The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1327: Bloodline Power

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The dense fire clouds of the entire sky staggered and rolled, and the thundering thunder, accompanied by the red flame of thunder, continuously roared and flashed above people's heads.

Under the sky of the doomsday, under the powerful pressure of the Red Demon King, Wang Yan landed on the top of the clubhouse, and the ground under his feet also shattered at the first time.

The Chilian Demon King is even more exaggerated, because of his anger, all the elements of hellfire in the air resonate with it.

The surging power revealed by him made the rock under his feet turn into a boiling magma. Around the temperature is also rising, billowing thick smoke and sparkling Mars, kung fu drifting towards the surroundings, just a short breath, his surroundings seem to have turned into a lava lava cage, terrifying and powerful.

All the onlookers below were like panic birds and beasts under the might of Thunder, all under the pressure of this authority, they were terrified and trembling.

At the rear of the Red Demon King, the three devil princes, Chi Lie, Chi Bone and Chi Yan, were also terrified. They bowed their heads respectfully and said nothing, for fear that they would annoy him when his father was angry, but it was a very serious mistake. .

"The devil is worthy of being the devil. It's just the fluctuation of emotions, which has caused the world to change color, the elements are boiling, and it is really terrifyingly tight." Wang Yan was in the center of the pressure of the red demon king, and he couldn't help feeling.

Such a powerful force that almost intersects the heavens and the earth and blends with the law makes him yearn and awe.

Now he is no longer a fledgling newcomer. Along the way, he has seen a lot of big scenes, but the more he contacts these powerful creatures like legendary gods, the more he contacts, the more he will become. Full of longing for this supreme state.

A strong strength of your own, whether it is in the earth, hell, or in every corner of the universe, is the basic guarantee for your own safety. Otherwise, they can only be like ordinary civilians kneeling down to salute. They are ruled by the rulers and squeezed by them. Even if they feel resentful, they can only beg for mercy on their knees. There is no way to resist.

Wang Yan does not want to be a great demon who conquers the world. He just wants to live in peace with important people around him.

How can the ideal life of being at ease be so simple? Without defending your own strength, everything is empty talk.

"Huh, fact? The fact is that your sons owe it!"

Facing the mighty Chilian Demon King, Wang Yan stood still, but instead snorted, gathered the power of the Demon Race hidden in the genes in his body, and his fighting spirit suddenly soared.


There was a bleak wind and a strong wind mixed with thick flames, which suddenly blew from all around his body, and the horror might surrendered by Chilian Demon King was immediately blown by this strong wind.

The Chilian Demon King's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression slightly surprised.

A junior with only a legendary level, under his coercion, has no fear at all, and now he can also show a strong momentum. In his coercion, he will fight with him in court. He was a little surprised.

When he looked up again, there was more of this sudden accident.

I saw that a set of mighty anomalous body armor began to quickly appear on Wang Yan's body.

This set of armor seems to grow on Wang Yan, and it seems to be one with Wang Yan. In a short breath, the simple and majestic armor full of beautiful arcs grows and covers itself according to the change of Wang Yan's body shape, and it will soon be fully displayed in front of people's eyes.

"Wow!" Watching the crowd around, immediately exclaimed an uncontrollable exclamation.

"This, this is ..." The three devil princes all stared at their eyes. In front of them, even Chilian Demon King frowned, his face full of surprise.

In the end, even the brutal master of Wang Yan's arms was suddenly turned upside-down, startled, and fell to the ground.

She was frightened and surprised in her expression, and murmured in her mouth: "No, no, no, no, yes, absolutely! My demon flame master is indeed a high, pure blood. Great nobleman! "

It turned out that with the emergence of Wang Yan's fighting intentions, the set of Demon God's armor that appeared on his body flowed with blood, and the surface was even brighter with a golden pattern full of ruinous atmosphere.

This is the perfect display of the innate Dao pattern!

Not only that, Wang Yan's fusion of the blood of the Devil God began to be quickly inspired at this moment.

His muscles began to swell, his body became extraordinarily strong and tall, the skin all over his body was dark red like a hellfire, the muscle lines under his skin were clearly visible, and every move was filled with a strong sense of strength like a mountain and rock.

In particular, the violent spirit of a **** demon lord is extremely stimulated by the demon god's armor.

With such a powerful and domineering power, with Wang Yan behind him, a pair of wide wings covered with flame patterns slowly expanded and reached the apex in an instant.

The element of Hellfire that was dominated by the Red Refining Demon King in the air was immediately deprived of a large part. In this layer of **** flames, Wang Yan, who is slowly stretching his body, is not like the devil, but is better than the devil. The violent and destructive momentum spread out in the body is like an innate divine power, deep Deeply shock everyone's soul!


The whole scene became silent. Suddenly, a crowd of people swallowed the saliva. Such a subtle voice turned out to be particularly clear at this moment.

"Pureblood Demon Clan, Lord Moflame is a true pureblood noble!"

At this moment, such a shock, almost in the hearts of all the onlookers in the scene, passed quickly.

The inheritance of the bloodline has been circulating since the birth of life. In the world of hell, there is such a legend. As early as the ancient times, there was a galaxy giant that could cross the galaxy and feed on stars.

Such giant beasts are cosmic spirits that are even older than demon gods. Their drop of blood can even make a primitive planet evolve into life!

This is the advanced life body, with the powerful vitality, and it is a powerful display of their blood power!

Therefore, having a pure blood means noble identity, deep background, and inherited strong power.

In the world of hell, and even the entire universe, they all agree with this. Especially in the world of hell, where the flesh is strong and the food is strong, the pressure of competition is huge. Here the bloodline is a symbol of identity.

As we all know, the one with the purest and most powerful blood in the Purgatory Demon Clan is naturally the supreme deity in the Purgatory Demon Clan, Satan the Devil!

Therefore, the purer blood of other purgatory demon clan means that he is closer to Satan the devil.

In front of him, the demon lord, the powerful coercion displayed, and the power of the pure and elite Demon bloodline have undoubtedly surpassed a lot of ordinary legendary lords, almost reaching the point of being comparable to the purgatory devil.

It's not a fool to watch the crowd around. The Lord of the Flames, who has such a pure blood of the Demon Race, is probably at least a heir of a big noble? Even if he is a demon god, the great aristocracy in Satan's parliament is estimated to be believed.

Otherwise, how could a young legendary lord have such a strong power?


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