

Only by constantly breaking through himself, can he survive in the cruel world of hell, find a child of flames, recapture the relics of the starry sky god, can he return to the earth, and let the starry sky college rise again!

Lydia made a lot of determination in her heart, but when she remembered the son of flames, she couldn't help but look at the burning fire hammer in the hands of Mo Yan.


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