The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1341: Can I talk nonsense about this?

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"Yes, Lord Moflame!"

"He's in the Dragon Poison Fog, how, how could he not be dead yet?"

"Me, how do I know? Lord Lord Mo Yan is amazing anyway!"

"Yes, yes, miracle, really a miracle!"

"Oh!" Hundreds of thousands of spectators and even tens of thousands of guards on the scene all cheered.

This time, it was not just a casual rush to join in the excitement, but the scene that was almost miracle just now. It was so shocking that these audiences and the guards around the guards could not help cheering.

The demon lord in front of him is a miracle child who creates miracles!

Compared with the enthusiastic cheering around, the atmosphere on the ring was almost solemn at this moment.

With the light of the dawn-like fire lit up, the poisonous mist of Jiaolong was instantly dissipated by the evaporated smoke, and Wang Yan appeared in front of the Chire Lord without any damage.

The corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were exposed, especially the appearance of being covered in fire at the moment. It was really like a flame demon born from the fire. The strong thrill and terror almost rushed into the heart of the Red Lord.

"My little brother is a little silly, but he is much more useful than you."

Not waiting for Lord Chilie's reaction, Wang Yan's long-fisted fist has already swayed in front of him.

Lord Chilie was shocked and stunned. His limbs and bones were stiff and soft, and he was too late to avoid it. I had to watch Wang Yan, Wang Yan's flaming heavy punch, hitting the bridge of his nose.



Along with this muffled sound, Lord Lie's nose bridge shattered, and a large amount of blood poured from his nasal cavity into his mouth and throat.

"Poof! Uh ah !!"

With a terrible scream, Lord Chilie was stunned by the punch of this heavy punch, and his brain rolled. And he himself spread out in a blast of air all around, just like a sandbag that was shot and flew heavily.

"Bang, bang!"

Lord Chilie rolled over again and again, and finally fell down on the ground like a dead dog, and then his mouth with a missing tooth puffed, and he spit out blood.

Chi Lie's original handsome face was ruined.

His face was full of little blood, a crushed nose, cracked lips, broken front teeth, and a swollen face, making him like a pig head fell off a cliff, miserable and ugly.

The crowd at the scene boiled again. In the rest area, the two brothers of Red Bone and Red Rock, with their eyes wide open, looked like earth, looking like Wang Yan, it was like seeing a ghost.

They simply couldn't understand how a **** lord of legendary strength could survive in the Dragon Poison Mist, and still be unharmed!

"Woo, woo, you moved my brother too much. You are right, I am not a waste!"

Seeing the invincible boss unharmed, I was relieved for a long time, and then I heard the words of the boss Wang Yan, defending him, and I was moved. I immediately swear in my heart that I have vowed to follow this boss in my life.

"Huh? Wait a minute ..." Crying, crying, as if suddenly realizing what, the boss just seemed to say he was stupid?

"Woo, boss, where am I stupid?"

Regardless of the confusion, the brutal master who was also in the rest area saw Wang Yan was born in the mist of Jiaolong Poison, and when he punched Fei Li with a punch, the whole body and mind were sublimated in a soft trembling. vertex.

Wang Yan's tall and handsome, strong and powerful image of Wei An almost left an indelible mark on her heart.

Such a perfect male god, I am afraid that I cannot find the whole hell?

Uncontrollably, the brutal master of the cruel county couldn't help but confess loudly: "Master Mo Yan, you are my love, I want to be with you!"

The succubus looked up at the corners of his mouth. This brutal master of the brutality was more enthusiastic and direct than their succubus. But the owner was safe and sound, and she could finally let go of the dangling heart.

In fact, I want to come too. Even the demigod-level beast dominated by Yanhu has not been able to take her master. How can a Chire Lord be a rival of the master? Unless his father Chilian Demon shot, it's almost the same.

Perhaps it was because the two brothers and sisters, Chi Dao and Xia Mu, shouted loudly with no scruples, and the onlookers in the whole scene also shouted loudly.

Some confession, some reverence, and more is a cry of cheering. Even with the presence of Chilian Demon King, the excitement of the crowd at the scene could not be suppressed.

Because of this duel, everyone has seen Wang Yan's powerful strength, and even these live audiences are convinced and admired.

Hell is a world that respects the strong. Compared with the embarrassment of Lord Chilie, Wang Yan is a real strong.

In a noisy and noisy environment, the Chilian Demon King's face on the rostrum was gloomy and watery.

After spending so much thought, even using despicable means, he still can't deal with this Lord of Flames. He understands that his son Lord Chilie is gone.

On the ring, Lord Chilie struggled to get up.

His eyes were violent, and his heart was like a mourning exam. The noise around him seems to have nothing to do with him. He just stared at Wang Yan with resentment and said: "How, how is it possible ... No, no one can bear the poison of Jiaolong ... You, how are you possible, unscathed" No injuries? "

He was not reconciled and was even more incomprehensible. Why? Why is this Lord of Demon Flame covered by Jiaolong Poison Fog for so long, but it is still safe and sound?

The fierce poison of the two-horned poisonous jellyfish, but even his father Chi Lian Demon King is quite scrupulous. Even if he had taken the anti-poison antidote made by his father and asked the alchemist master in advance, he would not dare to stay in that poison mist Long.

But his magic flame, knowing nothing, how could there be nothing at all, even the strength did not decay, this ... is simply an impossible thing to do!

"Fool, such a secret, I will tell you?"

Wang Yan sneered and sneered, then jumped up from the spot and attacked Lord Chilie.

The moment he was just surrounded by Jiaolong Poison Mist, he was also taken aback, but the secondary artifact he carried with him was a decisive factor.

Bajijing this sub-artifact can indeed be called the treasure of the sky. At the beginning, in the hands of An Pei Zongxiu, its power shocked Wang Yan and others, and at that time almost wiped out the whole army of An Pei Zong Xiuyin.

Later in Wang Yan's hands, it was precisely because of this sub-artifact that Wang Yan had the confidence to fight the **** of Yanhu.

Since then, Wang Yan has always used this secondary artifact as a protective treasure and placed it close to his body.

After Chi Lie defrauded and detonated the Jiaolong Poison Fog, Ba Jinjing's first protector started, forming a layer of transparent enchantment that completely wrapped Wang Yan.

The enchantment built by Bajianjing, even the scorching lake dominated by mountains and lakes, required several hits to break, which was the result of Wang Yan ’s current strength.

If Wang Yan can one day have the strength to reach the demi-god, I am afraid that with the power of Bajijing to resist the devil's blow, it may not be a problem.

Not to mention, now I use Bajijing to resist the poisonous mist of a dragon.

As long as the energy of Bajijing is not exhausted, this layer of enchantment will not be broken. Can he talk about this kind of thing everywhere?


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