The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1330: According to tradition, duel!

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Chi Lie couldn't swallow this tone at all and stood up and pointed angrily at Wang Yan: "That slave girl is mine, and Chi Lie can never give her to you!"

Two of his brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, also stood up "sigh" and looked at Wang Yan and others with disapproval.

The atmosphere on the spot instantly dimmed, and a large number of onlookers surrounded the crowd, and immediately there was an uproar.

Just kidding, the Chilian Demon King is still here. The three princes Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan are too brave! In the face of the devil, dare to refute even the face of the devil?

These onlookers are very low in strength and status, and dare not speak loudly, but rumors and discussions have emerged again and again.

In the corner, the pitiful Lydia, the beauty of her heart turned upright, crying without tears. She said to herself, how could she be so unlucky, until now, these ruthless characters have refused to let her go.

Chilie and his two brothers cannot naturally let him go.

This is not just a matter of a female slave, but the face of the three of them. If this tone is lost, they feel that in the future, they will not be able to be a man in this great fire city.

"You said yours is yours? Now that the slave girl is in my boss's hands, I think this slave girl is my boss!"

Chidu had long been dissatisfied with his three elder brothers, and was born immediately in the side of Wang Yan.


The eyes of the Chilian Demon King were glared, and under the pressure of huge power, the Lord of Confusion suddenly seemed like a sharp edge in his back.

Seeing this, the Red Demon King snorted coldly, and looked back.

His mood was so bad at the moment, his face was blue, and his mouth full of fangs squeaked.

In front of him, this illegitimate child, who had given up, was too lazy to take another look. But the eldest son Chilie, who had high hopes, and the other two sons, were so unsatisfactory that he was really irritating.

Obviously this shameful contradiction can be resolved in this regard. But at this juncture, the three unsuccessful sons still have to fight for the human slave girl. Isn't it too bad for him as a father to lose his face?

Chi Lie secretly glanced at his father, and found that his father, Chi Lian, was so gloomy and ugly. Knowing that there was no way out, he simply went out and stepped forward to face the Demon King of Chilian. He bowed his head and respectfully said: "The previous child acted a little recklessly, and now apologize to his father.

He did n’t wait for Chilian Demon King to reply. He stood up and looked at Wang Yan, resenting: "Since Lord Moyan proposed before, we should use our **** rules to determine the ownership of the slave girl. Well, Lord Lord We will fight you now to resolve our dispute! "

The crowd around them was stunned for a while, and then even when Chilian Demon King was present, they also burst into a warm cry.

Not to mention, the showdown between the top two players in the ring is definitely the most exciting and exciting show in the Great Fire.

Take the usual time, even if only two Goblins fight in the ring, they can attract a large group of idle visitors, not to mention the fact that the eldest son of the Red Refining Demon King Chilie actively challenges the highly popular Demon Lord.

The duel between these two top lords is definitely rare in a hundred years!

They were n’t excited, it was a hell, even if the devil was not happy, they would take a risk and take a look.

"Okay, because you still have a bit of guts, then I will fulfill you." Wang Yan's mouth twitched, and he replied readily.

What Wang Yan originally cared about was only this powerful and powerful Chilian Demon King. Now that the devil has been solved by him, this son of the red refining demon king, he will naturally not pay attention to it.

In short, since Lydia was hit by him, he could not ignore it. Even if the Red Refining Demon King wanted to grab it, he would also take Lydia away.

"I hope you will be so arrogant afterwards!" Chilie stared at Wang Yan fiercely. As soon as the two eyes met, the air seemed to spark out.

The crowd on the scene was excited again. This confusing smell of gunpowder in the air was simply the best flavoring before the duel for these interested crowds. Even the guards who maintained the order at the scene widened their eyes and looked forward to it.

The Chilian Demon King glared at Chi Lie around him angrily, and then waved his hand broadly: "Bring the female slave to the center ring!"

The more high-ranking power holders, the more they pay attention to commitment, even if they are cunning and vicious purgatory demon clan, but as long as they say in public that they want to fight with someone, then they must be fulfilled. This is a tradition that even the devil will not stop .

The crowd was bustling with cheers again, and they all flocked to the central ring of the Great Fire City.

Soon, as the arbitrator, the Chilian Demon King, and Chilie and Wang Yan's two people, surrounded by the Demon King's guards and the crowd, arrived at this central platform that has been built for thousands of years. .

This is a giant arena located in the center of Liuhuo City, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

Wang Yan took a rough look. This arcade is similar to some ancient arcade structures on earth. However, this arcade has a conical structure, with a wide top and a narrow top. The superstructure does not have a dome, but it is as high as a dozen-story buildings. If the entire floor area is added, it may be larger than the sum of two or three football fields! Accommodating more than 100,000 people is definitely not a problem.

In addition, because it is a place for the duel of the ability, all not only have a large area, but the whole building is also made of local unique magma rock and special techniques. The wall is exceptionally strong and thick, and the rocket launcher may not be able to knock off several layers of wall skin.

And it is said that there are some magic enchantments as a protective measure. Wang Yan still doesn't quite understand what facilities there are, but he wants to come to the place where he is dueling with the superpowers on earth, there should be similarities and similarities.

When you walk into the arena, you will find that the arena is at the bottom of the underground, which is more than 30 meters deep.

Around the circular ring, there is a trench isolated from the stand. Sometimes, for stimulation, venom and magma are injected into the trench.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the Red Refining Demon King took a move, the internal organs of the trench opened, and a large amount of hot and tumbling magma began to quickly fill the entire trench.

If viewed from above, the entire circular ring is like an isolated island floating above the magma.

The surrounding stands were already crowded with crowds of crowds. Compared with the previous competitions, today, the crowd was crowded several times.

Lydia, as a prize, was locked in a cage by the demon guard and hung above the magma pool. At both ends of the ring, Chi Lie and Wang Yan are standing on the only two channels!


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